What does happen if the concept of "basic income" realizes the minimum amount of money without working? Test in the real city

ByPictures of Money

The government regularly and unconditionally pays "cash necessary for minimum life" to citizensBasic incomeis. The basic income, which is also called basic income security, basic income security, national dividend, etc., will provide the minimum amount of funds to live, so if you do not have to worry about eating and your "meaningless labor" decreases It is thought. There is a city in the real world that demonstrates such a basic income concept in the Netherlands.

A Dutch city is giving money away to test the "basic income" theory - Quartz

In January 2016, a large-scale experiment to demonstrate how "basic income" works will be done in Uthrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands. Experiments conducted at Utrecht are jointly conducted by the government and Utrecht University, and it is about 1,000 dollars (about 120,000 yen) if the partner is an adult to those who receive welfare protection from the government, married couple and wife kid It is about to pay about 1450 dollars (about 180,000 yen) free of charge every month.

According to the calculations, about 300 Utrecht citizens will participate in the basic income experiment. Three subjects can be divided into three groups from their respective incomes and various factors, and different groups are established for different groups, this rule follows the current Utrecht welfare law It is said that it is. "At least 50 of the subjects can receive this payment unconditionally and even if we get a new job or income source, the funds that will be offered by the experiment will continue to be provided," the project "Said Nienke Horst, manager.

In the past opinion on basic income, there were many negative opinions such as "lose the significance of people working" or "the number of workers decreases and the economy of the country receives significant damage". To do experiments to demonstrate these hypotheses, Horst said. In addition, Mr. Horst predicts trends in experiments, "We are thinking that more people will be happier just a little more than now and we will find some work."


Demonstration experiments of basic income have been carried out in countries other than the Netherlands. In the five years from 1974 to 1979, at Dauphin in Manitoba, Canada, "MINCOMEDemonstration experiments on basic income called "The Income" were carried out. In this project we regularly make funds to all people living in Dauphin to see how people's behavior changes.

Evelyn L. Forget, an economist at the University of Manitoba, compiled the experimental results of MINCOME "The town with no poverty(Town without poverty) "in 2011, Mr. Evelyn said," Introduction of basic income led to poverty from the town of Dauphin and alleviation of other problems " I said.

Furthermore, according to the report, it seems that the overall working hours have been shortened in the town of Dauphin, but this is because people freed from monetary bondage can concentrate on parenting and studying, etc. . In addition, it seems that people participating in MINCOME go to hospital less frequently, and it is also clear that health care facilities in the whole town have decreased the number of mental health related complaints.

There is a fundamental difference between the experiment conducted at Dauphin and the experiment conducted at Utrecht, which is "only for limited people in Utrecht's experiment, whereas in Dauphin's experiments it was provided to all town residents, It is supposed to be funded. "

ByJerry "Woody"

The Mincome project ended at the time of administration change in Canada occurred in 1979, and has not been properly evaluated. Also, because we could only conduct the experiment for 5 years, the effect of basic income from a long-term perspective remains unknown. Therefore, in a new experiment conducted at Utrecht, it is expected that it will provide us with unprecedented insight through long-term experiments.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii