``Monster Eater-Dungeon Rice Board Game-'' play review that cooks monsters encountered while exploring the labyrinth and connects them to vitality for tomorrow

Monster Eater ~Dungeon Meshi Board Game~ - ArclightGames Official
You can see what the contents of 'Monster Eater ~ Dungeon Rice Board Game ~' look like by looking at the following article.
'Monster Eater ~ Dungeon Rice Board Game ~' that 'Dungeon Rice' became a card game appeared, the contents are like this - GIGAZINE

First, divide the character cards into five groups: Raios' party, Shrou's party, Tansu's party, Kabru's party, and Canary Corps. The way to divide the party is the same as the original, and it is OK according to the instructions.
In addition, 'Farin' is also mixed in the character card, but it is not used in normal play, so it is removed.

Place a magic token, a money/food token, six 6-sided dice, and a sword token in play. It is convenient to put it in a small plate or container as shown in the image.

Choose a party. This time, we decided to compete with 4 parties: Raios' party, Shroud's party, Kabru's party, and Canary Corps.
Arrange the character cards in a row at your hand. In addition, as an initial material, players receive tokens according to the icon written on the bottom left of their character card. For example, Marsil, the most talented girl in magic school, has three magic tokens. In addition, Chilchuck, who is skillful with his fingertips and good at releasing traps, has one money token, and Sensi, who lived a self-sufficient life in the labyrinth, has one food token. Money/food tokens are shared by the party, but magic tokens are character-specific

In addition, distribute the shallow/deep tiles to the players one by one, display 'Shallow' and place it at hand.

Shuffle the 125 labyrinth cards into a draw pile and draw 5 cards each as your hand. At this time, if you draw a card that says 'event', discard it and draw a labyrinth card again so that there are 5 cards.

Shuffle the item cards well and place them next to the deck of labyrinth cards.

Place the monster card like this under the item card. The light-colored cards on the left are the monsters in the shallow part of the labyrinth, and the dark-colored cards on the right are the monsters in the deep part of the labyrinth. In other words, the monsters that appear in the shallow and deep parts of the labyrinth are different. The upper card is the last boss monster, 'Chimera Farin' in the shallow part, and 'Frenzy Magician Thistle' in the deep part.

Distribute one summary card to each player with a brief description of the progress of the game and you are ready to go. Impression that a slightly wider table is required for 4 players.

The game progresses clockwise. The player puts exploration cards into play, and aims to achieve a total capture of the labyrinth, in other words, the total value of the 'traversing rate' written on the cards in the shallow and deep areas exceeds 100%. The game ends when someone finally captures the labyrinth, and the party with the most victory points at that point wins.
The turn advances the phases of 'battle & search' or 'procurement' → 'encounter' → 'rest' in order. Since there are no monsters for the first time, skip the battle and search for the time being, so put the `` water field '' card from your hand of 5 cards in your labyrinth (the place prepared on the character card). This card does not have a clearing rate, but it has the effect of getting 3 food tokens when put into play.

That's why I got three food tokens. This concludes the exploration phase.

In addition, you can also perform 'procurement' instead of 'battle & search'. If you procure, you can get two food tokens unconditionally, but you can not search. However, in procurement, you can discard any number of unnecessary cards from your hand. You can replenish the same number of labyrinth cards as you discarded during the rest phase, which will be described later, so it's useful when you want to break through the situation by replacing your hand with no cards you want.

Next is the 'encounter' phase. If you have a card that says 'Encounter' in your hand, you can place a monster in the designated player's labyrinth by discarding this card.

The monster to be placed is taken from the top of the monster card deck.

This time, I decided to send Mimics into Shiro's labyrinth.

In the final 'Rest' phase, the exhausted party members are revived (described later), and the deck is replenished so that the hand has 5 cards. There are no exhausted party members this time, so draw 2 cards from the deck.

After replenishing your hand to 5 cards, check your hand once. If you have drawn an event card, immediately place it on the field and process the effect. For example, the following card 'Trap Room' needs to consume one locksmith or ninja in your party (described later).

In the labyrinth of the next player who leads Shrou's party is the mimic that was sent earlier. If you have monsters in your labyrinth, you cannot explore them unless you defeat them in battle. Battles with monsters are done by rolling dice. The number written on the upper left of the monster card is the attack power of the monster. In battle, roll the dice to determine the attack value of the party, and win if the value is greater than or equal to this monster's attack power.

Each character's attack value is written in the upper left corner of the character card. Players 'expend' the cards of the characters they want to fight by laying them down. For example, in the image below, shroud is written as '1D + 4' and Inutade is written as '2D'. In other words, the attack value this time is (1D + 4) + (2D) = '3D + 4', that is, the sum of the three dice rolls plus 4.

As soon as I rolled the three dice, the total roll was 13. This party's attack value is 17, and they successfully defeated Mimic!

However, this game is a dungeon board game. After defeating the mimic, it's time to start cooking. Victory points, rewards, and cooking difficulty are written in the lower right corner of the mimic card. If you roll two dice and exceed the cooking difficulty level, cooking is successful. Mimics have a cooking difficulty of 6.

There are party characters who are good at cooking, and that character's card has a pot icon and a number on the bottom right of the card. For example, in the case of Shuro's party, only Maizuru is written as '+2'. In other words, if the sum of the numbers on the two dice plus 2 is 6 or higher, the cooking is successful.

After rolling the dice and successfully cooking, flip the Mimic card over. 'Boiled Mimic' is completed as the original. Keep the completed cooking card at hand. At the same time get the food token in the lower right. Furthermore, if you succeed in cooking, you can keep the victory points written on the bottom left of the card. So it's important to actively defeat monsters, cook them, and keep them handy. However, you need to be careful because you can only have up to 5 cooking cards together with item cards.

Attack power and cooking difficulty vary depending on the monster. For example, in the case of ghosts, there is an effect that ``I can only fight with magic combat power'', and the cooking difficulty level is 12, which is quite high.

Therefore, it is the turn of Marsil, who has three magic tokens. Marsil's magic attack power is '3D' in the upper right, that is, the sum of the three dice rolls, which is super strong. However, you need to consume 1 magic token.

When I rolled 3 dice, the result was 6 + 3 + 4 = 13. I succeeded in defeating the ghost with ease.

After that, the cooking was successful, and the exorcism sorbet was completed. In the original, the sorbet was completed by swinging a glass bottle containing homemade holy water at the ghost.

Of course, even if you defeat the monster, you may fail in the subsequent cooking. Mandrake is a monster that is 'easy to defeat but difficult to cook', and the canary team, which has no cooking experience, usually fails.

If the cooking fails, put the monster card face up on the bottom of the monster card deck.

Also, some monster cards have special effects when defeated. For example, in the case of 'moving armor' ...

You can get a sword token that adds 2 to the character's attack value. Also, if you succeed in cooking, you can eat 'moving armor full course'.

Search after the battle is over. This time, I placed a traversing card written as '30' from my hand. This number indicates the completion rate of the labyrinth, and if the total value exceeds 100, it means that the labyrinth has been completed.

And the encounter phase. A player led by Shrou Party dared to place a 'treasure bug' in his labyrinth. Next, you need to fight, but as long as you have monsters in your labyrinth, you can't send monsters from other people. There is also a point, so I would like to beat it myself rather than being beaten by others.'

In the rest phase, the exhausted party characters, i.e. the characters that have been laid down, are put vertically to recover. However, you will need 1 food token per person to heal. After recovering the character, replenish the hand and end the turn.

The next player is the Canary Corps. I put 'hidden room' into play in the search. This card consumes one key master or ninja, that is, you need to lay down one corresponding character card

There are no locksmiths or ninjas in the Canary Corps, but Otta can use 'locksmith magic'. Key master magic is a special ability that can be treated as a lock master by paying one magic token of that character. Pay one of the two magic tokens and lay Otta's card sideways.

Get an item card with this. There are two types of item cards, one that is revealed on the spot and activates its effect, and one that is not revealed on the spot and activates its effect at the end of the game.

We will proceed like this. A Rios party that shows exactly the same activity as the original, ``I don't have money, but I have food.''

Amazingly, the exploration progress reached 100.

Since the search progress reached 100 in the shallow part, the Rios party encountered Chimera Farin, the last boss monster in the shallow part. This Chimera Farin has an attack power of 20. In addition, this Chimera Farin can be challenged by any party that has reached 100 exploration progress.

Since the Raios party has a lot of food, we decided to challenge with all 4 of the 5 members except for Marcil. The sum of the three dice rolls + 9 should exceed 20, so if you are not very lucky you should be able to defeat it. So when I rolled three dice, the attack power of the party was 4 + 5 + 6 + 9 = 24, so I succeeded in defeating Chimera Farin with a single shot.

The defeated Chimera Farin is turned over and placed at hand. You can't cook, but the victory point is '2D', that is, the total value of the two dice rolled at the end of the game is the victory point.

With Chimera Farin, the final boss of the shallow part, defeated, the Raios Party finally reaches the depths of the labyrinth. Flip the superficial/deep tile at hand to display 'deep'. After that, other parties will be able to advance deeper if their exploration completion rate exceeds 100%, but if Chimera Farin is defeated, they will not be able to fight.

Then, discard all search cards that were lined up in your labyrinth until then.

While exploring more and more like that, I will proceed through the labyrinth while cooking monsters. Kaburu party showed the most successful exploration after reaching the depths. Anyway, even though you have plenty of food tokens from the beginning and there is no one in your party who is good at cooking, you can make sure to cook monsters and get food from event cards. Somehow, that party has an unusual amount of food...' to the level of being envied by other parties.

That's why the Kaburu party went smoothly to explore the depths, and finally encountered the frenzied magician Thistle.

``If everyone fights here, it will be quite easy,'' he said, using magic and 5 out of 6 party members to attack. The attack power of the party is 6D + 10. In other words, if the sum of the six dice rolls exceeds 15, it can be defeated, which seems to be quite probable.

When I actually shook it, the total of the six dice was just 15. It was pretty tight, but I was able to defeat Thistle.

Thistle's card is flipped over and sent to Kabru party's hand. Since the victory point is 3D, you can get up to 18 points.

The labyrinth is captured when someone defeats Thistle, and the game ends immediately. Calculate the victory points at that point. Victory points add 1 point for every 3 money tokens to the total victory points of cooking cards. In addition, players who have not reached 100% of the depth penetration rate will be deducted 1 point for each 10% of the insufficient penetration rate.
And the winner of the game this time is Kaburu Party, who defeated Thistle. Thistle's victory point was 10 points, and he also cooked that brutal 'rabbit in the labyrinth' into a wonderful curry and got 5 victory points, so he ranked first with a total of 22 points.

Before playing 'Monster Eater ~ Dungeon Meal Board Game ~', I was worried about how high the degree of perfection of the game is, because it is a game with an original, but when I actually played it, the degree of perfection was quite high. I felt that. Depending on the party, there are various styles such as good at cooking, good at attack, good at magic, etc., and the development changes greatly depending on the card draw and the dice roll. In addition, there is also a tactic to decide whether to proceed with exploration or to procure and collect food while watching the progress of other parties' exploration, so it can be said that the gameplay is quite high.
The time it took to play one game was about 2 hours as I progressed while understanding the rules the first time. At first, it took me quite a while to understand the rules and the somewhat complicated process, but as the game progressed, I was able to play quite smoothly. The difficulty of the game is never high, but it may take some time to get used to it. For the first play, it may be better to understand the rules and proceed accordingly.
Also, I felt that the great charm of the original manga, 'exploring the labyrinth, defeating monsters and cooking' is firmly incorporated into the game. There are many illustrations drawn by the original author, and you can enjoy while fantasizing about 'I wonder if these characters will encounter this monster, cook and eat like this, and have this kind of conversation...' It is a game that can be recommended enough for fans. Another big point is that you can play without any problems even if you don't know anything about the original.
Monster Eater ~Dungeon Rice Board Game~ will be released on September 15, 2022, and the price is 4950 yen including tax.
Amazon | Arklight Monster Eater ~ Dungeon Rice Board Game ~ (45 minutes for 2-5 people 10 years old and over) Board Game | Board Game | Toy

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