Project to mass-produce the "cat-shaped autonomous pet robot" of individual development "OpenCat"

Robot "Atlas" wearing enough exercise ability even in a basketball gameAndA quadruped walking robot that grabs the door knob and opens the doorWith the evolution of technology, robot technology which was thought to exist in manga and animation is progressing more and more. Also, as more familiar to us, for example Sony releasedNew aiboAnd cushion type robot which moves only the tail of YUKAI engineeringQooboThe field of pet robots like that is also expected. Under such circumstances, the project that started with the goal of mass-producing an educational commercial kit that can make a cat-type pet robot is "OpenCat"is.

OpenCat - Arduino Project Hub

How much personalized cat-shaped autonomous pet robot has evolved can be seen in the following movie uploaded by Rongzhong Li who launched OpenCat.

Petoi: OpenCat demo - YouTube

The first development machine is like this. Boards, cables, camera modules, etc. are exposed on limbs made of thin wooden boards.

However, it seems that the basic operation control which seems to be cat at this time already seems to have been able to be done, and it is seen to get under the bed.

If it is overturned it is also possible to extend the limb and return to its original position.

Version 2, which evolved slightly, is a colorful and well-looked look. Also, the behavior to return to the original posture when turned over is also a bit smoother.

So, Mr. Li, a developer, simulates the movement of the legs of the mammal and assigns it to the four feet of the robot, aiming for a more natural movement.

Impression that the movement became more smooth as compared with the first when the version further increased to 4. Moreover, the tip of the limbs is more cat-like shape.

In version 5, it is possible to run and change direction.

An auto balancer is also mounted and it is possible to control the posture by tilting the floor.

It recognizes and tracks the face of a person with a camera module attached to the head, and is able to greet with motions like lucky cats.

Touch sensor is built in the latest type, and it will react when stroking by hand. In the movie, there were scenes in which the sound was made to cooperate with the touch sensor like a musical instrument.

Amazon's artificial intelligenceAlexaIt is also possible to react to human voice in cooperation with.

This is a mini version with Arduino only. Although it is a simplified version, you can jump and run fast.

A real cat is also interested in the pretty form of the mini version.

OpenCat's cat robotArduinoWhenRaspberry Pi 3 Model BIs carried. Since Arduino controls motion control, Radpberry Pi shares the role with AI for robot, complicated coding and control interface is not necessary. With Bluetooth · Wi-Fi · infrared sensor · voice recognition module, it is possible to deliver the view of cat-shaped robot by streaming by using camera. In addition, it is planned to use the one outputted by the 3D printer for the full version of the body, and the 3D printer is described in "necessary tools and machines".

Although it is open as a name, at the time of article creation, the program for control is not yet open, so it seems that procedures such as patent application are being made for mass production. According to Rongzhong Li, depending on future development situation and support, it may be possible to open it as open ware.

in Hardware,   Science,   Creature,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk