Money invested in lotteries is found to be more than the total amount for books, movies, games and sports, and why are they buying a large quantity?

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In Japan, 1 billion yen is the highest prize winning lottery ticket, but there are lotteries in the world that can surpass this much lottery, enthusiasm as well as the common people. However, observing not only the "light" part of the lottery but also the money related to lottery tickets and the person who is casting a lot of money, the part of "shadow" that hides in the lottery system will be highlighted .

Lotteries: America's $ 70 Billion Shame - The Atlantic

The amount of money won in the lottery in the United States in 2014 is 70.5 billion dollars (about 8 trillion yen). It seems that all American adults spend 300 dollars (about 34,000 yen), and all children spend 230 dollars (about 26,000 yen), so it's going to be a calculator for sports tickets, books, games, movies, It is a huge amount that can not be believed immediately, which is higher than the sum of all the money invested in music. In other words, it seems that it is not an exaggeration to say that the lottery is a big entertainment industry that is superior to anything else.

Expenses to lotteries vary widely from state to state. It was in North Dakota State that did not use the most money in the lottery, and expenditure for lotteries per citizen is 36 dollars a year (about 4100 yen). On the other hand, in the state of Rhode Island who cast the money in the biggest lottery, it cost about 800 dollars per residents (about 90,000 yen). This is followed by South Dakota State, Massachusetts State, West Virginia State, Delaware State.

In the lottery business where money more than imagination moves, about 45% of taxes are applied to winning money of 60,000 yen or more in the United States, and about 40% of lottery earnings are being returned to educational business such as schools And that. With the composition that people who hit the lottery and those who are out of the lot also share money, the profits earned by the lottery business are used for educational purposes, so they are functioning as charitable activities at first glance so that they are in the lottery business It seems to be legitimate.

But,(PDF file)A large-scale survey conducted by Duke University in the 1980sAccording to the poor region, the lottery was found to be actively bought. Also,Investigation of NC Policy WatchIt is clear that the lotteries are bought in large quantities by the poor, such as the fact that most of the people living in the poorest areas are purchasing lotteries.

In a survey conducted in California in 1986, it was said that the motive for purchasing the lottery was divided into two persons "for entertainment" and "for money (fortune money)". However, we know that most people buy for the purpose of money if they limit to people whose income is less than 30,000 dollars (about 3.4 million yen).

In addition, the article "Garrick Blalock et al.(PDF file)Hitting the Jackpot or Hitting the Skids."Lotteries can not be regarded as mere cheap entertainment from the fact that while the number of poor people is proportional to lottery sales, the sales of movie theaters are not totally proportional to the number of poor people It is pointed out that.

People who throw lots of money into the lottery said that the poor people who dream of escaping from poverty are many and that such poor people also knew the fact that they did not vote in the election. There are many people who have to rely on the lottery to rely on the lottery in order to escape from the poverty and the reality that the opinion of the person who is buying the lottery is not reflected in the policy decision process of how to earn money in the lottery business As a result, you will see an ironic composition that the fact that lottery earnings are being returned to the educational business, but the fact that it is not fruit is indirectly transmitted.


in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log