'Roll player complete Japanese version' play review that creates 'your own strongest adventurer' while being influenced by fate

In playing role-playing games, it is fun to allocate points to the status of the character used by the player, such as 'muscle strength', 'intelligence', and 'agility', and grow with the adventure. ' Roll Player ', which has a completely Japanese version from Arclight Games, is a game with only the part of 'allocating stats and creating your own character', selecting a race, collecting weapons and strengthening the character. By doing so, you can enjoy your own character makeup. I was really curious about what kind of game it was, so I actually played it.
◆ 2: Advance preparation
◆ 3: Confirm victory conditions & start game
◆ 4: Summary
◆ 1: Opened
The package looks like this. With the theme of 'A great hero is not something that erupts from the void, you must create it from scratch!', The target age is 10 years old and over, the maximum number of players is 4 and 1 person can play, play time Is listed as 60 to 90 minutes.

The contents are a rule book, a bag with dice, 7 character sheets, 70 gold coins, 12 display tokens, 12 charm tokens, and 102 cards.

There are 73 dice in the dice bag. There are seven colors: red, blue, purple, green, black, white, and yellow.

There are 7 types of character sheets. Made of cardboard, it is solidly made.

Gold coins are also made of cardboard.
The display token and the charm token look like this.

There are 6 types of cards. There are 4 player support cards with play instructions and 5 order cards with numbers.

There are 6 occupation cards and 16 setting cards.

The attribute card is one size smaller, 17 cards, and the market card is 54 cards.

◆ 2: Advance preparation
Make preparations before playing. This time we played with 4 editorial staff. Roll the dice one by one, and the largest player becomes the 'start player' and progresses clockwise.

Select the character sheet in order from the start player.

There is a hole in the center for placing dice in frames called 'characteristic values' such as 'muscle strength' and 'agility', and there are 3 frames and 6 types, respectively. Also, in the characteristic value column, an illustration showing 'behavior of characteristic value' is drawn.

Also, the adjustment of the numerical value differs depending on the character. For example, Ryujin has a little less agility at the cost of added muscle strength. On the other hand, in the case of Frogkin, agility is added instead of less muscle strength.

A female character is drawn on one side of the character sheet, and a male character is drawn on the other side. The performance is the same for women and men, so you can choose according to your taste. However, there are some that do not make much difference in appearance.

Distribute 5 gold coins to each player as the initial possession. However, in the case of 4-player play, only the last player and 2 cards will be added to the initial possession. The surplus money is left in the field as a 'bank'.

Draw the dice one by one from the start player. At this time, the color of the drawn dice will be your own color. For example, a player who draws a green die puts a profession card called 'Ranger' on the character sheet with the same green mark.

'Occupation name' and 'ability' are written on the right side of the occupation card. The content written on the occupation card is different on the front and back, and it cannot be changed during the game, so it seems necessary to think about 'what kind of character you want to make' in advance.

On the left side of the occupation card, target values such as 'Muscle strength 14-15' are set for each status. If you reach this goal, you will get the 'Star of Honor' that will lead to the final score, and the player who collects the most stars of honor will win . For example, in the image below, the total number of dice rolled on the top 'strength' is 6 + 6 + 2 = 14. And since the card says '14-15' and meets the target value of 14 or 15, you can get two stars of honor. Since the character sheet is placed with the dice rolled up, the dice roll leads to an honorary star.

By the way, the back of 'Nobushi (Ranger)' was 'Druid'. You can see that the abilities and target values are completely different.

Next, shuffle and deal the setting card and the attribute card respectively. When you receive one card at a time, place it on the character sheet and place one display token of your own color on each card.

Place market cards and turn cards side by side in the field.

Take out 8 dice from the bag in order from the start player, shake them all, and then place them on the character sheet.

Place the eight rolled dice on the character sheet. This is the 'first step' in an RPG, so you need to think carefully.

For example, in the sheet below, '+2' is written under 'Muscle strength'. This means that the sum of the dice rolls plus 2 is the status value. Looking at the profession card, it seems that this time's strength is '14+', that is, if you have 14 or more, you can get one honorary star. Since 14-2 = 12 or more is enough for the dice roll, it seems that it is not necessary to place a high roll such as 5 or 6 on the muscle strength from the beginning.

Looking at the condition of 'attractiveness', it is said that you can get 4 honorary stars with a target value of 18. I will put 6 dice to get it anyway.

In the end, it became like this. When each player completes the placement, the game is finally started.

◆ 3: Confirm victory conditions & start game
In the role player, the player fills the status of his character with dice while performing the four phases in order. When all the players place 6 types x 3 = 18 dice on the character sheet, the game ends in that round. Ultimately, the person who wins the most honorary stars wins.
The game repeats four phases: ' Start Phase ', ' Action Phase ', ' Purchase Phase ', and ' Management Phase '. First is the start phase . The start player rolls 5 dice and places them on the cards in ascending order. If the same result appears at this time, the start player can decide which one to put first.

Next is the action phase . From the start player, take the order card, the dice placed on it, and the gold coins, and place the dice on the character sheet. The number written on the order card taken at this time is the order when making a purchase in the next 'purchase phase'. This time I greedily drew 5 dice, but the order of purchase will be the last.

When placing the dice, the action of the characteristic value is performed arbitrarily. This time, I placed the 5 purple dice I drew in the 'Charm' position and received the 'Charm Token'. This charm token can be used as a substitute for a gold coin only during the purchase phase of this turn.

When each has finished acting, the next is the purchase phase . In the order of the cards you drew earlier, select 'Buy a card from the market' or 'Discard the card from the market and get two gold coins'. The cost of the card is the number written in the upper right, for example, you need to pay 3 gold coins to purchase the following 'skin back'. This time, I bought a leather back by combining one charm token I got earlier and two gold coins.

The purchased card 'leather back' is a type of 'armor', so leave it in the appropriate place on the character sheet. There are other types of cards such as 'weapons', 'skills', and 'features', and each has its own location. This is a convenient point because it doesn't bother you to put them apart and check them later.

Another player was buying a card called 'Pesticide God'. This means that if the characteristic value of 'Agility' or 'Charm' is 8 or less, you can get 2 stars of honor. This player is a character with a durability value of '-2', so it seems that he intends to keep a small eye on it.

After purchasing the feature card, you need to move the token on the attribute card up. Some cards have triangular arrows as shown in the image, and move according to this direction. This time it's a right arrow, so one square to the right.

At the end of the game, if the token is placed in the square with the golden star, you can get the star of honor by the number written.

Once everyone has completed the purchase phase, the next is the management phase . After preparing the place, hand the dice bag to the person on the left, and the player who receives it will be the start player of the next round and will start again from the start phase. By repeating this, the game ends with a round in which everyone puts 18 dice in the characteristic value column.

Basically, it's a game where you can concentrate on 'creating your own character', and there are few cards that interfere with others. However, in the middle of the game, a player who bought a card called 'Tohan' used it because it was a big deal. This card is a terrifying thing that the dice on the turn card are turned over and rearranged.

Before using, the dice on the turn card look like this. 4 out of 5 are 4 or more, which is quite a big result ...

Activate the climbing effect after taking the '6' die with gold coins. The numbers on the other dice have turned over and become smaller, which is a tough development for other players who want a big roll.

Also, the somewhat misleading card 'Curse Ring' that appeared at the end of the game. This has the effect of 'If you purchase it, give it to another player, and the owner can choose to consume 2 gold coins and give it to another person or consume 4 and discard it, and if you own it to the end, the star of honor will be -1' I'm waiting. At the end of the game, the players without money were frightened and fortunately immediately abandoned. However, there aren't many cards that are easy to understand and have a disturbing effect like a curse ring.

That's how the game ends and the score is calculated. Look closely at the effects of the cards and calculate how many honored stars you have collected. For example, if you have dice of the same color in the same position as the picture written on the 'setting card', you can get honorary stars according to the number. If it is in the state of the image, all 6 are in the position of the picture, so you will get 6 stars of honor.

Some feature cards have the effect that if you place dice of the same color in a row, you can get two stars of honor in that row. The player who got this was playing with the dice neatly aligned, and in 5 rows, he got 10 honorary stars.

Some of them played the Kimman family role play by collecting gold coins with a card called 'Gametsu' that can earn one honorary star for every four gold coins. One of the attractions is that you can enjoy this kind of role play in many ways.

The player who wins the most by totaling the number of honorary stars earned in this way wins. Also, depending on the number of acquisitions, it will be rated as 'mercenary' or 'adventurer'. Fortunately, I didn't become an NPC this time. There is a scoreboard on the back of the player support card, which is convenient when calculating the score.

◆ 4: Summary
This is the end of the game, but it was a lot of fun to talk about what each character was like. For example, as shown in the image, a 'weak' and 'sly' elf with 'pickpocketing' and 'unlocking' skills, but 'honest'! ?? Loose ...

A 'brave' dragon man in 'erudition', but a crazy character with 'obsession' has been created! Such. It's a character that has been created over a long period of time, so it's a pleasure.

It took about 2 hours and 10 minutes to play for the first time while checking the settings with 4 people. The rules are easy to understand if you play once, and it seems to be highly replayable. Even if the dice are bad, the effect of the card often leads to a score, and it is good that it is not completely left to the luck. The battle element is thin, and it is also attractive that it is easy to play such as 'it is fun to aim for a high score' rather than 'I am happy to beat others'. Once you understand the game, you tend to worry for a long time, so you may need rules such as setting a time limit.
The full Japanese version of the role player is available on Amazon.co.jp and can be purchased for 5509 yen including tax at the time of article creation.
Role player full Japanese version

In addition, in the expanded version of 'Roll Player', it is possible not only to create characters but also to actually perform battles. You can check the article about the extended version from the following.
'Roll Player Expansion Monsters & Minions' Play Review --GIGAZINE to create 'your own strongest hero' and challenge the battle against strong enemies

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