Become a jeweler and collect beautiful gems to build a commercial empire and win the glory and fame "Gemstone's glitter" play review

As the chief of the merchant guild, he invested in the mine, sent his ship to the new world, hired an excellent craftsman to build a commercial empire, accumulated wealth, gained a noble supporter with huge assets A board game that allows you to play the story of the great Romanesza jewelers who win glory and fame with extremely simple rules is "Splendor gleam of jewels"is. In 2014SPACE CowboysFrench company announced that this "sparkling jewelry" has gained high acclaim worldwide with a high degree of strategy combined with a simple game composition that collects tokens and earns victory points. In September 2017 I got this board game which was released Japanese version of the expansion set, so I immediately tried playing at GIGAZINE editorial department.

Splendor / Japanese gem of a jewel

Here is a box of "Splendor glow of jewels". Illustrations on the surface are by Pascal Kidor, an artist of "Glow of Jewels", which depicts scenes where jewelry masters wear glows shining with a serious look.

On the back side of the box, the world view of the game and the flow are written. In this game, players become jewelers of the Renaissance period, led guilds and purchase jewelry. By using that gemstone you will gather victory points named prestige points. The English name "Splendor" means "glow and shine", and it also includes the meaning "brilliantly dignified." It is exactly the naming of this game.

The recommended age is 10 years old, the play time is 30 minutes, the number of players is 2 to 4 people.

When opening the box, there are jewel tokens and development cards, aristocratic tiles, and rule books inside.

When arranging it out from the box, the content is small in proportion to the size of the box, and it is understood that the plastic case containing the token etc. is fairly sky. Those who think that the box is too large and inconvenient to carry, should be more convenient to carry in smaller boxes and bags.

This is a token used for playing. Red (ruby), white (diamond), blue (sapphire), black (onyx), Green (emerald), and gold (gold). There are seven sheets of red, white, blue, black, green, five pieces, only five pieces of gold.

When you take it in your hand, there is weight that comes in heavily, and it is a luxury impression such as jewelry as expected. This fine part excites players' hearts. Players can collect tokens and purchase cards by paying the collected tokens.

There are three types of cards, Level 1 (Green), Level 2 (Yellow), Level 3 (Blue), 40, 30 and 20 respectively. Players will purchase cards by paying tokens, aid in purchasing new cards, or earn prestige points (victory points) and aim for victory. Cards represent the process of jewelry distribution, with pictures depicting the symbol of "mining" at level 1, "processing and transportation" at 2 and "sale" at 3.

Ten noble tiles in all. A figure with a noblemanlike face is drawn on the surface, the victory point is on the upper left, the cost is written on the lower left is the same as the card.

◆ Play
This time we will play with 4 people. I will turn the turn clockwise from the first player.

The first player earned a token with a combination of 1 blue, 1 black, 1 red. Players will first get a token and purchase cards from that one.

The fourth player chooses 2 white. There are two ways to take a token, and you can choose whether to take 3 different colors or 2 same colors.

At the time of the end of two turns, this situation. Players still can not earn cards and will continue to keep tokens.

Here the first player purchased a card. I paid a token for the cost written on the lower left of the card and won a card.

As soon as the card of the place is bought, it replenishes it from the deck.

Cards you purchase can be counted as a substitute for the cost of paying when you purchase another card. For example, in the situation of images, when purchasing a blue card on the left side, the cost of one white token and two black tokens is necessary if originally. However, this player purchased a card with a white bonus (the jewel mark drawn on the upper right of the card becomes a bonus of that card) earlier. Then in this case you can purchase cards with 2 black tokens that reduced 1 white for bonus.

Moreover, the bonus of the card you got once does not disappear, you can use it again when you purchase the card at the later turn. Because there is an aspect of expanded reproduction in this game, players need to purchase cards with strategy and guide themselves advantageously. In other words, since the number of tokens is limited to 40 in total and only 10 can be possessed by one person, it is necessary to purchase cards and acquire a bonus in order to target high cost cards reason.

Eventually, the player who won the card where victory points are written for the first time appeared. I will lead another player one step.

Here, the first player secures one card in play and takes one golden token. Unlike purchasing, this securing action does not mean that the card is yours. It only secures it so that other players can not get out. You can choose which cards you want to secure from cards facing up to the battlefield or the top card of the deck. The top card of the deck can not be seen before securing, only the player secured after securing can see it. The golden token is the same as the joker says in playing cards and is almighty, that is, it replaces one gem token of all colors.

This player bought the secured card using the golden token the next turn. Apparently I did not have enough green tokens, so it seems I wanted a golden token.

Eventually the game will also begin in the middle. The third player bought a red bonus card this turn ... ...

I got a noble tile. This aristocratic tile is the same as the card, although victory points are written on the upper left, but the acquisition method is different. The lower left mark is a condition for obtaining noble tile, and in the aristocratic tile of images there are three black bonuses, three green bonuses and three red bonuses. If you have a card for the bonus drawn here, you win the aristocratic tile automatically at the end of the turn. In other words, the third player purchased a red bonus card as an action, and at that point he fulfilled the conditions for obtaining the aristocratic tile, so he got the aristocratic tile at the end of the turn. It is said that 7 points have been added to the victory points only this turn, and sighs are heard from other players.

The third player secures cards at the end of the match. If you acquire this card you will get more aristocratic tiles, so the third player will exceed the 15 points that will be the victory condition. When a player who exceeds 15 points even if someone alone exceeds, the remaining player of the round starting from the first player takes action and the game ends. Therefore, if someone seems to be over 15 points by looking at the situation of the surrounding players, you can see that the game is about to end soon.

Other players try to lose points as much as they lose, but ... ...

The third player who finally scored points up to 18 points wins. Winning two aristocratic tiles has become the deciding factor of victory.

After play, only the remnants that each player tried to build a commercial empire remained on the desk. Another game where I got used to it. Each one plays while thinking about a new strategy based on previous reflection.

Now a player who secures your desired level 3 cards will appear ......

Players who gather tokens of the same color and aim for high score cards also appeared.

Some players tried to thoroughly acquire aristocratic tiles based on the acquisition conditions of aristocratic tiles chosen at the start, aiming at only low cost tags.

If you feel that other players are likely to reach 15 in the end, you will need to go ahead and purchase cards that are not necessary for you even if you do.

The player who runs at the top feels sensitive to "being prevented from rising", and means to reserve a card in advance. Moreover, despite that the cost of stock is not enough this time, it is a mental brain play that you can purchase cards by using golden token that can be acquired at the same time.

Other players will catch up, but one step does not reach. Although the number of points earned on the card has remained only 7 points, the score obtained at the aristocratic tile was 9 points. It seems that the strategy aimed at aristocratic tiles has been successful.

The key point of this game is that all the jewelry tokens and cards held by the opponent are disclosed. If you look at the opponent's tokens and hands, you can see through the idea of ​​"Are you going to pick up that card next?" "Do you want to take that nobleman's visit?" By doing this, it is possible to secure by securing a card that an opponent seems to want for disturbance purpose, change his tactics when feeling that the opponent plays tactics, and calculate how much the other party reaches 15 points It becomes possible to play, and the range of thought spreads much.

After the game is over, it is also incredible that such ideas will inflate, "Is this strategy really effective?" "Because that player's strategy was good, let's imitate the next." An editorial staff with the most number of plays said "Although it tends to attract the nobility, it is the shortest route to 15 points that aligns the high score cards of level 2 and level 3 with the same color" The argument was confused. According to what I hear, cards that can be purchased with only the same color of Level 2 will be points.

Actually playing "sparkling jewelry", I felt that even with novice game boards it was possible to play without difficulty with simple rules. Furthermore, it is a game with advanced strategy that you can enjoy even those familiar with board games, who are gentle to beginners but also read each other 's thoughts and pursue their own interests. Although it was a review of only the regular version this time, since the editorial department has also obtained the extended version "Glow of jewels: city", this extended version review will also be posted at a later date.

In addition, at the time of article writing tax is 4245 yen, it can also be purchased from the following Amazon page.

in Review,   Game, Posted by log1h_ik