'ZzBots' review that allows you to easily link web services like IFTTT and Zapier with free & smartphone

Services that can link web services such as
zzBots --Integrate Your Apps & Automate Your Business with Our Easy to Customize Bots!
zzBots is compatible with both iOS and Android.
zzBots on the App Store
zzBots-Google Play app
In addition, zzBots is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux, and you can download the software from the URL below. This time I will try the iOS app.
zzBots --Integrate Your Apps & Automate Your Business with Our Easy to Customize Bots!
This time we will use the iOS app. Access this page from your iOS device and tap 'Get'.

Tap 'Open' when the app installation is complete.

Tap 'Sign up Now' to register your account.

Enter your name, company name, phone number, email address, and password, check the checkboxes, agree to the terms of use, and tap 'Sign up'.

The home screen of zzBots is displayed. First, tap 'Connected Apps' to connect the account of each web service you use.
Tap the '+' button.

This time, I will create a workflow that says, 'If a Twitter account called'gigazine'is tweeted, the contents will be forwarded by email.' Tap the Twitter icon to link your Twitter account.

Tap 'Authorize and Save' to authenticate your Twitter account.

Enter your Twitter account ID and password and tap 'Login'.

Your Twitter account and zzBots are now connected.

Next, enter the mail account settings. Select 'Email Send --SMTP' to send an email.

Enter your email address, password, and

You have now connected your email and Twitter accounts to zzBots.

Next, select 'Bots' on the home screen and create a workflow by linking the connected web services. In zzBots, one workflow is called 'Bot'.

Tap '+' to add a bot.

Tap 'Start when ...' and select when to start the bot. This time, I want to trigger a tweet from a specific account, so select 'On New Tweet from User'.

Enter the ID '@gigazine' of the Twitter account you want to monitor.

Select the action when a tweet is detected from 'Then ...'. I want to send an email this time, so select 'New Email'.

Set the recipient email address and subject, and click the arrow button ...

You can use the information of the tweet that triggers as a message. I want to use the content of the tweet as a message, so select 'Tweet Text'

An icon called 'Tweet Text' has been added to the message part like an image. You can now use the content of the tweet in your message.

Tap 'Save' when the settings are complete.

The bot has been created. The free version has a 10-minute interval to check for new information.

After 10 minutes, the process started and I received an email.

The 'Bot Power' that Bot consumes each time it executes a process has an upper limit for each account type, and the free version is 100 / month.

You can create your own bot like this time, but you can also use a ready-made bot from the 'Plugin Store'.

A ready-made bot is prepared as a plug-in, so if you install it, you can create a bot without setting it yourself.

The 'Lists' on the home screen summarizes other features of zzBots.

'Contacts' that can manage contacts and ...

'Notes' that you can leave notes

'Tasks' that can manage tasks

You can use 'Navigator' that can create a list.

You can also contact zzBots support by tapping the balloon button displayed at the bottom right.

You can contact support from the chat screen. However, after waiting for about 10 minutes, 'Available members' was not displayed.

Below is a list of services that zzBots can work with. In addition to Twitter and email, I also tried linking with Gmail and Slack, but all of them were blocked by the web service due to security issues. Since ' Google URL Shortener ', which has already been discontinued, is included in the list of services that can be linked, it is possible that the software has not been updated very often.
zzBots --Integrate Your Apps & Automate Your Business with Our Easy to Customize Bots!
The free account has a limit of 100 / month for Bot Power, up to 2 services that can be connected, and a 10-minute update interval.
zzBots --Integrate Your Apps & Automate Your Business with Our Easy to Customize Bots!
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