Headline news for February 28, 2023

The PV of the anime ' Boku no Kokoro Yabai Yatsu ' has been released on YouTube. Broadcasting will start from Saturday, April 1, 2023.
TV anime ``My Heart's Dangerous Guy'' Book PV | Broadcast starts on Saturday, April 1, 2023 !!-YouTube
By the way, I posted an article like this on the same day of the same month in the past.
Satellite Internet 'Starlink' becomes available in Ukraine in no time at the direction of Earon Mask - GIGAZINE
In Ukraine, self-made molotov cocktails by ordinary citizens have exploded, and government agencies also explain 'how to make molotov cocktails' on official Twitter with images - GIGAZINE
Kengo Suzuki recorded the first 2 hours and 4 minutes in the marathon Japanese, at the Lake Biwa Mainichi Marathon - GIGAZINE
Zombie movies became popular due to ``mistakes in copyright management'' - GIGAZINE
A method will be developed to make diamonds from crude oil at explosive speed - GIGAZINE
Scientific methods to heal ``pain of broken heart'' are being studied-GIGAZINE
People who are healed by 'Matsuken Swipe', in which countless Ken Matsudaira flows lightly on the smartphone with one fingertip - GIGAZINE
Home edition users are screaming because of Windows 10 automatic update program - GIGAZINE
I actually experienced the attraction 'Edge the Harukas' that can cross the roof of Japan's tallest building with a single lifeline - GIGAZINE
◆ Topics (memos, etc.)
#Things that more than 90% of our followers have never experienced
— Goro (@mattarhythm_com) February 25, 2023
Twenty years ago, a water pipe burst in my house due to the cold, but no one noticed because it was the washing machine in the room my grandmother used to use when she was alive. It's cold, isn't it?', and when I noticed in early spring, the thickness of the ice was about 20 cm. pic.twitter.com/UR9xTyK2a1
A graph that shows that you overslept in one shotpic.twitter.com/FDVjgHAv61
— Uncle Kuma (@PFC_StickI3ear) February 27, 2023
God had his head.
— El Shaddai (official) (@Sawaki_Takeyasu) February 26, 2023
I was told that I would like a computer that can play games because I don't need to be able to use Excel. what should i reply
Honestly, it sounds like a consultation that you want a fast car, not as much as a bicycle.
Conclusion: misskey is a lawless zone without a monitor slack pic.twitter.com/8YxQKnGlXU
— J (@omNoleoB) February 23, 2023
I've always wanted to go off-paco, but it seems like it doesn't mean anything, and I recently found out that what I want to do is an off-party. I certainly thought that 'Paco' was
— Uncle n (@rkgk_syumi) February 28, 2023
The one that happens when Tanukichi makes the room bigger in Animal Crossing pic.twitter.com/BSujhsSjVw
— Chinuki (@sirohuku3) February 26, 2023
This kind of thing flows at a pace once every few seconds I'm crazy pic.twitter.com/QhmeNT1NWe
— Potaki (@potaki367) February 27, 2023
Why are all the comics and anime characters that make smoking cool for my 17-year-old son use cigarettes instead of heat-not-burn cigarettes? After all, when it doesn't light up, it's cool to say, 'Oh, come on, it's hot.' talked about
— A housewife who sleeps well and sometimes thinks about various things Sakae Amagi (@toppinpararin) February 27, 2023
— Otsumi (@0tsumi_) February 27, 2023
Misskey, the conspiracy theorist posted a conspiracy theory article and was incited by the reaction and left as it was, it was so funny and the best pic.twitter.com/UhSWQnPCMy
— Shadow tiger. (@ Kagetora0610) February 27, 2023
Friend: 'Sleep with Shu'
— ?????????ℙ (@map_sheep) February 27, 2023
I said, 'Shu's character?'
Friend: “Florida and other states are written in kanji! Putting a child in the middle of their parents is called 'River'. I have three children!
I said, 'It's a state character! I'm sure I'll have three children! Gahaha!'
〜After returning home〜
I said, 'I don't know, there's one adult...'
Shoko Nakagawa has a video on her YouTube channel where she confesses that she has been suffering from stalking for many years. ”
— Hakuikishiroi (@hakuikisiroi) February 27, 2023
I thought it was really pitiful when I said
Replying to @KimKardashian @KimKardashian
— Matsutake (@matsutake_cat) February 27, 2023
When I was in high school, there was a club called 'Oya ga Yabe Yatsu Yatsu Club,' and it was literally a group of nasty children with parents... but there were so many parents that I hesitate to write about it here.
— Kaibin landlady (@ chickenhear10) February 27, 2023
One day, I was surprised when the children invited me to drink tea with them, saying, 'My parents can't do that!?'
I was told by those children, 'It's the most dangerous thing to not be aware of!'
◆ Science (Science, Academics, Technology)
Astronaut selection test 2 people passed, maximum number of applicants: 4127 JAXA | NHK | Space
It's a great pollen light ring! !
— Kentaro Araki (@arakencloud) February 28, 2023
This is a seasonal phenomenon that occurs when nearly spherical pollen particles such as cedar pollen scatter in the sky, and the pollen particles diffract light. It can be seen on sunny and windy days. It is dangerous to look directly at the sun, so be careful. If you hide the sun behind buildings or streetlights, you can see it clearly with the naked eye. Everyone with hay fever, please take care of yourself ???? pic.twitter.com/eAqWxEdeti
JAXA | Decision on JAXA Astronaut Candidates (2021-2022 Recruitment/Selection)
Yahoo! News Comment from Jun Umehara, an individual author - Yahoo! News
'Fairy lamp' did not disappear The botanist's thought that named it came true: Asahi Shimbun Digital
◆ Society, politics, economy (incidents, world news, business)
Foreign Minister Hayashi gives priority to the Diet and misses the G20 Pointing out 'loss to Japan' | Kyodo News
Acceptance of nasal spray type influenza vaccine Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Special Committee-Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Colabo Audit Committee recommendation deadline on 28th Announcement in March - Sankei News
Norwegian Norwegian Norwegian protest against 'illegal' wind farms
Accused of being a 'refugee aristocrat'... Ukrainian student 'counterargument' Japanese school director 'selfish'
``Was your effort wasted?'' Deaf daughter's future income is 85% of the average | NHK | Osaka Prefecture
Influenza vaccine Nasal solution approved for the first time in Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare | NHK | Influenza
Watch over and become a 'suspicious person'? Adults who hesitate to speak [current affairs dot com coverage team] # Protect children: current affairs dot com
Retrial decision for robbery-murder case 39 years ago `` Prompt revision of law '' JFBA | NHK | Case
Poisoned girls at Iranian sacred place 'education stop purpose' photo 1 international news: AFPBB News
``Jehovah's Witnesses'' may be child abuse'' lawyers appeal to the country | NHK | medical and health
'Jehovah's Witnesses' formed a defense team 'I want to save oppressed believers': Asahi Shimbun Digital
Jehovah's Witnesses Lawyers | Group of Attorneys Provides Social and Legal Assistance
Observation of the Evasion Problem | Jehovah's Witness Problem Support Lawyers
About the whip problem by Jehovah's Witnesses | Jehovah's Witness Problem Support Lawyers
Thoughts on Blood Transfusion Refusal | Jehovah's Witness Problem Support Counsel
Possibility of child abuse 78 cases Jehovah problem lawyers, information provided to Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Falling Tigris-Euphrates water levels in southern Iraq 5 photos International News: AFPBB News
Bicycle helmet From April, ``regardless of age'' effort obligatory missing items | NHK | Tokyo
Arrested a woman suspected of pasting a fentanyl-containing seal to her partner's chest and dying: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Future income of hearing-impaired girls “85% of average worker wage” Osaka District Court | NHK | Osaka Prefecture
Prime Minister Kishida's visit to Ukraine “Post-mortem report possible” Mr. Azumi, Constitution | FNN Prime Online
Putin's next target or why Moldova is afraid (1/2)-CNN.co.jp
How Russians perceive 'first year of war': BBC Russia editor - BBC News
``The court recognized discrimination. Disappointment,'' said the girl's father | Kyodo News
'Dilbert' author pulls racist comments from Washington Post - BBC News
``Loss of profit'' for hearing impaired children 85% Osaka District Court ruling on heavy equipment runaway accident | Kyodo News
Hearing-impaired girl death accident Lost profit is 85% 37 million yen judgment | NHK Kansai news
[Breaking news] Men's volleyball adviser at prestigious Municipal Funabashi High school arrested Suspected assault on member during practice Extremely high in mistake, hair dragged ball thrown | Chiba Nippo Online
Lost profit of 11-year-old girl with hearing loss, judged to be '85%' Osaka District Court over fatal accident: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Russian plane bombed at Belarus airfield, dissidents announced 2 photos International News: AFPBB News
Tokyo District Court orders Benesse to compensate 13 million yen for personal information leak - Nihon Keizai Shimbun
It seems that the maintenance of Chiyo Kishinobu's official website has ended, but it seems that it has become a system that 'you can not view it unless you enter personal information and join the supporters' association'. What is this?
— Hogakuin Kyoma (@Adepteater029) February 26, 2023
Is it a ``servant only for the supporters' association'' instead of a ``servant for the whole'' ?
The number of births will definitely fall below 800,000 for the first time Preliminary figures for 2022 https://t.co/VfPOZu1Z3K
— Asahi Shimbun Digital (@asahicom) February 28, 2023
According to the 2010 vital statistics (preliminary report) released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on the 28th, the number of births, including foreigners, was 799,728.
Forty years ago, in 1982, the number of births (Japanese children born in Japan) was 1,515,000, almost halving over the next 40 years.
[Breaking news] Agricultural idol case 4 lawsuit, defamation of press conference admitted! 3.85 million yen for H Project and 1.65 million yen for Mr. Sasaki himself. Thank you very much for your support!
— Attorney Yoko Atsumi (@atsumilaw) February 28, 2023
4 people injured, driving at 100 km or arresting high school girls on suspicion of dangerous driving: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Defendant who received 46.3 million yen in Abu town false benefit conviction with suspended sentence | Mainichi Shimbun
Hearts cornered by `` messing around '' College students put sulfuric acid on their circle friends: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Number of births in 2022 falls below 800,000 for the first time, 8 years earlier than expected | Mainichi Shimbun
Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office Special Investigation Department-Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Abenomask lawsuit Osaka District Court ruling ordering country to disclose unit price and number of orders | Mainichi Shimbun
Ehime idol suicide lawsuit, compensation order to bereaved family side Office wins | Mainichi Shimbun
Fukuoka long-established ryokan president “I instruct myself to change the hot water in the public bath twice a year” | NHK | Fukuoka Prefecture
Abenomask lawsuit Ordering the country to disclose the unit price and the number of orders Osaka District Court decision https://t.co/sAcloPufQe
— Mainichi Shimbun (@mainichi) February 28, 2023
The cloth masks distributed nationwide by the Abe administration were ordered from 17 companies by free contract rather than competitive bidding, and the name of the company and the contract amount for each company were announced, but the unit price and the number of orders were not disclosed. yeah.
``Malicious advertising'' to tighten regulations on businesses Fines without administrative action Cabinet decision | NHK | IT / Internet
Prime Minister says not recognizing same-sex marriage is not unfair discrimination | Kyodo News
Cabinet decides on a bill to substantially extend the operating period of nuclear power plants for up to 60 years | NHK |
Yasutoshi Nishimura, former minister in charge of corona, ``antibody increased at dinner without mask'', remarks at political fund party | NEWS Post Seven
Dentsu, Hakuhodo, etc. Accused 6 companies 7 people including former deputy director of the organization committee FTC in Olympic bid-rigging: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Eastern Bakhmut is ``very difficult'' situation Ukrainian commander (1/2) - CNN.co.jp
Who owns the copyright of the history of Setagaya Ward? Conflict with author and ward, trouble prevention agreement: Asahi Shimbun Digital
``Tomorrow is my body'' Silence breaks the former Soviet bloc Contrary to speculation, Russia's centripetal force declines-1 year of invasion of Ukraine: current affairs dot com
Joint custody, this Diet is postponed Pros and cons are not settled, civil code revision ``premature'': Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
What will happen in a Taiwan emergency? Issues faced by US research institutes in Japan | Mainichi Shimbun
``No votes'' in local assemblies, increasing 15% of all members Serious shortage of members [Unified Local Election 2023]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
New earthquake kills 1, injures 70 in eastern Turkey 1 photo International News: AFPBB News
The number of Tomahawks purchased is 'planned for 400 shots' Prime Minister answers, unit price is not explained: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Donation at the embassy 'Japan is number 1' Turkish foreign minister for earthquake support: current affairs dot com
◆ Lifestyle (life, lifestyle, health)
Friend # creation # cat pic.twitter.com/YSC97qdJ9A
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) February 27, 2023
The official name of 'Mini Mini Tomato' is 'Micro Tomato', which is perfect for topping. https://t.co/bqvScpAwA9
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) February 27, 2023
Observing the garden eel's burrow I thought it was diving in a straight line, but it's really curved and twisting and cute! pic.twitter.com/Ut5fo417Iq
— Mizuno (@munabire) February 25, 2023
A surprisingly long garden eel.
— Mariho Aquarium (@marihoaquarium) June 5, 2018
I was able to take a moment to dive into the sand! pic.twitter.com/BATkkpw1zb
NHK special program on Ukraine. It clearly shows that wars are started by people who think they can easily win.
— Kan Kimura from Kobe, Japan (@kankimura) February 26, 2023
Do robbers fasten their seatbelts on the run? Related - Manga Empire
I read the topic Shinzo Abe's memoirs, but it was interesting that the ``longest post-war administration'' was not a date, and the ``spear hand'' feeling was amazing-Togetter
I thought about ``transfer'' when I was once disliked by my boss and was sent to a room-like department-Saku Maga
Seeing the number of births drop below 800,000 for the first time, my mother said, ``Why don't you want to raise children when there is more support than in the past? This is what happens because the age group that thinks about this kind of thing is at the top right now. I was strangely convinced...
— ???? (@g4mina) February 28, 2023
Today, I personally cut ties with my mother, she tried to make me shoulder 12 million debts, she tried to make me pay back her own debt, she said it was all for you, and it was really full of terrible things. But I am grateful that you have raised me this far! Please don't interfere in my life anymore! Make your phone look great!
— Pokemon @ Chokorabi (@ GC5R5OGIKgV0yvz) February 28, 2023
In the world, there are people who deliberately shout out loud or make loud noises to 'appeal'. If you encounter such a person, please don't think 'I wonder if I'm bad...'. The bad ones are the unfortunate people who can't control their emotions. Dealing with them honestly is a waste of kindness. It's better to leave quietly.
— Wabi (@Japanese_hare) February 27, 2023
Two and a half years have passed since the introduction of a charge for plastic bags, but how much has this policy changed CO2 emissions, and how has Japan's proportion and amount of microplastics dumped into the ocean changed?
— Natsuya Semikawa (@osaka_seventeen) February 27, 2023
A person at the lodging facility said, 'More and more people are getting frustrated because they can't see what they planned on their trip.' -Togetter
Talking about the suffering and joy of a part-time writer-basic reading
Tenseijingo at the time of the Nishiyama Incident, I can't help but feel lax about what I did, but at the time it was a pretty decent criticism.
— Intel is over (@interowatteru) February 27, 2023
The reporter who wrote this is probably dead now, but I think he's amazed at the carelessness of junior reporters. pic.twitter.com/NVG56Hrnix
It's so cute after baking pic.twitter.com/019jaVvdrP
— Hanamochi. (@hana_suger_) February 27, 2023
There are all sorts of opinions, such as ``If you want free sanitary products, TENGA should be allowed to be made free,'' but there's something wrong with equating menstruation and ejaculation. Anyway, I would like you to compare it to 'a diarrhea event that does not stop for a certain period of time every month for 40 years'.
— Fukazume @ ``I don't know even if I become a parent'' now on sale (@fukazume_taro) February 27, 2023
If you look at the numbers, it's clear who destroyed the Japanese economy. pic.twitter.com/DUrqn16DOb
— Easy (@yasukxu) February 27, 2023
Beep!!!!! It's the Sobbing Police!!!!! You there!!!!! 'Sosen' means 'sobbing'!!!!! Use 'I feel nauseous', 'Ezuku', 'Let's vomit', etc.!!!!! Got it!!!?!? Yoshi!!! !!Go back Yoshi!!!!!
— Tsuchida ㊗️ Anime and Mook and Volume 3 (@zxvhjpcu) February 27, 2023
◆ IT/gadgets (net/software/hardware/mobile)
Video of Tripio order mistake (equipped with too much dark ♂)-Nico Nico Douga
The web version of twitter has been heavy lately...
— Kapibara @ Column Update Diary (@sekkaku_koushin) February 27, 2023
When you access it for the first time, after waiting about 5 seconds, various tweets will appear.
What are you doing here? https://t.co/6pbsLPwez4 pic.twitter.com/vnCkQPPNNw
Today Twitter ( https://t.co/vTx7TnjTt2 ) is not a heavy ring pic.twitter.com/XDhmqE1Zvb
— Shibanyan (@shibanyan_1) February 21, 2023
How about the past few days? Twitter web loading is very slow. Looking at the Network tab, the first response took 5 seconds... pic.twitter.com/vBQF9ke0rk
— fujiback (@oTheRwoRldy) February 27, 2023
Recently I feel that it is very late to open Twitter Is it definitely taking 5 seconds to respondWith of ServiceWorker ... What is this ... https://t.co/qxCimxjIQ3 pic.twitter.com/Sw4bEmDqL7
— Magical Penne-kun ???? (@pastak) February 28, 2023
Finally done.
— Hiraoka | Personal DX promotion (@hiraoka_dx) to get home early from the company February 25, 2023
You can now talk directly with ChatGPT by voice.
Now you can talk to ChatGPT while washing the dishes. .
Of course, I searched for a way to do it all for free without writing a single line of code so that anyone could do it. I will explain later if there is demand.
From now on, should I ask this person to handle the troublesome phone calls? . lol pic.twitter.com/N5mG87bQFB
“The contents of the smart watch” seen by doctors | NHK | Hyogo Prefecture
ChatGPT truly realizes computer operation without programming knowledge - Hatena of Kishida
To be honest, there were two key people in my mind until the early days of open source software were accepted in Japan, and they were Matz and mhatta. Ruby brought about the same thing from Japan that open source took Linux as a role model, and mhatta gave the right interpretation to GPL and open source at that time. https://t.co/G1vzKrvqLs
— Shuji Sado (@shujisado) February 27, 2023
Matz's achievements are too self-explanatory, so let's put them aside, but what's amazing about mhatta is that he ignored the existing GPLv2 Japanese translation, which was said to have a lawyer's review, without reading the atmosphere at all, and released the mhatta translation to the world. Without that, misunderstandings about the GPL would have prevailed for a long time, and I think that would have affected the acceptance of open source as a whole.
— Shuji Sado (@shujisado) February 27, 2023
The End of 'Hatena Bookmark' and Internet Wonderland - Until the Battery Dies Someday
Mr. kumagi, when you read OSS code, for what purpose do you usually read it? Do you have any recommendations for how to read it? Regarding the scale of OSS, we assume that it is about the same scale as redis. How and for what purpose do you read the source code of redis? | Mond
Start 'Minecraft Home Server' with a few clicks! 'TrueNAS SCALE' was also the best game server! [Initial B]-INTERNET Watch
We have developed a service that allows anyone to create character AI.
— Kikai / AITuber Generation Laboratory (@aivtuber_zero) February 26, 2023
Anyone can easily generate an original character AI simply by entering text such as attributes and voice. #AIart #AIVtuber #AItuber pic.twitter.com/6hQCAV1HmZ
[2023 edition] Summary of free Japanese learning materials for machine learning-Qiita
Behind the Yahoo top page: Trial and error of article recommendation system and future challenges - Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog
Web server load reduction and test implementation using Service Worker and Cache API - Part 1 - dwango on GitHub
Pixiv and Ruby ~ Ruby's 30th Anniversary - pixiv inside
You know, it's not a problem,
— Elbow (@hiziki3) February 28, 2023
By all means, say, 'I want others to refrain from posting for the sake of my comfortable viewing of pixiv, and I'm wondering if I should be careful.'
I want you to notice the outrageousness of it! ! ! ! pic.twitter.com/XQ1zxsNaB0
Arrested the president of the news site management company Cash request for article withdrawal condition: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Create an AI agent using GPT-3 and VoiceVox! [Unity] | Negi Poyoshi | note
I made a 3D AI agent with OpenAI GPT-3 + VoiceVox and displayed it nicely on Looking Glass!
— Negi Poyoshi (@CST_negi) February 27, 2023
It's fun to have a conversation at random times, he watches over me right next to me while I'm working, and it's too good to feel more and more cute in AI ... ???????? pic.twitter.com /I5UegeJUrl
Rafael, whose earnings have plummeted, 'bankruptcy' 100 million yen debt transfer and personnel reduction to raise 6 million yen 'This will last a year'-Sponichi Annex entertainment
◆ Anime, games, manga (subculture)
TV animation 'The brave is dead!' PV 2nd bullet [April 6 anime broadcast]-YouTube
TV anime ``Tengoku Daimakyo'' main PV / 2023 4.1 ON AIR-YouTube
'Townsmen VR' release trailer - YouTube
'LOOP8 (Loop Eight)' system introduction video ['About proposal' ~ Event generation command ~] - YouTube
Nintendo Switch `` Super Detective Case Book Rain Code '' Character Trailer World Detective Organization 1-YouTube
'Sponge Bob: The Cosmic Shake' Release Trailer-YouTube
'Outer World: Spacers Choice Edition' Official Trailer - YouTube
``Labyrinth of the World Tree HD REMASTER'' Job Introduction [Bird]-YouTube
'404 GAME RE: SET' -CAST FILE- Outrun TYPE: Cathode-YouTube
TV anime 'Kizuna no Allil' 2nd PV / Start broadcasting on April 3, 2023! -YouTube
Animation 'Blue Orchestra' 2nd PV - YouTube
Night Ran # Genshin # GenshinImpact # Yelan pic.twitter.com/b1anGDTQ0P
— BIYEN (@Bi_yen_) February 27, 2023
Konchan Nasu-chan's Galileo-Nico Nico Douga
Daiho #Azur Lane #Daiho pic.twitter.com/ciy1ZQAfQL
— Msg (@Matsogm_) February 27, 2023
Uzuki Kou's blue demon funny scene-Nico Nico Douga
Ogiri with everyone in synthesized speech 4-Nico Nico Douga
The reaction has started! ! ! good for you! pic.twitter.com/FnsU5HF6ck
— Haida Katsuretsu (@Haidacutlet) February 27, 2023
The story of drinking gastrocamera for the first time (1/2)
— Shivering Bird (@torikaworks) February 26, 2023
(Gastroscopy with sedation) pic.twitter.com/ErtyoXEXny
Anime 'Urusei Yatsura'
— “Urusei Yatsura” TV anime official | Broadcast from October 13 (@uy_allstars) February 27, 2023
Episode 17 Apology for the background material pic.twitter.com/fs067SJMXl
I see, it is definitely used without permission. New Urusei Yatsura episode 17. pic.twitter.com/cvdlUieG7l
— GGKen (@unmakex) February 22, 2023
My Comiket menu was used as the background for episode 17 of Urusei Yatsura, but if I illegally upload Urusei Yatsura videos to the internet, will I be put to death?
— Chikuwa ???? (@ CKW552001) February 12, 2023
The person who made the background for episode 17 of Urusei Yatsura may have thought my article was interesting and put it in, and basically, after the Comiket is over, the article that will never see the light of day will be burned on a disk and left. It may not be a bad story because you will be able to do it.
— Chikuwa ???? (@ CKW552001) February 12, 2023
It seems that there was an apology on the official Twitter account regarding the background material for episode 17 of Urusei Yatsura, but since I don't have any contact, it's probably Saitama, which was pasted under the fusuma next to the same scene. Yaoko's flyer, a supermarket that expands to
— Chikuwa ???? (@ CKW552001) February 27, 2023
I heard that it is now possible to post a video and an image at the same time in one tweet. I have only this, so I'll try to put a list. pic.twitter.com/3Fs71JhuZo
— Chikuwa ???? (@ CKW552001) October 6, 2022
Amazing!! ️
— Totoro Hamtaro (@Cm3M1yBtQWBWf6k) February 12, 2023
It came out as soon as the main story started! ️ https://t.co/9wc2dAN5z4pic.twitter.com/tBR10czqAZ
A marriage-hunting girl meets a lily person at a marriage -hunting party for some reason and is attracted to it .
— Kajin Shiina (@kajinshina) February 26, 2023
Hecate said too much pic.twitter.com/KSmvXGgL7L
— Komiken (@ nm7_51870) February 28, 2023
[Announcement of postponement of release of 'Theatrical version Monono Kai' and change of cast] pic.twitter.com/plv6PfaWc0
— Anime “Mononoke” official @ theater version production decision! (@anime_mononoke) February 28, 2023
[Comment from Director Kenji Nakamura]
— Anime “Mononoke” official @ theater version production decision! (@anime_mononoke) February 28, 2023
I'm sorry for worrying everyone who cares about this work and everyone who participated in the crowdfunding.
However, I want you to wait because there are really various interesting and mysterious things that are completed every day at the site!
We will do our best as a team! #Mononoke pic.twitter.com/QPzR4pywQC
Sora-san wants Sakurai-san to do her voice, but if Ooku is on stage and there's a woman crying, if she wants to say something, she'll tsukkomi with all her strength in her head, saying, 'No, you shouldn't say that.' Since I have myself, it is correct to change the cast.
— Deko City (@dddekoma69) February 28, 2023
[Notice of service termination]
— [Official] Kirara Fantasia (@kirarafantasia) February 28, 2023
'Kirara Fantasia' ended its service at 15:59 on February 28, 2023. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the creators and everyone who has supported us over the past five years. #Kirara Fantasiapic.twitter.com/7eIH2fGpih
'Kirara Fantasia'
— Manga Time Kirara Editorial Department (@mangatimekirara) February 28, 2023
The service ended at 15:59 today.
Thanks to everyone's support,
Not seen in magazines or comics,
I was able to see a lot of creators adventuring.
five years of support,
I'm really thankful to you! #Kirara Fantasiapic.twitter.com/1K3RGU65lL
Principal 'It's no good' pic.twitter.com/51wVSal4ve
— Warehouse (@souko_desu) February 28, 2023
By the time pic.twitter.com/YTqXuszirZ
— Potatorus (@ kankan33333) February 28, 2023
Introducing ★4 #Aya Maruyama , who appears in '3 Years of Memory Gacha'.
— Bundle! Girls band party! (@bang_dream_gbp) February 28, 2023
#Bandori #Garpa #Garpa High School Graduation Ceremonypic.twitter.com/Z15UPUJATt
As a result of having her checked at the hospital, her large intestine was inflamed, so I decided to take medicine for a few days and take it easy...? (Don't worry, I'm mentally fine!)
— Shishiro Botan ♌ Holo Live 5th Generation (@shishirobotan) February 28, 2023
[Important Notice ①]
— Re: Life in a Different World from Zero Lost in Memories Official (@re_zero_rezelos) February 28, 2023
Thank you for always playing 'Rezeros'.
This service will end at 11:00 on Friday, May 12, 2023.
Please check the details of the future schedule and how to refund magic stones from the following. https://t.co/8hZksxXREi # Rezeros
EXtreme LIVES will be discontinued at 15:00 on Tuesday, February 28, 2023.
— [Ext] EXtreme LIVES (@extreme_lives) February 28, 2023
All the creative staff would like to thank you for your patronage. #Extpic.twitter.com /tIyz1jRyPh
Hufflepuff's female brother is calm and maternal, and she'll fall down in the middle of nothing, hehehe... laughing, and Ravenclaw's female brother is curious and demands various plays, but in front of people. When I hold hands, I turn bright red The female Slytherin brother is a dark and mysterious beauty who will do anything for Seme-kun
— Squirrel (@ citron1015) February 27, 2023
【Important Notices】
— Pokemon Official Twitter (@Pokemon_cojp) February 28, 2023
We have confirmed an issue where you can challenge an egg instead of a Pokémon if you challenge the Terra Raid Battle of Unerumimo or Tetsunoisaha without downloading the update data (Ver.1.2.0) of 'Pokémon Scarlet Violet'.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. pic.twitter.com/2qbter94hj
Love [swimsuit] ☆ 5 (delusion)????
— My Maiko ???? (@ uma401) February 28, 2023
Thank you to everyone who played Kira fans and Kira fan staff ???? # Kirara Fantasia # slowloop pic.twitter.com/RKACXBTUHo
Invoices are too bad.
— Okami (@ppsh41_1945) February 28, 2023
・Even freelancers and micro-enterprises are forced to pay consumption tax ・Major power companies raise electricity prices to make up for the consumption tax burden ・Farmers, food vendors, and single masters in the construction industry are forced out of business ・Manga Houses, voice actors, and animators are forced to go out of business # Invoice system that does not pass without permission pic.twitter.com/wD9L2kyvYs
Oi oi, since Manemob made Degoichi's wall break-through scene too much of a laughing stock, Saru-sensei became stubborn and redrawn it coolly, but pic.twitter.com/rlLLFpHgZl
— Yo (@ muchamucha7) February 27, 2023
This is the first time I've ever been able to do it, and I'm confused about the gender of the Vtuber pic.twitter.com/reUhYfmmid
— Apple hot water (@apple_spa) February 27, 2023
Yorushika's new song 'Shayo' has been selected as the opening theme for the TV anime 'Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu', which will start airing on April 1st.
— Yorushika (n-buna, suis) / Official (@nbuna_staff) February 28, 2023
A teaser PV using 'The setting sun' is also released.
Please take a look. https://t.co/HQcJQYoMEC #I'm Yabapic.twitter.com/7sL375cPoN
The story that the weather changes in the mood of my wife 1 (1/5) pic.twitter.com/zpuTywAPf9
— Aguri Kurita (@kurita_aguri) February 28, 2023
◤ #Dangerous guy in my heart
— ``My heart's bad guy'' TV anime official @ April 1, 2023 broadcast started (@bokuyaba_anime) February 28, 2023
This PV has been lifted ◢
The opening theme will be #Yorushika 'Shayo'!!
The song is released for the first time in the PV✨
???? Broadcast starts at 1:30 midnight on 4/1
Unlimited viewing exclusive distribution on Prime Video https://t.co/BtFnQwmNTJ # I Yaba pic.twitter.com/zMp9oBZjTX
— Motima (@maumauma_maumau) February 27, 2023
#Burakapic.twitter.com /prTpCx49VN
If you do that, the tax office will come.
— SOW@ (@sow_LIBRA11) February 27, 2023
I mean, here we come.
How hard was it for my Toko! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! https://t.co/VG6AADXpYP
[Official] 'Pokémon GO Plus + (Pokemon Go Plus Plus)' introduction video - YouTube
[Official] ``Pokémon Sleep'' concept video ``Let's catch a good sleep rhythm!''-YouTube
[Official] 'Pokémon Sleep' introduction video-YouTube
'Pokémon Sleep' official website
A group of young people imitating the manga ``H × H'' rampages Russia, taking over 350 people [Ukraine situation]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
One day, out of the blue, I received a phone call from Leiji Matsumoto. It was the first time Mr. Matsumoto had called my home, so I was surprised.
— Haruka Takachiho (@takachihoharuka) February 27, 2023
'Next time,' Matsumoto said. 'There's a book about anime research coming out. An interviewer came and mentioned Nue, so I'll send the book.'
Intellectual Property Protection on Metaverse Proposal to Revision Law to be Submitted to Diet Now Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | NHK | IT/Net
ORICON NEWS: Manga magazine ``Evening'' suspended, 22-year history begins Part of serialized work continues in ``Comic DAYS'' | Mainichi Shimbun
``It is better not to give me too many tasks.If you receive two or more instructions, you will only remember who was told later.'' pic.twitter.com/doPrJcv2YX
— Koji (@ oryzae1824) February 27, 2023
I'm relatively persistent in saying, 'Creators should sleep properly, don't take a bath without sleep and go to bed first.' This is because I want to do something about the current situation where the number of people who have gone to funerals is higher than the number of people who have attended ceremonies. Go to bed.
— Yashiro Azuki (@ yashi09) February 27, 2023
Buddy Tea Party ???? Hen #Bruakapic.twitter.com /1AMT7mdSWD
— J. @ Looking for a job (@J_anonymousarts) February 27, 2023
Walnut # Genshin # Genshin pic.twitter.com/TzYQyMg8Wf
— Serie Niai (@Niai_Serie) February 27, 2023
Amuro teaching a newcomer
— Reborn Tanuki (2nd generation) (@sintanuki_18) February 27, 2023
#Gundampic.twitter.com /iOxv7MBBjd
#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMotivation #ThursdayMotivation
— Baku P (@bakuPA) February 27, 2023
I like dogs
— Tsugaru Apple ???? (@ glassy0302) February 27, 2023
# Pokemon SV pic.twitter.com/bnc0xfiBRt
Shinko # Genshin # GenshinImpact pic.twitter.com/sCAMqSM85t
— Scotty (@Sco_ttie) February 27, 2023
I found out my height, so let's rub a lot of height stories pic.twitter.com/Y0Dm3mQexQ
— Toriyaro @ 3/18 Boro Only (@toriyaro_ekaki) February 27, 2023
Makima pic.twitter.com/cg8WYyE9Xd
— Dodo (@ momota_ro5555) February 27, 2023
I won the Excellence Award at the Genshin Impact Illustration Contest -Part 2: Chiaki Ichiha [2nd Anniversary]-!
— Naruka (@YNarukaY) February 27, 2023
Thank you very much for winning the first prize...! ????♀️✨
This time it's the fan art section, but I had a lot of fun designing all the clothes together ????????
#pixiv https://t.co/n7LFQ8VnFt pic.twitter.com/H1GwMsRoGf
``The former yang of the workplace' ' #Creative manga #Yanderepic.twitter.com /ENEOicD4Bn
— Solitary Hashiguchi (@hitME_KEN) February 27, 2023
Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary of Buraka ????
— Hey Byrus. (@tyobis_unt) February 27, 2023
Ishimi Yokoyama pic.twitter.com/6PVVn1CIfR
— Keijin (@9ujin_) February 27, 2023
◆ Sports, entertainment, music, movies (entertainment)
The British BBC will next week report a documentary about the long-term sexual abuse of boys by the late Johnny Kitagawa of Johnny's office.
— Lovely @news from nowhere ????????? (@1overlynews) February 27, 2023
The Japanese TV media has not touched on this matter so far. https://t.co/xZmsYpxvKY
Arrested the director of the men's volleyball club at Municipal Funabashi High School.
It is a lie to say that sport fosters a healthy mind, and it gives wicked humanity a tougher body. No sports allowed. - I want to be a NEET who graduated from graduate school.
Former KAT-TUN Tanaka Kiyoshi Judgment Kochi Tosei's drug rehabilitation theory ``He is sick ... Continue treatment instead of punishment or blame''-Entertainment: Nikkan Sports
Next week, the BBC will air a documentary about Johnny's Entertainment founder Johnny Kitagawa's longstanding sexual abuse of boys, and the Japanese media's continued silence.
— Anna Anna (@annaPHd9pj) February 27, 2023
BBC Two - Predator: The Secret Scandal of J-Pop https://t.co/Xvkfg8RBFe
Putin gives Seagal 'Friendship Medal' 2 photos International News: AFPBB News
FC Tokyo Management / Mixi President's Hot Posted Topic 'The J League is far from Owakon ...' | Football Tribe Japan
◆ New products (clothing, food, housing)
Sorry I made you wait! Finally, 'Tonkatsu' first appearance 'Sumiko Gura Kamaboko' Kibun Foods
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