I tried playing the classic automation game ``Mindustry'' that can be played for free on smartphones and PCs

I tried playing ``Mindustry '', which is an easy-to-play automation game that has been released not only for PC but also for Android and iOS. As an automation game, it is quite casual and suitable for beginners to intermediate players.



You can see what kind of game Mindustry is in the video below.

Automated game 'Mindustry' play video that can be played on smartphones - YouTube

This time I will be playing the PC version.

First, use the WASD keys to operate your own floating machine and click on the wall filled with green ore 'beryllium' to mine it.

Once you have enough beryllium, click on the red frame at the bottom right of the screen.

Unlock new items to mine automatically using electricity. One is the turbine condenser shown below.

Another one is plasma moat.

The last one is the beam node.

Plasma digging automatically mines the wall in front of you.

Turbine condensers are power generation facilities that function by being placed over the 'jet holes' located throughout the map.

Beam nodes are like electrical wires. Power is passed through the turbine condenser and other facilities by connecting them with beam nodes.

The plasma digger that received power is automatically mining.

The mined ore must be transported. Then unlock the duct.

The duct is like a conveyor belt and can be laid on the ground. If you place the duct next to a facility, it will automatically receive resources from the facility and transport them in the direction of the arrow.

The point where the ducts are connected is the 'core'. If you collect them here for now, you can do various things later.

I don't feel comfortable with two plasma diggers, so I keep adding more.

Once you've accumulated a certain amount, dig up the graphite nearby.

This is also transported by connecting it to the core.

Next is sand.

Sand is needed to make silicon. A silicon discharge furnace is required to make silicon, so unlock the silicon discharge furnace.

Install a silicon discharge furnace.

Using a device that branches the duct into three, we create a route for the sand and graphite to reach the silicon discharge furnace.

The silicon produced in the silicon discharge furnace naturally ends up in the core.

Mindustry also has elements of combat with enemies. When you can make silicon, a tank factory will appear in the technology tree, so unlock it and install it.

At the tank factory, you can create tanks (stells) from beryllium and silicon. We will also pour resources into the tank factory by branching out the ducts we have built so far.

Creation completed.

You can manually operate up to one Stell by yourself.

You can also have the vehicle automatically travel to the specified point.

After a certain amount of time, an enemy will appear. The defense battle begins.

When the enemy's strength weakens, take advantage of the gaps in their defense and advance.

I'm going to destroy the opponent's core.

If you can destroy your opponent's core, that place is now yours. You can set up a new core for your army and expand facilities from there.

The key to Mindustry is that you can set up facilities by aligning them vertically and horizontally, like Factorio. It's full of automation, mining, construction, transportation, and other classic elements of this kind of game. Mindustry is sold on Steam for 1010 yen including tax, and on itch.io with a Name Your Own Price method. The Android version is free, and the iOS version is 300 yen including tax.

in Review,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1p_kr