The legendary hacker hired by Elon Musk to refurbish Twitter resigns

Mr. Elon Musk, who acquired Twitter at the end of October 2022, is known for his achievements such as `` iPhone jailbreak at the age of 17 '', `` PlayStation 3 jailbreak '', and `` development of retrofit automatic driving system '' to repair Twitter's system. Hired the famous hacker George Hotts . However, it is clear that Mr. Hotz has resigned from Twitter.

PS3 Hacker Hired To Fix Twitter By Elon Musk Just Quit, Yikes

It was revealed in a tweet he posted to his Twitter account on November 22, 2022 that Hotz worked for Twitter. Mr. Hotz said, 'That's the job Elon gave me. I was revealing, but I also reveal that I am working on improving several other specifications.

Elon Mask hires a legendary hacker who has accomplished ``iPhone jailbreak'', ``PS3 jailbreak'', ``automatic driving system development'' to improve Twitter, ``improvement of search system'' and ``removal of popup asking for login'' is the purpose -GIGAZINE

The idea that Mr. Hotz works on Twitter was proposed by Mr. Hotz to Mr. Mask . At this time, Hotz said, ``I'm not the kind of guy who needs long-term stability. I think I can help you clean up and clean it up.Reverse engineering!'He tweeted that he did not want to stay on Twitter for a long time, setting his employment period as '12 weeks'.

As per this tweet, Mr. Hotts was supposed to work as a 12-week internship on Twitter, but it became clear that he resigned from Twitter just one month after joining the company. Hotz updated his Twitter account, saying, ``I have resigned from Twitter today. On top of that, it was sad to see my GitHub dying, I'm going back to coding!' he tweeted, revealing that he had resigned from Twitter.

Hotz also said, ``Please think that many people are really worried.I understand that Twitter may have fewer than 50 employees in a year or two, not overnight. I was totally wrong when I said that I would fix my Twitter search and refactor my codebase in 12 weeks, and when I started reading the code I was like, 'Oh my god' I realized my mistake. 'There's nothing substantial I can do here between the reheated Uber Eats, the questionable commitment to free speech, the existing office politics, and the promotion of features. I know how to operate, but Elon has a level of management skill that far exceeds me, 'he also tweeted, suggesting that Twitter's problem lies outside the code.

In addition, Mr. Hotz imitated Mr. Mask's `` Should I quit Twitter's CEO '' questionnaire just before revealing that he decided to resign from Twitter. Mr. Hotz tweeted, ``Should I quit Twitter's internship? I was.

Even after resigning from Twitter, Mr. Hotts mentioned that ``I will continue to support the success of Twitter 2.0! It does not appear that he resigned because his relationship with Mr. Musk was broken.

in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii