
I sued a spammer!
— David E. Weekly (@dweekly) July 27, 2022
Did you know you have a right to sue folks that send you unsolicited text messages or calls?
I received a check for $1,200 today as settlement of a TCPA suit against a party that sent me an unsolicited text message. pic.twitter.com/bRJJdq3ZPf
Here's how I did it:
— David E. Weekly (@dweekly) July 27, 2022
1. identify the other party. If you can find the corporation that did it or that benefited (e.g. if they include a website link), you then can look up their agent for service of process on the Secretary of State website.
次に、「TCPA(電話消費者保護法)違反の支払いを求める」という内容を配達証明付きで送り、相手に10日以内の返答を求めます。損害賠償額は通常500ドル(約6万7000円)で、勧誘電話などを禁止する「Do Not Call」名簿に登録している場合は1500ドル(約20万円)。
2. Issue a notice of demand explaining that you are seeking payment for TCPA violation and give them 10 days to respond. Send mail with signature delivery. (You can't sue without having issued a notice of demand.) $500 damages, treble if you're on the Do Not Call registry.
— David E. Weekly (@dweekly) July 27, 2022
3. File a small claims lawsuit in the county in which you were injured (San Mateo in my case) including the salient TCPA bits. This is about $35 and can be
— David E. Weekly (@dweekly) July 27, 2022
done online.
4. Use a process server to serve the defendant and obtain proof of service. This is about $95.
— David E. Weekly (@dweekly) July 27, 2022
5. At this point you probably will get their
— David E. Weekly (@dweekly) July 27, 2022
attention since if they ignore you now and you show up to court you will almost certainly win a default judgement against them and the courts will seize from them what you are owed.
6. Negotiate a settlement. In my case I was ok eating the legal costs and settled for $1,200 vs the full statutory $1,500.
— David E. Weekly (@dweekly) July 27, 2022
7. Cash the check and dismiss the lawsuit with prejudice. (You're agreeing to not sue them again for the exact same violation.)
— David E. Weekly (@dweekly) July 27, 2022
FYI I have a friend who *is* a lawyer and let me know that she is selling a $59 kit with all the language you need: https://t.co/kUUziMMa4v
— David E. Weekly (@dweekly) July 27, 2022
(I'm not affiliated with this and don't get any referral fees, the author is an acquaintance.)
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in メモ, Posted by logc_nt
You can read the machine translated English article A report that sued a spammer and got a s….