Elon Musk's post reveals that the number of 'likes' and 'reposts (retweets)' will be hidden on X (old Twitter)

Mr. Elon Musk has revealed the existence of a plan to hide the number of 'likes' and 'reposts (retweets)' from the X (formerly Twitter) timeline. At the same time, they are also considering changing the way they add 'likes' to posts.

The plan to change the display of X was revealed when Musk responded to DogeDesigner 's post. First, on March 7, 2024, DogeDesigner said, ``X is considering removing the display of the number of likes and reposts from the timeline.It will remain displayed on the screen after tapping the post. ” posted.

About an hour after DogeDesigner's post, Musk posted, ``It's definitely happening.Only the number of post impressions'' will be displayed on the timeline instead of other metrics,'' and on the timeline. confirmed the existence of a plan to hide the number of likes and reposts.

Furthermore, in response to a user's post predicting what the timeline will look like after 'likes' and 'reposts' disappear, Mr. Musk said, ``(For posts on the timeline) the posting time and number of views are written in the top right corner. , nothing is displayed at the bottom,' he replied, revealing what the changed timeline would look like. In addition, Musk said, ``Swipe right to reply (to a post), swipe left to like, and tap or hold to perform other actions,'' adding that the timeline It has also been announced that the operation of

Mr. Musk then posted, ``I've been dying to do this for the past year.''

At the time of writing the article, it is unknown when the number of likes and reposts will disappear from the timeline.

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in Mobile,   Web Service,   Web Application, Posted by log1o_hf