Headline news for February 27, 2023

February 27, 1996 is the release date of 'Pokemon Red / Green', so February 27 is ' Pokemon Day '. From 23:00 on February 27, 2023, a 25-minute movie that includes the latest information on Pokemon will be premiered on the official Pokemon YouTube channel .
Top Page | “Pokémon Day” Official Site
[Official] Pokémon Presents 2023.2.27-YouTube
Every February 27th is Pokemon Day, and on February 27, 2021, a retrospective movie commemorating the 25th anniversary was released, and a remake version of Pokemon Diamond Pearl `` Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl '' `` Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus (Pokemon Legends Arceus ) was announced, and on February 27, 2022, ' Pokemon Scarlet Violet ' was announced. 'Pokémon Presents 2023.2.27' is scheduled from 23:00, and Pokemon fans are expecting what kind of announcement will be made.
By the way, I posted an article like this on the same day of the same month in the past.
It is pointed out that the ability of CPUs with many cores is limited by ``POSIX''-GIGAZINE
A person who is said to be a ``bit coin creator'' is sued for payment of about 1 trillion yen - GIGAZINE c
It turns out that 'diet and sleep' affect each other, and what is 'meal that brings healthy sleep' found in research? -GIGAZINE
Claiming that running to buy up in an emergency is actually a ``reasonable choice''-GIGAZINE
A ``second moon'' is discovered on the earth, it is temporary to be near the earth with a mini size of 2 to 3 meters - GIGAZINE
Research results that abdominal death is rare - GIGAZINE
Among various theories, is 'coffee good for health' after all? -GIGAZINE
◆ Topics (memos, etc.)
It's not like I watched 'Tamori Club' all the time, but this was the one that made me laugh the most in the past in 'Soragami Hour'. pic.twitter.com/lEEUa2KWKa
— Actor Papa 9m (@yakushapapa) February 22, 2023
Cat's day ② pic.twitter.com/lMKxdUekvm
— Shikakugangu (@shikakugangu) February 22, 2023
Thinking that no one was there, I imitated Nyan-chuu, but I heard from Momoka-chan (5) in Adachi-ku, Tokyo! While saying something like that, my boss came in and said something like that, and when I reported my work before he said anything, I was insane and suddenly I was insane.
— haru (@harugaren) February 21, 2023
What I remembered in 'The system where the old people disappear automatically' ②.
— Jiro (@ jiro6663) February 21, 2023
Tsutsui-sensei has already done most of the imprudent things ordinary people can think of. 'Ginrei no Hate' is a monumental work of geriatric literature that asks, 'Is longevity bad?' pic.twitter.com/R61Wu9GAbO
1974 KGB wiretapping record. The couple being monitored was suspected to be an agent of a foreign intelligence agency, but it was reported that they 'only talked about cats the whole time.' #cat day #cat day #nyannyannyan daypic.twitter.com/Rhxa4njiaC
— Jugo Tsukuda @ Border Emilia Volume 8 released on February 10 (@rockpeek) February 22, 2023
If you only give them food that does not contain tetrodotoxin, for some reason they will not eat at all and starve to death; Accidents are said to occur frequently, and without tetrodotoxin, pufferfish cannot stabilize their minds. Are you shaving?
— Nozaki Hakone (@hakoiribox) February 22, 2023
Please see the tearful efforts to not show the NHK News Takayama apology sign pic.twitter.com/DQgz9Y1wBS
— Greater Kanagawa (@GreaterKanagawa) February 24, 2023
I got the sticker I bought but it's shitpic.twitter.com/IhUqwPt6zN
— Haruki (@ttr4BA) February 24, 2023
I'm making only one anteater as a ritual after arranging the cats in the showcase pic.twitter.com/WnnP5WRHRc
— Japanese confectionery craftsman Masaaki Miyake (@beniyamiyake) February 25, 2023
'BingAI is so smart'
— Rootport (@rootport) February 27, 2023
“Honah, what if I always display “Assistant” in the corner of the screen?”
'I want to be a friendly and cute character'
'What kind of character will you make?'
'Speaking of smart and cute animals... dolphins?'
Having spent 20 years in Kyoto, I am proud of being a native Kyoto person who has lost my numbness.
— Mutter (@AkagoDeutsch) February 25, 2023
“You know, you don’t praise me! You say that in a sarcastic way!”
That's what I said.
I remember when this time comes
— Minomishimaro (@minomushimaro) February 26, 2023
My mother said, 'Okay? When you ride in a beginner's car, only do it with someone you can die with.'
I wanted to practice parking in the garage with a provisional license, so I said, 'Mother, ride with me.'
KidZania, ``If parents don't turn around, popular jobs will soon fill up, so parents with low awareness won't be able to get a decent job.'' It's too small and scary, so I put it in the mute word
— Well (@ k_55557) February 26, 2023
What I want AI to do ・Cook meals ・Clean the house ・Wash, dry and fold clothes ・Take out trash ・Throw away cat shit ・Various and time-consuming procedures Earn
— GUNKA (@ gunka0111) February 26, 2023
What AI is doing ・Talking ・Drawing ・Writing ・Composing ・Games
Let's snatch
KidZania Dream it...it was a nightmare. I really can't find a job, and the number of jobs I want to do reaches its capacity as soon as I enter...Wandering around the dimly lit city, in an inorganic rest space, I say, 'Let's go home...'...'I'm looking for a part-time job! ?” “I don’t want to do it ( ө)” is a microcosm of the future
— Masu (@masubirds) February 26, 2023
This world is not something to throw away ↔
— Da Da Osorezan (@d_d_osorezan) February 27, 2023
In the other world, there is okonomiyaki that I picked up
Otaku Basic Knowledge Dust Explosion! Otaku Basic Knowledge Isn't it a dust explosion! How have you been! ! ! ! ! ! https://t.co/TQcvXYm86A
— Mofu Kichi x 4 (@LCW_mofu) February 26, 2023
Even though I studied design desperately for 4 years at university, I can't beat this guypic.twitter.com/0TRrePDcjG
— Tsuneoka @ Soei Square Pop (@___051_9) February 25, 2023
When I asked Notion AI to come up with a song for Uncle Seeding, the interpretation was so pure that it almost burned my wicked heart. pic.twitter.com/h0VQ742gNa
— Slowly Mikan (@ yukkuri_mikan92) February 26, 2023
This is the only thing to do when a 13-year-old premium member, Nico-chu, comes to Singapore for the first time ... pic.twitter.com/SE6cCjl0bn
— Bald Paradox Sato Chorogi (@chorogi_san4403) February 24, 2023
Two electric variable rollers fix the attitude of the machine-Nico Nico Douga
Video of Tripio order mistake (equipped with too much dark ♂)-Nico Nico Douga
◆ Science (Science, Academics, Technology)
The University of Tokyo Physics 2023, which has been said to be the most difficult of the University of Tokyo entrance examinations in recent decades, and a physics expert who is surprised by the multi-disciplinary problem that makes students cry-Togetter
Let's search in the relics! ~Animals Dog-shaped earthenware excavated from the ruins of the Toyotomi period in Osaka. Handmade with a simple expression, each one has a different expression. Its charm points are its droopy ears and flattened tail. There is a theory that dogs were used as talismans for safe childbirth because dogs are prolific, but it is not well understood how to use them. pic.twitter.com/etQXd6MvMK
— Osaka Museum of History (@naniwarekihaku) February 23, 2023
Don't be fooled by the dubious expressions! Food Science Researcher Tsukkomi Advertisement | Otakuma Keizai Shimbun
◆ Society, politics, economy (incidents, world news, business)
`` Price increase feeling '' at convenience store lunch box, question notification `` unnecessary '' Ueda Bank of Japan Governor Candidate: Asahi Shimbun Digital
What's changed and what's stayed the same in a year when many turned a blind eye to war in Russia - BBC News
Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Kato | Mainichi Shimbun
BBC president emails India raid staff: 'Don't be afraid to keep reporting' - BBC News
The inventor of the Olympics = 'Olympics' abbreviation is angry? Bid-rigging case at the Tokyo Olympics, IOC registered trademark ...: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
Abduction Victim Family Association Announces First Humanitarian Message to General Secretary Kim | NHK | Abduction
China rejects Russia accusation, G20 joint statement fails - BBC News
'Russian caviar' Polish producer fights false image 10 photos International News: AFPBB News
Mr. Shii denies the introduction of the party leader public election system Centralized authority ``not democratic'' | Kyodo News
[Original] Reality of Jehovah's Witnesses 'refusing blood transfusion'... Active executives testify
Angle: Russia's Defense Minister still not dismissed, Mr. Putin's 'passion' in the background | Reuters
Lost Momentum 'Suppression of Multiple Selections of Chiefs'... Was it just a pose from the beginning? Circumstances in the prefecture with the only 'prohibited ordinance' nationwide: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies makes two mathematics subjects compulsory, applicants plummet to 74% and 1.1 times major: Yomiuri Shimbun
Prime Minister Kieu Visits 'Preliminary Approval of the Diet' Mr. Ritsumin and Izumi - Sankei News
Patient assault or suspicion of physical restraint?
Former Mainichi Shimbun reporter Takichi Nishiyama dies Reported Japan-US secret agreement over return of Okinawa | NHK |
Psychiatric hospital arrested nurse Consultation from family of 7 new patients | NHK | Case
Arrested high school student in Osaka on suspicion of murder Fukuoka's strange body case, video on security camera: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Former believer who believed in the Japan-Korea tunnel and lost all property ``Political involvement clarified'': Asahi Shimbun Digital
Dentsu, Hakuhodo, etc. to prosecute 6 companies Former deputy director of the organizing committee also Olympic rigging case: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Logs that pile up even if Akita cedar is cut down Where is the wood shock boom: Asahi Shimbun Digital
House of Councilors member Garthy replied, ``I will attend the plenary session and read an apology sentence'' | NHK | House of Councilors election
10 years of a different dimension: ``Seven blank years'' created by thought stoppage Governor change / 3 | Mainichi Shimbun
If you propose the use of non-regular employment 30 years ago ... `` What will increase as much as now '' Labor union side `` After all it happened '': Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
Commentary: Why did China launch a popular tactic over Ukraine - BBC News
Colabo problem that has not yet converged Tokyo metropolitan government wants to add in the report of resurvey results | Tospo WEB
'I can't change my gender without surgery' is a human rights violation or the Supreme Court examines unconstitutionality | Mainichi Shimbun
Zelensky 'plans to meet with Xi' over China peace offer - BBC News
Mr. Taro Aso, medal from the coup d'etat mastermind Russia behind the Myanmar military, on the same line as Chinese dignitaries: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
A stalker to a former dating woman in her 70s 41-year-old man arrested 110 calls | FNN Prime Online
《Is one shot useless? 》《Thank you in the body》 Controversial suspicion of ``prostitution'' to female students by active teachers, school ``currently investigating. Teachers are waiting at home'' | Weekly Women's PRIME
``I received a wristwatch and an oval as a bribe'' Former director of Kyoto city admits corruption over nursery school | Society | Local news | Kyoto Shimbun
11-year-old girl dies of bird flu infection Cambodia | NHK | Bird flu
Movement to eliminate the 'decisive moment' brought by the gender column, even in hospitals and schools [Forum]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Prohibition of public smartphone TikTok, etc. Mr. Matsuno, with equipment handling confidential information | Kyodo News
【Note! Horsemeat for raw consumption has been collected]
— Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Food Safety Information (@Shokuhin_ANZEN) February 26, 2023
Horsemeat for raw consumption (horse sashimi) in which enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O26 was detected has been recovered. If you have the item, please do not eat it and return it.
Click here for details https://t.co/agC9ILbAjs pic.twitter.com/DluuJrpsUa
◆ Lifestyle (life, lifestyle, health)
If you look closely at the peach blossoms of the Doll's Festival, you can see the difference between cherry blossoms and plum blossoms. https://t.co/rF39Vn4cML
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) February 26, 2023
Calm snow # creation # fan pic.twitter.com/8EigzKvxKs
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) February 26, 2023
I tried to make an egg roll, but I didn't have any rolls, so I used my son's calligraphy brush roll instead https://t.co/t53ZgJs033
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) February 25, 2023
Spring footsteps # creation # fan pic.twitter.com/TrOiqMCGZu
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) February 25, 2023
King's dream #creation #birdpic.twitter.com /KkIvMgPyKg
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) February 24, 2023
Japan hasn't changed 10 years from now, and I feel like people who are watching Japan from overseas keep saying, 'It's time to realize that Japan is in danger.' https://t.co/MxSBky7gF6
— Hiroyuki (@ hirox246) February 22, 2023
My friend Dave, the founder of the Silicon Valley accelerator 500 Startups, did a performance in Osaka 10 years ago. Unfortunately, I don't think his advice, 'Japan is in a state of burning houses right now!' I wonder what will happen from now on? pic.twitter.com/0licFj8L3q
— Brandon K. Hill | CEO of btrax x/2 (@BrandonKHill) February 21, 2023
I've come to hear the word 'subject' a lot in everyday conversation, such as 'the subject is too big' and 'the subject is missing', but in about half of those cases the subject is the object, which really bothers me. Become
— September (@kugatsu_main) February 22, 2023
Why has it become difficult for Japanese companies to generate global innovation? Regarding the question, I think this diagram is the most logical and convincing. pic.twitter.com/FAS6qDdik9
— Brandon K. Hill | CEO of btrax x/2 (@BrandonKHill) February 22, 2023
A reply that became a hot topic on English-speaking Twitter today. The caption 'Too much love' and the quote 'to be loved is to be changed' for the tattered stuffed animals that have changed shape and color. comment. Looks like it's going to be a breathtaking meme pic.twitter.com/zCRwk7JOyI
— Daniel Takeda (“The World and My A to Z” is on sale) (@daniel_takedaa) February 22, 2023
A 6-year-old asked me to buy paper cups of all sizes. Truly cute…. pic.twitter.com/rivUGA4CQ6
— emi (@_shiemi) February 23, 2023
Even if you say your annual income is 10 million yen, if you put all your income into country mom, if you compare 30 years ago in 1994 with now, you used to be able to buy 765,000 copies, but now it's about half. I can only buy 394,000 copies, so the feeling of an annual income of 10 million yen between the working generation and the retired generation seems to be very different pic.twitter.com/Yp56p2iCC3
— Keron (@kerlon_fm) February 22, 2023
I love having my neck stroked, so I did it... #cat's happy face championshippic.twitter.com/UqR3E0eUoD
— Sco Maru. (@sucomaru0522) February 23, 2023
If it is done so far, I can only think that 'some special intention' is hidden in my number card. Originally, cards should be optional and not compulsory! ⇒ Higher counter burden than eligibility confirmation and minor health insurance card Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Kato | Mainichi Shimbun https://t.co/GZJIt15KKI
— Kou Suzuki (@kou_1970) February 24, 2023
The national burden rate of 47.5% and the “five public and five people”
— Dr. Knife (@ knife900) February 23, 2023
If military spending increases in the future, the burden will increase even more.
And if the yen weakens and prices rise, the elderly who live on savings and pensions will suffer, and the burden on the working generation will increase.
This is the responsibility of the Liberal Democratic Party government, which has been unable to deal with the problem for many years.
Due to the push of my number card, the current 'health insurance card' that is functioning without problems is completely changed to a 'certificate of eligibility', which is harassment of the whole nation against citizens. 10% of medical institutions are considering discontinuing business due to the unnecessary burden caused by the obligation to respond to minor health insurance cards. What is the 'convenience' of a card that only pushes disadvantages?
— Gentile (@Narodovlastiye) February 23, 2023
A trendy class A war criminal. Shinzo Abe's grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi. The deep connection with Sun Myung Moon should be known more and more pic.twitter.com/pqqytNPM7O
— Humorous Newspaper @ Net New Party Anti-War Midori (@akasakaroman) February 24, 2023
Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare pays higher at counter than minor health insurance card
— Ichiro Ozawa (office) (@ozawa_jimusho) February 24, 2023
Politics that imposes severe penalties on innocent people for the reason that they do not follow concession politics. Terror politics that puts the interests of the Liberal Democratic Party first rather than the lives and health of the people. Ugly politics that torments the people. Come on, can you stop it now? https://t.co/phUORZgYjO
On a different note, the model of a giant squid owned by our house that was lent to a certain museum had two legs cut off without permission for some unknown reason, such as not being able to fit into the loading dock. I remembered that there was an incident several years ago that caused trouble to the museum.
— Narumi Sato (@narumi_sato_) February 23, 2023
Of course, the reputation of the mansion was shattered.
From now on, I think that corona will fall to type 5 and everyone will lose interest, but for those who are taking immunosuppressants or undergoing cancer treatment, it is not just a cold, and even if the virus is attenuated, it will be rapid. There is no doubt that it is a deadly virus. People who don't know that kind of reality can say it's just a cold.
— Guru-chan (@kyosonokotoba) February 24, 2023
This is a terrible story on two counts. First, if this ballerina's story is true, the Japanese TV station openly asked the interviewees to distort and fabricate information. Secondly, the Japanese media still do not understand that the economic sanctions against Russia do not target the food, clothing and shelter of citizens. https://t.co/1uFFRm4mGz
— Atsuko Higashino Atsuko Higashino (@AtsukoHigashino) February 26, 2023
``Class'' to investigate and present his background ``Consideration'' to substitute pictures if there are no pictures (Ryo Uchida)-Individual-Yahoo! News
A ballerina living in Russia doubts the attitude of the Japanese media, refusing a request from a TV station to 'avoid the product' | Aichi News
When I researched the history of marriage and the family system in modern Japan and researched Confucianism, which is one of the backgrounds, I was surprised again that there is no concept of equality. There is always a hierarchy among humans. Birth order, gender, family status, (legitimate, illegitimate, etc.) birth, etc. In that world view, equality is nothing more than 'a state of chaos where the order is not clear'
— Jiro (@ jiro6663) February 25, 2023
What do you do when you're confronted with a monster that can't be defeated with just the 'correct' method? In the world of news reporting, there is also the idea that 'the end purifies the means,' and I believe that the Nishiyama Incident was exactly one of them. Put your hands together for the 'person of destiny'.
— Keisuke Takeda (@takedareporter) February 25, 2023
Former reporter Takichi Nishiyama dies at the age of 91 Report on the 'secret agreement' over the return of Okinawa https://t.co/5sF3dfJXzV
Why don't half the people in this country go to elections? The answer is simple. low intellectual level.
— beautyaki (@j_sakkin) February 25, 2023
I cry. pic.twitter.com/Bj0o0q2wGy
sorry. It turned out that this old man was arrested by the Inzai police station for picking up more than 50 kid game machines from my hometown and couldn't stay here.
— Eiichi Oeda (@AUE_OEDA) February 24, 2023
I've probably never seen it in Ukraine, so I'm stealing, diverting, and converting it into my own money. Sorry Ukrainian people. https://t.co/mpdhnoH1TZ
@jDOY7m1p8ox03UU Nice to meet you, Kharkiv, Ukraine, supporting refugees in the metro.
— Fumi @ Staying in Ukraine (@ OR2v2) January 6, 2023
Check out my Twitter and Facebook. pic.twitter.com/tjDq3W5wfX
Pearls are sensitive to red wine.
— Yukiko Osamura @ Jewelry Specialty WEB Writer (@yukiko_Osamura) February 22, 2023
If it gets on your face while eating, wipe it off immediately.
By the way, this is a pearl that has been soaked in red wine for a month.
The white pearl gradually changes color and crystals form around it.
The first photo is one day after I took it out. The mother-of-pearl began to crack. pic.twitter.com/1YeATBjWrB
Homecoming. When I heard that my grandfather, who passed away when I was young, had served in the Battle of Imphal, I had always wanted to hear the details. Among them was a detailed account of his war experience. I'm speechless.
— Tomoyuki Tanaka (@t_tomoyuki77) February 24, 2023
I'm sorry, but this is a material that my grandfather, who was a soldier, left behind for his grandson based on his memories, and it is not something that I originally expected to make public. Also, I have no specialized knowledge of military history, so there may be unexpected errors in the transcription. Please be aware of this before viewing. https://t.co/Wzy83plUrP
— Tomoyuki Tanaka (@t_tomoyuki77) February 26, 2023
Picking up the supplementary reader of the Tokyo Kyogumi sex education in the early 2000s, I understood once again why sex education is the target of bashing. Content that teaches power differences, human rights, self-respect education, gender equality, homosexuality, various families, and sexual harassment. It turns out that the control of sex, reproduction, and human rights is vital for politicians as well.
— Masami Saito (@msmsaito) February 24, 2023
Restoration of Japan's oldest freight car Inabe Museum, target 3 million yen support fund ``Undercarriage is also active'' / Mie | Mainichi Shimbun
At the support meeting 2/26 online meeting, it seems that a lawyer made a remark that compared Mr. Hakura to a Nazi-Togetter
I think most people think, 'I don't want to uselessly prolong my life, and I don't want to let it happen,' but there are many people who can't accept that 'now is the time.'
— Barista Neurologist (@bar1star) February 26, 2023
Human beings can live 'normally' until the last minute even if their bodies are weakened.
Accumulation of 'Maybe I can return to 'normal' if I do a little more treatment here' leads to 'prolonged life'.
Single man Buying a new house | Dog Icon Mickey
When students are asked how much importance they place on treatment when looking for a job, many of them answer, 'I don't know what kind of life you can have with just how much income you have.'
— George (@Love_yellowhat) February 25, 2023
I was told that if you put a medicine (tablet) in a cat's mouth and then blow on it's nose, it will easily swallow it. I wonder if there's an individual difference that doesn't seem to be written much on the internet?
— Saho Yamamoto (@sahoobb) February 26, 2023
My cat will pet all other methods, so please try it if you are in trouble
I saw the online event of Colabo and Yumeno Nito's support group, but Yumeno Nito won't appear, and Yukiko Tsunoda's lawyer is not about the difficult women's support law, but about the ban on prostitution, the new AV law, and the massacre of Jews in the Auschwitz concentration camp. We're just talking, and the meeting ended about 30 minutes earlier than originally planned. was.
— Eri Shibata (@erishibata) February 26, 2023
I've always thought that YouTube's comment section is a devil's land, but sometimes Niki, a knowledgeable Englishman, appears in Japanese cuisine and writes interesting comments, so I guess I threw away the comment section as well pic.twitter.com/RFdHnxa8VX
— Gorilla 30 consecutive mag full auto (@ Goliback1234v) February 25, 2023
I learned from overseas Niki's comment that there was a British who popularized 'seaweed' as a luxury item before the war-Togetter
Episode 37 Ms. Drew British female scientist who saved Japanese seaweed fishermen - history lover << Nanchatte >> The melancholy of the 100 km walker - Yahoo! Blog
Yukihisa Oikawa is the director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Happiness Realization Party and a conspiracy theory influencer. During the US presidential election, he was the kind of person who did Trump supportive demonstrations in Japan, and he is a person of the genre called 'J-Anon', a play on Q-Anon. It would be bad if a member of parliament spread such a thing. https://t.co/ApNfZ1GT3j
— Yoshiro Fujikura @ Slightly Daily Cult Newspaper (@SuspendedNyorai) February 25, 2023
A 10-month-old Nordic cat is too big pic.twitter.com/51uE2DPlKV
— Shiroan Big Nordic Cat (@shiroan_chan) February 26, 2023
There was a re-recruitment for a curator (appointed for the fiscal year) at a certain art museum, so when I checked the website, it said, 'Salary: 125,912 to 160,809 yen per month.' Re-recruitment... I feel that there is an ethical problem in hiring a qualified university graduate for this amount (even if it is +100,000 yen, it still feels small).
— Yuki Saiki (@yukisaiki1) February 26, 2023
The sea cucumber is falling! cute! pic.twitter.com/2VEwBA8WCC
— Makuu (@yonasawa) February 26, 2023
When a friend quits his job to change jobs, he tells the human resources department that he won the lottery, although I would like to ask him to keep it confidential. When I found out that there were rumors within the company, even though I hadn't talked about it with others, I wrote a review on a career change site saying, 'This company doesn't protect the personal information of its employees.' I felt that it was a method that captured human psychology well.
— Tsukki (@psypsytuki) February 26, 2023
[About Fuminori Tsuchiko (Fumi)]
— Tanuki in Ukraine (@tanuki_ukraine) August 4, 2022
There are intentional distortions and errors in his information dissemination, and there are many points that are not fair to those who support him, so we will end our cooperative relationship with him. However, I can't miss it, and I will delete the articles and tweets about him.
The program on the situation in Ukraine on German television is graphic, direct and rich. How should we end the war, and what sacrifices should we make? Six perspectives are introduced.
— Marai Mentoline @ Profession is German (@marei_de_pon) February 25, 2023
(1) There is also the possibility of ending negotiations and losing territory, and negotiating later.
(2) The acceptance of refugees is about to reach its limit, and I want to limit it somehow.
(continued) pic.twitter.com/Zha8MaAH5S
Nukumedori refers to a falcon catching a small bird and warming its feet on a cold winter night, or the bird itself. The next morning, the hawk released the bird, but in order to return the favor, it is said that he did not go in the direction the bird flew away that day. Don't miss the sparrow at the feet of the hawk. On display at the Ota Memorial Museum of Art's 'Ohara Koson' exhibition until March 24th. pic.twitter.com/dESUjks0cU
— Ota Memorial Museum of Art (@ukiyoeota) March 16, 2019
there was a genius...
— Koji Watari @ Education x Stationery (@waatari) February 26, 2023
`` Sticky notes that do not get in the way using the margins '' pic.twitter.com/iot6UL0hq7
— Muroto Abandoned School Aquarium (@murosui_kochi) February 26, 2023
Akaika has been vomiting ink since morning.
Transparency in the morning... (←Ashizuri Undersea Museum?)
We are in a hurry to change the water.
I'm sorry. pic.twitter.com/c2AALHeDMr
◆ IT/gadgets (net/software/hardware/mobile)
A story about making Transformer learn your favorite DLsite voice work and creating a system that notifies you of new works that stick to your habits every day-Qiita
A story that was more comfortable than I imagined when I rode a 'robotaxi' on a public road with no one in the driver's seat: The scenery seen from Silicon Valley (page 1/4) - ITmedia NEWS
The rapid epidemic of misskey and the limits of decentralized SNS | Husbands of the right and left
Is 'YouTuber' really Owakon? Real change that can be seen through data | Tokuriki | note
Hatena Bookmark User's 'Excuse' 10 Patterns-Put a mandarin orange on your head (& spend a year manipulating)
Easily run ChatGPT and rumored FlexGen at home with Docker
Impressions after reading Masaaki Ito's 'Hiroyuki Theory: Why is it supported, and why should it not be supported?' - Usaru's Chuunibyou reading diary
«Low resolution 3D printed vase»
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) February 22, 2023
It's an octagon that's been linearly extruded upwards with a bit of rotation every few millimeters. Each 'layer' of the vase is scaled (width-wise) based on a sine wave.
[u/risakable: https://t.co/bdI1vU933J ] pic.twitter.com/TbljnusN4U
'AI-driven development' using specifications and tests
A lecture shared by researcher Kazunori Fujii for members is open to the public on YouTube → If you request restricted disclosure for intellectual property protection, you will be charged for expenses-Togetter
The story behind the research and development of natural language processing technology. Scale-up and applicability of HyperCLOVA equipped with a Japanese base model
Intuitive explanation of Transformer (without formulas) / Introduction to deep learning for serious programmers
I summarized the illegal remittance cases caused by SIM swaps that occurred in Japan-piyolog
Bukome is a story even if it's fucking - book sucking
High school students made their own distribution system for school festivals with AWS Nara Nishiyamato Gakuen's 'Technical Management Bureau', we asked them (1/4 page) - ITmedia NEWS
Listening to Rebuild.fm 10 years ago, I felt the change in values to technology-Magnolia Tech
AWS monitoring alerts start-mazyu36's diary
Read Masaaki Ito's 'Hiroyuki theory: Why is it supported and why should it not be supported?' Very honest content. Until now, criticism of Hiroyuki has been often blamed for two points: ``skipping compensation money'' and ``facilitating violent crimes due to neglect of management'', but Mr. Ito read Hiroyuki's books and criticizes the hard-to-see inner side. are doing.
— Mushizuka Mushizo @ Maze '23 (@pareorogas) February 25, 2023
Transferred domain management from AWS Route 53 to Cloudflare - Vinegar Log!
Search Chatbot Rhapsody: Google's madness at the mercy of ChatGPT | p2ptk[.]org
Reiwa otaku `` Forest page + is recommended for creation! '' → Old otaku who can scoop out old wounds ``Are you still alive?''-Togetter
I tried using the officially released Notion AI | Yuji Tsuburaya / Notion Ambassador | note
It's long, but I'm writing to organize my feelings.
— Yossha | Yossha (@yoshino_alice2) February 25, 2023
I just found out today that my oldest online friend passed away last year. In recent years, I have been suffering from an illness, and since I had stopped updating my Twitter, I was wondering if I was not feeling well. It seems that he died while watching over him because he didn't want to be taken care of.
Notebooks and smartphones with expandable screens. Lenovo Live Demo - PC Watch
◆ Anime, games, manga (subculture)
'Danmachi IV Deep Chapter Disaster Hen' PV just before episode 20 'Remnants of Dreams'-YouTube
TV animation 'World Distar' PV - YouTube
[TV anime 'Hell Raku' 2nd PV] Opening theme unveiled for the first time! -YouTube
TV anime 'Attack on Titan' The Final Season Complete Edition (Part 1) PV 2nd bullet - YouTube
TV anime ``UniteUp!'' Unit PV: Anela edition | Broadcast from January 2023-YouTube
TV animation 'Skip and Loafer' PV 2nd bullet - YouTube
``Comet Lucifer'' Episode 1 ``Earth and Boy'' [Limited delivery until 15:00 on Friday, March 3, 2023] | [EMOTION 40th Anniversary Program]-YouTube
TV animation ``Kamisama activities in a world without God'' PV 1st bullet-YouTube
'Rune Factory' starting from now - YouTube
``UFO Robo Grendizer: Even if my life is over'' Announcement Trailer-YouTube
'The Sims 4 Growing Together' Official Trailer-YouTube
'404 GAME RE: SET' -CAST FILE- Fantasy Zone TYPE: Anode-YouTube
``Labyrinth of the World Tree HD REMASTER'' Job Introduction [Alchemist]-YouTube
Harry Potter is the second best-selling book in the last half-century (first place is the Bible)
— Jabba the Hattori←← (@nodenodenode1) February 23, 2023
Author J.K. Rowling uses the same storytelling framework for all Harry Potter stories
Handwritten note by J.K. Rowling pic.twitter.com/OGyFihZDve
I drew a manga about a world where Lady Diana was crazy power-oriented pic.twitter.com/QTAeTBBY3f
— Gundam fucking commentary bot (@kusokaisetu) February 23, 2023
Miorineko's Trisets # Witch of Mercury # G_Witch pic.twitter.com/JV3FYgBjNC
— We are looking for Aki Hinosaka @skeb (@aktnhino920) February 22, 2023
Character makeup at the start of the game is a story that I want to stick to in units of 1 point pic.twitter.com/UwFJJ2zqTE
— Nao Fukuda picture book version on sale (@fukku7010gmail1) February 22, 2023
I verified the accuracy of Mr. Sakurai's handclap frame rate measurement. Awesome! https://t.co/AmodDMtcx4pic.twitter.com/ZIU63dDwcv _
— Yukino (@yukino_san_14) February 22, 2023
A scary manga Tokirio #Buruakapic.twitter.com /TpJf0vJWkN
— Usetsu 2nd term (@usetsuhanten) February 22, 2023
An acquaintance of mine, a teacher at a vocational school, showed me a manuscript that had his students novelize the first episode of 'Gundam Witch of Mercury' as training for writing novels.
— Ichiro Sakaki @ Manga 'Seisen Yuugi' 'Nishina-kun's Editing Adventure' (Original work) serialized! (@ichiro_sakaki) February 22, 2023
There is no adaptation, but what happens if the opening scene of the first episode is drawn 'as a novel' purely.
Well, it goes without saying, but there are omissions here and there.
Using transfiguration magic to turn humans into gunpowder barrels and bombing other humans with it, I think it's more ethical than any other magic #PS5Share , #Hogwarts Legacy pic.twitter.com/4vWROo1iRw
— Yammy (game record) (@yame_83) February 22, 2023
Fierce matching mistake # horse daughter pic.twitter.com/Z2tBWPDqFx
— Yappe (@yabayabasi) February 22, 2023
This is useful advice for a novel doujinshi book by a crazy friend who has released a new version of a thick book over 300p!!
— Team (@gine_ya) February 22, 2023
You don't know until you make something like this once. The softness of the paper makes a difference in readability. In the case of new books and paperbacks, it is difficult to read if it is difficult to open. pic.twitter.com/bJrWp7HE3F
Concon pic.twitter.com/3bc4kbNGJ2
— New area (@ Hgg84505090) February 23, 2023
New product announcement I want to make my favorite character the king! I don't want to.
— Pony Co., Ltd. (@pony_co_ltd) February 22, 2023
It can be used best at such times! The throne is now available for 110 yen. Please check the image for details on the size. Available in 3 colors.
From a royal king to a dark demon king, a strong overlord... you can wear various auras depending on the color pic.twitter.com/oWYWpBQ5rt
Pompoko Fractal that loses to the number of cute #Witch of Mercurypic.twitter.com/nIsxoZKG8j
— The Yamada clan. (@yamada_doujin) February 24, 2023
The rules were not communicated well pic.twitter.com/XqiWHHTTVi
— Sakaguchimaya (@SAKAGUCHIMAYA) February 24, 2023
#Shiroko #Bruakapic.twitter.com /3e0aH93ozI
— Okome (@0ko_mmn) February 24, 2023
'I'm an adult, so please do your own tax return! Seriously... only this time' #Bruakapic.twitter.com /jZiTripnbS
— Igayan @ Looking for a job (@ 24igakusei) February 24, 2023
— Nata Kokone drama! Watch anime too (@natakokone) February 24, 2023
'Cool Dumb Boys' will be turned into a TV drama in April Please follow the official Twitter for the latest information such as the cast!
Drama official @cooldoji_drama # Cooldoji boys # PLAYITCOOLGUYS pic.twitter.com/Gf7YldRH6L
[Apology and Information 1/3]
— Tales Channel + (@tales_ch) February 24, 2023
Thank you for playing Tales of Symphonia Remastered for Nintendo Switch.
We have confirmed that there is a problem with gameplay in this product version that is currently on sale.
We are currently investigating a fix.
I was fired for leaking at work, so I'm already invincible Zundamon-Nico Nico Douga
[Micra] Subaru encountering cobblestone disappearance bug + a little verification-Nico Nico Douga
[Asphalt9] Princess Luna who can't stop screaming in a project-Nico Nico Douga
Replying to @KimKardashian @KimKardashian
— Kansuke (@knkn_msp) February 24, 2023
Genshin Genshin Sanro San # Girl # Genshin # GenshinImpact # Genshin Iracon 2nd Anniversary FA # Sanro San # Twin Tail https://t.co/zbhMC1Ja91 pic.twitter.com/5BemceOgnM
— KuroiDa (@da_kuroi) February 24, 2023
Mr. Nyantowa #TOWART pic.twitter.com/oYOWHQf2Jl
— Mimikyu (@MimiquiLike) February 24, 2023
Power Cha pic.twitter.com/XWFeCg5GRJ
— Kawayabagu (@kawayabug) February 24, 2023
Xuanzang's buddy Rose-san pic.twitter.com/hUZr7lmZ9Q
— Yusuke Murata (@NEBU_KURO) February 24, 2023
NHK E-tele 'Manben neo' will be broadcast tonight, February 24th at 25:00! This time, the “hot-blooded manga artist” Kazuhiko Shimamoto will appear! Why is he so 'hot'? As the camera follows the passionate writing scene, Shimamoto's intense love for manga fills the air! Must see! # Kazuhiko Shimamoto # Naoki Urasawa # Cartoon Neo pic.twitter.com/G35Xmdjdha
— Naoki Urasawa_Naoki Urasawa Official Information (@urasawa_naoki) February 24, 2023
'Fascination' / Kirafurorupic.twitter.com/J29YiEGqfW
— Aika Otonoha (@otonoha_827) February 24, 2023
Hina #Burakapic.twitter.com /EmXaK7YlWj
— Mitsuka (@m1zzka) February 24, 2023
#Genshinlmpact #HUTAO _
— TeCa / 테카 (@Teca_ryeol) February 25, 2023
walnut pic.twitter.com/XJ1xYw54fe
Azusa-chan, SUKI… #Burakapic.twitter.com /YV3h4exbnD
— Kocir (@Kokocir) February 25, 2023
Zundamon Gives a Leftover Book to a Neighbor Who Made Too Much - Nico Nico Douga
I immediately went to the place that appeared in 'GeoGuessr' that was suddenly thrown away somewhere in Japan! -YouTube
Kiritan 'Amber Sugar'-Nico Nico Douga
[Hogwarts Legacy] .LIVE member grouping results and reaction summary-Nico Nico Douga
[.LIVE chat festival report] I talked with my favorite [DWARF BROS]-Nico Nico Douga
San Moni, Reiji Matsumoto's commentators almost collapsed ``I haven't seen or read'' SNS embarrassment-Entertainment: Nikkan Sports
Writer Yoshioka Taira dies 62 years old, 'Irresponsible Captain Tyler' Original: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Fujii makes his first defense, defeating Hanyu in the 5th round of the king's battle | Mainichi Shimbun
Hogwarts Legacy, if you lift it with Axio and blow it off with Deparso, the flight distance will be great and the fall damage will be three times as powerful as ancient magic ... pic.twitter.com/56o5KRInZz
— Chikuwasky (@Tikuwa_sky) February 21, 2023
Shiroko # Buraka # BlueArchive pic.twitter.com/eAFAXbZARn
— Hwan (@HwaaN_) February 26, 2023
The history of ``Nintendo check'' that you can understand very well | Beginner Kai | note
Minor Swamp Nushipic.twitter.com/K294CSENJd
— Sleep (@o_psha) February 25, 2023
I got hit...SHEIN...
— KONNOITA (@muneganai29) February 25, 2023
All illustrations are used without permission.
Probably other authors as well.
Please don't buy it...! pic.twitter.com/WHlrlHyfaU
Freshman: 'You did it, you fell, but you were right. Sebastian, I did the same thing. Tell me Avadakedabra.'
— Matsunaga Tuna (@Maguro_Maznaga) February 27, 2023
After that, the new student said, ``I think Sebastian should be sent to Azkaban.
There is a limit to shit.
Good morning to you!
— Laplace Darkness Delivered on the 28th (@LaplusDarknesss) February 27, 2023
Yesterday I spilled orange juice on my favorite clothes and was sick for about 3 hours, but I was egotistical and listened to Shintsunoo's story, which cheered me up~ ^._.^ Wow pic.twitter.com/b2xQOa0cPE
Makima-san complaining to Bocchi-chanpic.twitter.com/8NKeNcQc1x
— Kuncho (@otaku_Final) February 26, 2023
When I talked about Gyakuten Saiban, which I'm addicted to, the other person happened to be from the law department, and he said, 'If you hit the desk and point at it, you're out of the court. You're leaving the court. Judges don't hit their mallets, and they're the least beards of anyone to leave the courtroom.'
— Yukitouko (@yukitouko1212) February 26, 2023
It's dangerous to introduce the forest page as a new SNS. Even when the branch appeared, we, the creative people, along with the ninjas, endured the loss of trees one by one with sorrow.
— Marou Togawa (@malva_ppl) February 25, 2023
Proceedor rotator/Honami Mochizuki pic.twitter.com/9ESqOAM6Lz
— (@enskkt) February 27, 2023
The change in the main character's hairstyle and the reactions of his friends #Lost and Found Organization pic.twitter.com/Bbfo6Xcu97
— Hoshi (@HOSHIBACKYARD) February 27, 2023
4-frame cartoon 'Hotel' pic.twitter.com/RIVuk6xq05
— Kaoru Inai @ Acta Volume 3 (Complete) 10/28 (@Kaoru_Inai) February 26, 2023
I drank Starbucks Sakura Sakura Frappuccino pic.twitter.com/UpR8QnI88a
— Ichihyakuman Tenbaru Salome (@ 1000000lome) February 27, 2023
For otaku who make novels in paperback or A5 Eiko Printing's this is super convenient From an otaku
— Mikito (@mikito1024) February 26, 2023
(You can make a book with a nice layout just by finding your favorite font and character size by rolling it up) https://t.co/7KHbjWafBJ pic.twitter.com/WGK6bjee79
For those who have a picture with a little bit of blood as their icon header Seriously, your account will be permanently frozen Please be careful
— Numata Zombie (@Dobuu_2) February 26, 2023
I found it in Shimamura yesterday, but it grew overgrown because Sanrio did n't choose a job too muchpic.twitter.com/qGQG77Ij7J
— Gichi (Blake Brother) (@BREAK_BROTHER) February 26, 2023
That's it! #Sarome million exhibition pic.twitter.com/uFHXkRdGt3
— Miso Katsuyo (@miso_katsu) February 8, 2023
All episodes of K2 are free and time melts away
— Koma @ Artificial Life 03RIA-Red (@KOMA_MUGEN) February 26, 2023
For the time being, please take a look at episodes 26-27, ``Doctors who are very drunk in the middle of a comfort trip, but the moment they see a patient, they return sober and turn into warrior faces' ' pic.twitter.com/ Rnou UHI2XR
Foreigners ``What is the anime you've watched the most in your life?''
Regarding one point, 'Is it impossible to make a Japanese sword in another world even with cheat skills?'
— Chinese armor sword bot (@Chinaswordbot) February 24, 2023
Even if you don't go to the other world, there were almost the same sword-making methods as Japanese swords in the Later Han to Three Kingdoms period of China, so I think the answer is 'possible'. https://t.co/doeGxhEdTO
Adolescence playing with a microscope [VOICEROID Theater]-Nico Nico Douga
I definitely don't want to ●● Nei Ponton VS I absolutely want to
Origin of Nanjamo shockpic.twitter.com/vD8w0JSZTf
— Ryuichi Sadamatsu (@ryuichizzz) February 26, 2023
Happy 27th Anniversary to Pokémon! ! #PokemonDay pic.twitter.com/Nj7lu5z9ak
— Makoto (@mako_makotoo) February 26, 2023
My daughter told me not to use the dark armor picks I impulsively bought at Seria, because they look like idiots and are embarrassing. It was a waste, so I gave it to Sylvania. pic.twitter.com/R2tr6ubdRJ
— I am a merciless mother of the night (@hidakacacao) February 26, 2023
Noah #Bruakapic.twitter.com /vG6lHII5Ls
— Makicha @ 101 new mail order started (@sasurainopink) February 26, 2023
[Dragon Quest story] pic.twitter.com/Q15WmomfI0
— Lady Takeshi (@junkresistor) February 26, 2023
20 years ago yesterday, February 26th (2003/2/26), 'Mahou Sensei Negima! ] was published in Weekly Shonen Magazine. It was difficult to draw a work with a high screen cost such as 31 heroines from the first time, but it was actively made into an animation, a game, and a CD, and it became a long-term serialization of nine years. #Negima 20th anniversary # drawn down pic.twitter.com/U49gUZm2gB
— Ken Akamatsu (Member of the House of Councilors, national proportion) (@KenAkamatsu) February 27, 2023
Rainbow walk pic.twitter.com/T5rD7C6umD
— Ree C101 New Merob Outsourced (@ree_kkr) February 26, 2023
Tap recommended, if costume # GenshinImpact # Walnut # HuTao pic.twitter.com/vphaRVeKAn
— Yuo Kinosaki/planning picture! (@nemumi_no_sora) February 26, 2023
Good morning everybody!
— Junichi Masuda @Pokmon (@Junichi_Masuda) February 27, 2023
I am always grateful for your help! # Pokemon Day # Pokemon 27th Anniversary # PokemonDay # Pokemon27thAnniversary pic.twitter.com/ztbEjOdFKi
— Inuko Inuyama (@inuko55inuyama) February 26, 2023
#today is pokemon day
A lot of Pikachu came down meow pic.twitter.com/U5VXDWDrXz
Happy 27th anniversary to Pokémon! ! It's thanks to Pokemon that I became a manga artist...
— Miho Asada (@asayanen) February 27, 2023
#Today is Pokemon Daypic.twitter.com/IUwU80sAgq
Today is also Omnight #Today is Pokemon Daypic.twitter.com/MnPFfunLwW
— The divine insect Karasumi Hawk Moth (@k_arasum_i) February 27, 2021
Congratulations on the 27th anniversary It's a Pokemon made with ice cream #PokemonDay # Today is Pokemon Day # Pokemon Day # PokemonDay2023 pic.twitter.com/r5zU9hecVq
— Ice Art Kid (@sao_ice_art) February 26, 2023
Hogwarts Legacy, recently I discovered a completely harmless best bug that says ``If you interact with the potion preparation table in the room of necessity and leave it for about 1 minute, the amount of sweets that Deek spills on the floor will increase about 10 times. I'm enjoying looking at it pic.twitter.com/oJjXsNtmtK
— Chikuwasky (@Tikuwa_sky) February 26, 2023
Tara-chan's last voice #Sazae-san 1 hour SP #Sazae-sanpic.twitter.com /2YF67xQtLP
— Mr. Sakamoto? (@nichijou_enjoy) February 26, 2023
— Kawajiri Kodama (@kakeakami) February 27, 2023
From the question box. ``Tamamocross wondering whether to find a cheap egg for one person at a supermarket and ask for reinforcements'' pic.twitter.com/aMU8UZOlhe
— Pon (@ pon0737) February 25, 2023
◆ Sports, entertainment, music, movies (entertainment)
When I was a student, I watched the Soragami Hour as part of a class and thought it was 'interesting.' I didn't, but I think it's the hobby that I've been able to continue for the longest since I didn't have any hobbies until thenpic.twitter.com/EVLdN1Oapd
— Hiroki Aiga (@torvatu) February 22, 2023
For some reason, there is a musical instrument practice room in a corner of the underground parking lot of a certain hotel in Ikebukuro. Before, when I was listening to the unaccompanied music of Bach from this room all the way to the parking lot, wondering what kind of person was practicing, I was terrified when a former comma of the Vienna Philharmonic came out from inside. pic.twitter.com/ESFq7zKjz3
— Yoshiro Hayashi, MD, PhD (@yoshirohayashi) February 22, 2023
Tower Records, which has already disappeared in America. The final scene of the documentary film. Founder Ross Solomon came to Japan and was deeply moved, saying, 'Tower Records still exists!' And the scene that was greeted with applause from many employees was very moving. It is a brand that continues to be loved in Japan even though it has disappeared in the home country. pic.twitter.com/W7zf7h0x7I
— Brandon K. Hill | CEO of btrax x/2 (@BrandonKHill) February 27, 2023
No live coverage of Nadeshiko match Former national team FW Nagasato criticizes JFA 4 photos International News: AFPBB News
[WBC] Sudden 'yellow light' for Seiya Suzuki's participation Voices predicting the surprise call-up of the giant, Sho Nakata, as a substitute (East Sports WEB)-Yahoo! News
Cubs Seiya Suzuki Ross Director, WBC Participation Depends on MRI Results ``Determine as Soon as Possible''-MLB: Nikkan Sports
It was a game that made me realize how difficult it is to win one match in J1.
— Yuto Horigome (@gomesssuuu) February 26, 2023
That's why I'm proud of this team that got 3 points.
Improve your challenges and head to the next game!
See you at Big Swan #albirex # Albirex Niigata https://t.co/0CtDNBKqhc
◆ New products (clothing, food, housing)
``Nissin's light soup is delicious donbei spicy chige udon'' (released on March 13) | Nissin Foods Group
``Nissin Rao HOTATE Chicken White Soup'' (released on March 13) | Nissin Foods Group
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