Zero-K is a strategy game where you click to produce units and issue movement and battle instructions.

I played the early stages of ` `Zero-K '', a simulation strategy game where you produce units and issue instructions in a battlefield where time progresses in real time, and I tried issuing movement and attack instructions on the screen.

Steam: Zero-K

The commander is in the center. myself.

Commanders can instruct unit production and construct facilities. First, click on the unit production facility, Cloakbot Factory.

Click on the unit you want to produce from the tab that appears at the bottom left. As many items as you click will be placed in the production queue.

After that, the Cloakbot Factory will produce units without permission by consuming iron (left) and energy (right).

If you run out of iron, start up the already installed 'Metal Extractor' by right-clicking. After startup, this extractor will automatically start producing iron.

When you run out of energy, click the commander and click 'Econ' from the bottom left tab. Click on the Solar Collector and then click on the ground to build it.

Once the unit has been produced, select the unit by dragging.

In this state, right-click and drag on the map to draw a trajectory. The unit moves along this trajectory.

The final destination of this map is the enemy base located diagonally across the map. If you bring your units to this point and destroy the base, you will clear the map. All the player can do is move, retreat, and attack instructions, and battles with enemies are automatic. Resource management skills and accurate direction are required.

'Zero-K' is distributed for free on Steam.


in Posted by log1p_kr