A Twitter employee who pointed out that Earon Mask's 'Twitter application is slow' remark is wrong is dismissed

Since Elon Musk acquired Twitter on October 27, 2022, the company's CEO, CFO , about half of its employees , and even 4,400 contract employees have been laid off. In such a large-scale staffing of Twitter, it became clear that the engineer who pointed out that Mr. Mask's tweet was wrong was dismissed.
Elon Musk Publicly Punishes Twitter Engineers Who Call Him Out Online - Bloomberg
Elon Musk says he fired engineer who corrected him on Twitter - The Verge
Twitter engineer calls out Musk for technical incompetence • The Register
Elon Musk appears to fire software engineer who argued with him on Twitter
What started the matter was the following tweet posted by Mr. Mask on November 14, 2022. The tweet read, 'By the way, I apologize for Twitter being so slow in many countries. The app performs 1000 poorly batched RPCs just to render the home timeline. 'something like.
Btw, I'd like to apologize for Twitter being super slow in many countries. App is doing >1000 poorly batched RPCs just to render a home timeline!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 13, 2022
Mr. Eric Frohnhoefer, an engineer who has been working on the development of the Android version of the Twitter application for six years, refuted Mr. Mask's above tweet. He pointed out that 'Mr. Mask's tweet is wrong.'
I have spent ~6yrs working on Twitter for Android and can say this is wrong. https://t.co/sh30ZxpD0N
— Eric Frohnhoefer @ ???? (@EricFrohnhoefer) November 13, 2022
Mr. Mask has often pointed out on Twitter that `` this report is wrong '' in response to media reports, so it seems that Mr. Frohnhoefer followed suit and posted a tweet.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 11, 2022
In response, Mr. Mask replied, 'Please correct my point. What is the correct number?'
Then please correct me. What is the right number?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 13, 2022
Frohnhoefer explained that the Twitter app does not use RPC at all, instead performing about 20 background requests when the app starts. Then, Mr. Mask tweeted , ``It's not very good to not notice that up to 1200'microservices' are being called when someone uses the Twitter app,'' and the mysterious call is the maximum. It is pointed out that it has been done 1200 times. Frohnhoefer replied, ``I have never counted the total number of services that are actually called, but the number needed to generate the home timeline is closer to 200 than 1,200.'' .
Never actually counted the total number of services. But number required to generate the home timeline is closer to 200 than 1200. (go/zipkin/b9193db194f0abab)
— Eric Frohnhoefer @ ???? (@EricFrohnhoefer) November 14, 2022
Mr. Musk and Mr. Frohnhoefer's exchanges on Twitter are quite messy and span multiple threads, making it quite difficult to follow them all in chronological order. However, in this exchange, Mr. Mask asked Mr. Frohnhoefer, ``What did you personally do to fix the slowness of the Android version of the Twitter app?'' In response to this, Mr. Frohnhoefer proposes to remove unnecessary functions and rebuild the system that prevents the application from working. However, Musk did not reply to this tweet.
Frankly we should probably prioritize some big rewrites to combat 10+ years of tech debt and make a call on deleting features aggressively.
— Eric Frohnhoefer @ ???? (@EricFrohnhoefer) November 14, 2022
In addition, Mr. Frohnhoefer tweeted that Mr. Mask should have pointed out to the engineering team in a private place using Slack etc. instead of openly criticizing the app.
Maybe he should ask questions privately. Maybe using Slack or email.
— Eric Frohnhoefer @ ???? (@EricFrohnhoefer) November 14, 2022
Ultimately, Mr. Mask unilaterally tweeted, ``He was fired,'' and mentioned that he fired Mr. Frohnhoefer.
He's fired
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 14, 2022
In response to Mr. Mask's first tweet, Ben Leib, a former technical lead who built Twitter's timeline infrastructure, said, ``This man doesn't understand what he's talking about at all. I can say it with confidence,' he tweeted, referring to the technically incorrect point.
As the former tech lead for timelines infrastructure at Twitter, I can confidently say this man has no idea wtf he's talking about https://t.co/ZaVWpzqMxU
— Ben Leib (@bgleib) November 13, 2022
Sasha Solomon, co-technical lead of Twitter's core API platform team, said, 'After laying off almost all of our infrastructure staff, you're even making cheeky remarks about how batch processing works. How does GraphQL work? Have you studied how it works?' ' While you're busy rehiring staff you've laid off, if you don't know what it does, don't complain about our infrastructure. ,” he tweeted. Mr. Solomon was also dismissed like Mr. Frohnhoefer, but it is unknown whether Mr. Mask was directly dismissed.
you don't get to shit on our infra if you don't know what the fuck it does while you're also scrambling to rehire folks you laid off
— sachee@macaw.social (@sachee) November 13, 2022
Also, in response to Mr. Musk's tweet that fired Frohnhoefer, ``This is a bold move to fire a key developer who understands Twitter's code base. It is the administrator of the most incompetent and toxic software-intensive system.'
A bold move, to fire key developers who understand Twitter's codebase and speak truth to your power.
—Grady Booch (@Grady_Booch) November 14, 2022
Elon is the most incompetent and toxic manager of any software-intensive system than I have ever seen (and in my many years of experience I have seen quite a few). https://t.co/CUgrRUNLPU
In addition, Mr. Mask told Forbes, an economic newspaper, ``It took about 5 hours for Twitter to lock Mr. Frohnhoefer out of the company's computer,'' and Mr. Frohnhoefer told The Verge, ``About dismissal from the personnel team I received no contact,' he said. In addition, Mr. Frohnhoefer has posted a picture of a Mac that can no longer log in on Twitter, suggesting that he suddenly lost access to the company's internal system.
Guess it is official now.pic.twitter.com/5SRwotyD8J
— Eric Frohnhoefer @ ???? (@EricFrohnhoefer) November 14, 2022
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in Mobile, Software, Web Service, Posted by logu_ii