Nissan announces adoption of EV charging standard 'NACS' from Tesla

As electric vehicles are becoming more popular, the United States has

decided to standardize the charging connector 'North American Charging Standard (NACS: North American Charging Standard)' developed by Tesla. Newly announced that Nissan will install NACS in electric vehicles sold in the United States and Canada after 2025. In addition, it has been announced that the NACS adapter will be attached to the ' Aria ' to be sold after 2024.

Nissan introduces North American Charging Standard (NACS) for Ariya and future EVs

There are multiple charging standards for electric vehicles, and the charging standard differs for each vehicle type, causing problems such as 'this car cannot be charged at this charging station'. In the automotive industry, there is a movement to unify charging standards to improve user convenience. The non-profit organization 'SAE International' working on standardization has announced the standardization of NACS.

Tesla's EV charging connector 'NACS' decided to become an American standard - GIGAZINE

On Wednesday, July 19, 2023, Nissan announced that it had reached an agreement with Tesla to adopt NACS from 2025. With this agreement, NACS will be adopted for electric vehicles sold in the United States and Canada after 2025.

Also, at the time of writing the article, the overseas shipping version of the electric vehicle 'Aria' uses the rapid charging standard 'Combined Charging System 1 (CCS1)', but Aria sold after 2024 will have a NACS charging adapter. It will be available and will be able to be charged at NACS compatible charging stations.

At the time of writing the article, the Japanese version of Aria uses the fast charging standard 'CHAdeMO' from Japan, but it is unknown whether the Japanese version of Aria will also provide a NACS charging adapter.

in Vehicle, Posted by log1o_hf