How to deal with 'winter depression' that becomes depressed when the sunshine hours are shortened?

When the days get shorter in autumn and winter, there are many people who feel depressed and depressed, sleep longer, or eat too much.

Lina Begdache , Associate Professor of Health and Human Services at the State University of New York, explains how to deal with seasonal affective disorder , also known as 'winter depression.'

Shorter days affect the mood of millions of Americans – a nutritional neuroscientist offers tips on how to avoid the winter blues 194417

“The annual pattern of winter depression, better known as seasonal affective disorder, suggests a strong relationship between the amount of light you get during the day and your mood,” says Begdache. For example, less exposure to light can lead to lower moods.'

Approximately 10 million people in the United States are affected by seasonal affective disorder each year, experiencing symptoms such as depressed mood, increased anxiety, low self-esteem, increased sleep time, carbohydrate cravings, and decreased physical activity. He said he would. Anyone can suffer from seasonal affective disorder, but it's especially common in people with a history of mood disorders, young adults, and women.

In addition, in the United States, daylight saving time has been introduced in order to make effective use of daylight hours. Benedict points out that the amount of light you get is reduced. In recent years, the United States has been moving toward abolishing daylight saving time, and in March 2022, a bill to unify the time and make daylight saving time permanent will eliminate the confusion associated with the time change to daylight saving time. passed .

Begdache points out that the cause of seasonal affective disorder is that the sleep and wake cycles are disturbed. The human sleep-wake cycle is controlled by the body's

circadian rhythm, which resets in about 24 hours, but less light exposure releases the sleep hormone melatonin earlier than usual, helping you fall asleep. And the cycle of awakening is disturbed.

Early melatonin release can cause mood swings, daytime sleepiness, and increased appetite in some people. As a result, people with seasonal affective disorder seem to increase unhealthy snacking, and it seems that they will eat more foods rich in simple sugars such as sweets.

To combat winter depression, Begdache recommends getting at least an hour of natural light in the morning. If possible, it seems that the 1 hour immediately after waking up, when the clock of the circadian rhythm is most sensitive, is desirable , and as long as it is in the morning, the wake-up time will apply at any time. In addition, Begdache says that high-intensity light therapy , which exposes high-intensity light, is effective for people who live in areas where the sun rarely comes out in winter.

It is also effective to improve the quality of sleep by avoiding beverages containing caffeine such as coffee and tea and eating heavy meals just before bedtime. In addition, it is also effective to increase the production of serotonin , which supports the circadian rhythm, by trying to exercise during the day and eating a well-balanced diet.

'By taking these small steps, you may be able to adjust your circadian rhythms faster,' says Begdache. I will.”

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik