Twitter is testing the 'get out of conversation' feature that allows you to unmention

On Twitter, entering '@account name' when referring to a specific user in a tweet is called a mention. Once mentioned, some users may have complained, 'Don't mention yourself!', As notifications about subsequent conversations will fly incessantly. To give you more freedom to use such mentions, Twitter has announced that it is testing a 'get out of conversation' feature to dement.

Twitter says it's experimenting with'unmentioning' --The Verge

Twitter has announced that it is testing a 'get out of conversation' feature that allows you to unmention yourself from a particular conversation. At the time of writing the article, this feature is limited to some users of the web version of Twitter.

Twitter Safety, one of the official Twitter accounts, said, 'We are testing the unmention feature. This is a new way to protect users and get out of conversation. Currently for some users of the web version. We are providing it. '

To use the 'Get Out of Conversation' feature, click the three-point reader icon in the upper right corner of the tweet.

Then select 'Leave this conversation'.

In 'Get out of conversation', you can cancel your mention so that the mention will not work in the conversation that follows. In addition, since the mention will be canceled, it seems that future notifications will not come. Click 'Leave this conversation' again.

Then the @account that was mentioned ...

It's just text. This will prevent the mention from working.

Foreign media The Verge said, 'The choice to get out of the'hostile','uninteresting' and'don't want to participate'tweet conversations is a welcome option, especially for those who are experiencing harassment on the platform.' I am saying.

in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii