So that 'the number of tweets displayed' is displayed on Twitter

A function to display the number of impressions of tweets has been added to Twitter. The number of times the tweet has been displayed is displayed to the left of 'Retweet' and can be viewed by anyone regardless of whether they follow you or are logged in.

On December 23, 2022, Twitter CEO Elon Musk said, ``Twitter will deploy View Count to make it possible to check the number of times tweets are displayed.'' ``More than 90% of Twitter users can see tweets. I will not retweet or retweet.This function allows you to realize how much Twitter is alive, ”he tweeted, announcing the implementation of the tweet display count disclosure function.

The tweet display count publication function is enabled at the time of article creation, and the display count is described to the left of 'retweet count'. However, because the width is too wide in the Japanese environment, 'Like' protrudes from the display area of the tweet.

When I checked with

GIGAZINE's Twitter account , the number of tweets displayed was displayed in all tweets after December 16, 2022. Until now, it was possible to check the number of impressions in tweet analytics if it was your own tweet, but with the function to publish the number of tweet impressions implemented this time, anyone can view the number of impressions regardless of whether they follow you or are logged in. is characterized by

As an example, if you check the following tweet from GIGAZINE, although only 21 likes have been given, the number of views has reached 18,000 times, which is about 900 times the number of likes. . With the advent of the function to publish the number of impressions of tweets, it seems that the degree of attention of tweets will become easier to understand.

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf