``Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island'' review sending together with the fierce survival life on an uninhabited island where storms and beasts attack

18 century British novel 'written in the body of' sailors drifting on a desert island Robinson Crusoe is memoirs that reflect their day-to-day self-sufficiency over 28 years, '
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Robinson Crusoe The cursed island adventure package looks like this.

Target age is 14 years old and above, playing time is 60 to 120 minutes, and the number of players is 1 to 4

A thick rule manual with about 40 pages and a game board

The size of the game board is 71 cm x 49 cm, and it requires a fairly large space to play.

There are 4 player boards. There are 4 types of soldiers, carpenters, explorers and cooks, with different skills and stats.
Cardboard containing various tokens.

Since it has a cut, it can be removed without a cutter or scissors.

Various wooden tokens

Material tokens for wood, fur, food and preserved food

Cards used during the game. Each pattern on the back has a different type, so it is recommended that you divide the types in advance before playing.

Dice used during the game

Scenario board and quick reference. Robinson Crusoe There are seven scenarios for adventure on the Cursed Island, and each scenario is not connected as a story, so you can play from any one. A quick reference chart outlines how to proceed with the game.

◆Game preparation
This time I decided to play with 4 people. Randomly one player board, two cylindrical action tokens, a red cube life token, and an invention card corresponding to the player board.

At the far left of the island area on the left side of the game board, place one of the island tiles in the image below and put a camping token with a butterfly icon on it.

Nine initial invention cards are placed on the right side of the game board.

Place a black marker on the terrain icon at the top of the card for only the 'shovel'.

There are two types of event cards, one with a question mark and one with a book mark. Separate the two types in advance……

Prepare the deck by drawing the same number of cards from each event card. The total number of decks is the same as the number of rounds in the scenario. Since 'Scenario 1: Drifters' to play this time is set for a maximum of 12 rounds per game, we will prepare a total of 12 decks, 6 from each event card.

The created event card deck is placed at the top of the game board.

Place the 'wreck' of the shipwreck card in the 'threat' area at the bottom left of the game board.

Place created cards, collected cards, and search cards in the designated area under the game board, and place three dice of the same color.

Shuffle the secret and beast cards and set them aside the game board.

Shuffle the initial equipment cards, pull two and place them face up near the game board. Place two white tokens on each of the two initial equipment cards.

For 4 players, place the Camp tidy card in place of the tent icon.

A black marker is placed in the weapon level area on the upper right of the game board.

A parent token imitating a compass is given to the youngest player.

Place various tokens beside the game board. Tokens are exchanged frequently, so if you put them in a container such as a flat plate, it will be easier to handle.

Now the game is ready.

◆ I tried playing with 4 people
'Robinson Crusoe Adventures of the Cursed Island' will be game clear if the conditions specified in the scenario are met within the number of rounds set for each scenario. On the other hand, if one person dies, the game is over. In one round, the 'Event Phase', 'Morality Phase', 'Production Phase', 'Action Phase', 'Weather Phase', and 'Night Phase' are processed in order. However, the event phase is skipped in the very first round.
Place the scenario board next to the game board. This time, we played 'Scenario 1: Castaways' as an introduction. Place a round marker on the round meter at the top of the scenario board.

1: Event phase
Draw one from the event card deck and process the effect written on the top of the card. Place the processed event card in the threat area at the bottom left of the game board.

2: Morale phase
During the morale phase, check the morale meter at the top of the game board. The parent player can get the will token according to the position of the marker. However, if the morale is low, the will token is forfeited. If you don't have enough willingness to pay, your life will be reduced.

Life is calculated by moving the life token at the bottom of the player board. When the Life Token passes the arrow mark, the morale drops. In other words, if morale is low, life is likely to decline, and morale is even more likely to decline, leading to a vicious circle.

Therefore, morale should always be kept high.

3: Production phase
In the production phase, you can get materials such as wood and food at the island tile where the camp token is placed. For example, you can get 1 wood and 1 food from the tiles below.

For the obtained materials, place tokens in the material storage area.

4: Action phase
In the main action phase of the game, everyone discusses and places action tokens in the field to plan their actions. When everyone puts their own action token on the game board, the action is actually solved in order.
Threat activates the effect written in the lower half of the event card placed in the threat area on the lower left of the game board. You can only place up to two event cards in the threat area, and if you can not fill up with event actions, the event card on the left is exiled from the field, and the effect at the bottom of the cards that are exiled at the same time will be activated. I will. Since the effects of expulsion are often negative, it is important to take threat actions on a regular basis to deal with them.

Also, if you think 'I want to explore more islands!', you can search by placing action tokens in the empty island squares.

However, exploring the tough nature of uninhabited islands is deadly. Sometimes it can fail. Whether or not the search is successful is determined by rolling three green search dice. The search is successful if the following 'V' is displayed.

If successful, place a new tile.

In addition, the eyes of the broken heart also appeared on the dice. In this case, you will be injured in the search and your life will be reduced by 1.

If you see a question mark, draw a search card. For example, the following is a card called 'Unlucky' that requires you to place an injured token on your ankle. In addition, the drawn cards will be placed in the event card deck.

Fail if you see two round marks below. However, you can get 2 will tokens.

The intention token is necessary to use the player's skill. The player's skills are very powerful and can be used at any time during the game, but only once per round.

And by putting two action tokens including search, you can surely succeed the action. The blue player places two action tokens to search. Three island token icons and one beast card icon were drawn on the island tile that was pulled.

This is an adventure token. Draw three...

Turn the table over.

Adventure tokens are placed in the material storage area and can be used anytime immediately after the action phase you have drawn ends. Many adventure tokens have very powerful effects, so it is necessary to actively explore and draw a lot of adventure tokens in order to survive on a desert island.

In the case of the icon of the beast card, draw one beast card and place it as a 'hunting mountain' in the hunting area at the bottom of the game board.

The create action allows you to create items and weapons for invention cards. The invention card items that are initially placed are subject to the terrain of the island panel you searched for. For example, a 'rope' cannot be created without the island panel showing the grassland icon.

Also, you may be required to use certain materials. Place the specified material from the material storage along with the action token and plan.

As with the search, the creation is done with a dice to determine success. If you put two action tokens, it will automatically succeed.

Items that can be created are placed in the material storage area, and when the action phase is over, they are rearranged face down in the invention card storage area.

'Explorer', an item exclusively for explorers, is a collaborative item that allows you to increase the materials you can obtain, but you need a 'map' to create it. Since the item creation conditions may be items, it is necessary for the player to discuss 'what to create in what order'.

The hunting action allows you to battle with predators by placing two action tokens in the hunting area or by the effect of an event card. Fighting the beasts will give you a lot of fur and food, so even if you're in danger, confronting the beasts is essential for survival. However, the strength of the beast is set, and the 'weapon level' must be raised so that it exceeds the leftmost number in the lower row.

You can raise the weapon level by consuming one piece of wood, but the weapon level will decrease as you battle with predators, so you need to raise it regularly.

Collecting action allows you to get the materials drawn on the island tile by placing action tokens on the island tile.

Of course, the collection also determines the success with dice. Collecting the materials and food necessary to survive the island is a life-threatening event.

For four-player camp, you can select one of two 'will tokens' or 'raise one morale' for each action token. In order to raise the morale that has dropped, it is basically necessary to tidy up the camp. If morale continues to drop, it can quickly be wiped out, so it is a necessary condition for everyone to survive by properly organizing the camp every time and keeping it high all the time.

5: Weather phase
After completing the action phase, proceed to the weather phase. For 'Scenario 1: Castaways', you need to roll one Weather Dice in the Weather Phase from round 4 onwards and 3 from Round 7 onwards.

The nature of uninhabited islands is easy to change and snows and heavy rains plague survivors. For example, snow spoils wood and rain damages wood and food, so a large amount of wood and food is thrown away during the weather phase.

If the wood and food that are thrown away are gone, the lives of the survivors will be damaged. In other words, in order to survive in the wilderness of an uninhabited island, it is always necessary to secure a large amount of wood and food ingredients.

Rain can reduce the impact if you build a roof. Therefore, the fate of survivors will be greatly affected by whether or not the roof is built.

6: Night phase
At night, you can move to the camp first. Since it is necessary to search and collect from the place where the camp token is placed, where the camp token is placed is very important. Camp tokens can only be moved to adjacent island tiles once per round.

Next, everyone's food needs to be consumed from the material storage area. For example, for 4 players, you need to remove 4 ingredient tokens from the Material Storage. There are two types of food: normal food in the shape of bananas and preserved food in the shape of bread. Be aware that normal food does not last long, and will perish and disappear during the night phase, so be careful. If you don't have enough food for everybody, the physical strength of those who lack will be reduced by 2. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss and decide 'Who will be missing rice' while looking at the remaining physical strength of each player.

Also, at night, survivors are thrown into the cold sky of an uninhabited island and suffer damage. To prevent this, shelters need to be built at the campsite. In the case of 4 players, you cannot make a shelter without 4 woods or 3 furs.

When the night phase ends, the parent passes the parent token to the person on the left and the round ends.

As you progress through the rounds, you will work together to survive the island. In the first play, the morale dropped steadily, the food was exhausted, and the physical strength of all of them diminished, and the game was over in no time. So, for the second time, I took part in a strategy of actively collecting and exploring food by hunting.

In addition, Friday was added as the 'easy game' for the second time. Friday is a servant who survived uninhabited island life with Robinson in the original novel, and like the player, only one action token can be placed. The more action tokens there are, the more things you can do, so the impression is that the difficulty level will drop considerably.

In addition, the treasure 'box' obtained with the adventure token effect is a secret card with the effect that 'food does not decay'. By allocating this box, the bananas that were left over during the night phase will not be wasted and will be wasted, and we will be able to carry over food the next day, creating a large margin for material management.

The goal of 'Scenario 1: Drifters' is to 'create a bundle of 5 firewood and a fire within 12 rounds.' At first glance, it's easy, but you'll have to make a bunch of firewood from the valuable wood used in the crafting action. If you do not search and collect properly and secure enough timber for each round, you will run out of timber and you will not be able to escape. In the second play, we were able to make all the stacks of firewood in the 10th round, and we were able to complete it safely.

Next, we played ' Scenario 7: King Kong on the Island of Terror '. While scenario 1 traced the original novel, this scenario 7 escaped by defeating King Kong who attacks the shooting crew on an uninhabited island that went with the shooting crew of a monster movie like ``

The scenario board had a list of creators.

If the book icon is drawn on the event card drawn during the event phase...

The creators were killed by King Kong. The first victim is the illuminator, who places a black token next to the skull mark.

If a totem icon that resembles a totem pole is drawn on the island tile that you explored, it means that 'the trace that was the habitat of King Kong' was left. Place numbered tokens on the totem icon in the order in which you found them.

In the Weather Phase, roll the red 'Hungry Beast Dice' for 'the number of discovered totem icons'. The Hungry Beast Dice has the eyes of 'destroying the camp fence.'

The fence level of the camp is reduced by one. If you get 'Destroy the Camp Fence' when the camp fence level is 0, all players lose 1 life. Therefore, in this 'Scenario 7: King Kong of the Island of Terror', it is necessary to raise not only the weapon level but also the fence level of the camp.

You must explore the island and collect timber to increase the level of camp fences. However, as you continue to search, the number of discovered totem icons will increase, which may put you in a disadvantageous situation. It is important to pay 4 timber or 3 fur, or raise the fence level of the camp exactly by the effect of the item 'moat' or adventure token that raises 2 at a stretch.

Head-on game is a foolish trick to capture the huge and savage King Kong. In order to fight like a human with wisdom, you need to set up three special traps in your habitat to catch King Kong.

You need four timbers to make a trap. In scenario 7, the fence level of the camp must be raised, and timber is a resource that is particularly easy to deplete.

After making a trap, install blue tokens that indicate traps in numerical order of number tokens.

As you explore to make traps and the number of totem icons increases, the number of times you roll the dice in each weather phase also increases. Hungry Beast Dice has some eyes that are not drawn, and if these eyes appear, survivors will spend peace without incident. The fate of survivors and filmmakers thrown on the island of ferocious monsters depends on exactly this hungry beast dice.

While the desperate survival of the desert islands, film makers continue to die. The sixth actress will not be killed, but will be taken away by King Kong. If the actress is taken away, you will not be able to escape until you get the actress back from King Kong.

You must capture King Kong early before the actress is taken away! All the survivors tomorrow. Despite being swayed by the probability of a hungry beast die, he managed to set up three traps.

Performed hunting action, battled, defeated King Kong, and successfully captured King Kong. I was able to escape from the desert island with a poor actress and a film director who could not give up shooting.

'Robinson Crusoe's Adventure on the Cursed Island' is characterized by complicated rules, and a large number of tokens and cards used during the game are also available. The content of the manual is very huge, but it is difficult to read, and even though everyone had read the manual before the game in advance, the time taken for the first play was More than 4 hours including rule understanding. In the second play, I was able to clear it in two and a half hours, partly because I knew the rules to some extent. Therefore, at first it is necessary to assume that the game is over and play while giving priority to grasping the rules while reading the instructions.
Once you understand the rules, you can proceed quickly, and since it is a cooperative game, it was a great excitement. Since the difficulty of the game is quite high, there are things that are quite difficult for beginners to play board games, but for those who say ``I have done various board games so far, I want to play a more chewy game''. Recommended. The prepared scenarios were full of variety, and I was able to play with a fresh feeling no matter how many times I played.
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