Former Google Maps designer complains about the new look of Google Maps

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 07:00 Nov 27, 2023, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Google Maps has been testing

a new look since September 2023, and many people are already using the new look of Google Maps. Elizabeth Laraki , a product designer who was involved in the design of Google Maps 15 years ago, has complained about the new appearance of Google Maps.

The appearance of Google Maps, which has been tested since September 2023, looks like this.

The iOS version of Google Maps looks like this.

Below is a comparison of the appearance of the same point on Google Maps between the old version (left) and the new version (right). The color of the main roads is changing from yellow to blue, and the green color of parks and squares is changing to pale green. Regarding the color change in Google Maps, Mr. Laraki points out, ``The color change seems to be intended to improve the visibility of the map, but personally, I feel it is cold and cold, as if it was generated by a computer.'' Masu.

Mr. Laraki also pointed out that ``Google should have cleaned up not only the colors of Google Maps but also the UI.'' Specifically, the current UI, which displays a search bar and eight buttons overlayed on the map, is too cluttered and may impair user comfort.

Mr. Laraki suggests moving the current location display button and route guidance button to the bottom of the screen as an improvement idea.

Mr. Laraki argues that buttons such as ``Home'', ``Gasoline'', and ``Restaurant'' that are overlaid on the map in the current map should be displayed only when operating the menu at the bottom of the screen.

When Mr. Laraki was working as a designer for Google Maps in 2007, Google Maps was constantly adding new features, and Mr. Laraki was asked to simplify Google Maps while maintaining its future scalability. About. Mr. Laraki says that Google Maps needs a UI review similar to that around 2007.

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in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf