Women in Afghanistan who are imprisoned as victims of rape

Before,A 16 - year - old girl raped by a 51 - year - old man was executed to deathThere was a news that there was a news, but under the Islamic law there are never few cases where women who are victims of rape are imprisoned, and in BritainThe IndependentThe paper reports that two thirds of women in a certain prison in Afghanistan are victims of rape.

Details are as below.
The Afghan women jailed for being victims of rape - Asia, World - The Independent

Two-thirds of the women housed in prisons in southern West Afghanistan's state capital Lashkargah (Lashkar Gah) are victims of rape and they are subjected to a sentence of 20 years in prison.

A 15 - year - old girl named Saliha got run down by a neighborhood boy because her husband got violence and loved each other. As a result, I was sentenced to deportation from my family and village, I was sentenced to 20 years in prison because I ran illegal sex acts for 10 years in jail for the maximum sentence because I ran away from home.

Mr. Zirdana, 25 years old, was handed over to a male husband later as part of the payment at the age of seven. When giving birth to the first child at the age of 11, when I disappeared, I was pregnant with my fourth child. Mr. Zirdana was convicted on charges of killing her husband, three senior children were accompanied by brother-in-law, and the baby who was then two months old was with Zirdana.

Currently 55-year-old Dorkhani sent a comparatively wealthy married life in Nowzad province for 40 years, but there was conflict within the family and escaped to Rashkarger. My husband got missed as he returned to Nowzad to regain money, and he was convicted of Mr. Dorkhani being 100% innocent to kill her husband.

According to the report released early 2008, in Afghanistan violence against women and girls aged 7 and over, especiallyDV (Domestic Violence)Are widespread, and more than 87% of women complain about this, and half of violence is sexual abuse. In addition, more than 60% of wedding ceremonies are due to compulsion, and even though law prohibits customs, brides under 16 years account for 57%. Many of the girls are offered for reparation of crime or for debt repayment. For this reason, Afghanistan is the only country in the world where women's suicide rate exceeds male suicide rate (Note: According to The Independent paper, according to the WHO surveyChina also has suicide rates for women higher than men)

Last week, a shura (shura) consisting of 20 leading women in Helmand province was born and it seems that we will work on inequality of the system by guaranteeing the basic rights of women in the state It may not be necessary to endure abuses endlessly.

in Note,   Posted by logc_nt