Dive into the labyrinth and collect precious treasures to make sure you survive! `` Monster Maker New Edition '' play review that remakes the card game monument simply and easily

MONSTER MAKER Monster Maker - ArclightGames Official
https://arclightgames.jp/product/monster maker/
The monster maker package looks something like this.

The number of players is assumed to be 2 to 6, the play time is 30 minutes, and the target age is 8 years old or older.

Check the contents. A total of 6 pieces, including how to play, return bonus panel, 6 outward/return panels, and 3 each of white and black 6-sided dice.

The forward/return panel has 'outbound' on the front side, and 'return' when flipped over.

And this is the card used in the game. There are three types: 'Adventure Cards', 'Treasure Cards', and 'Game Progress Cards' on which rules and procedures are written.
The adventure cards include 'Labyrinth Cards', 'Trap Cards', 'Detour Cards', 'Treasure Chamber Cards' with large numbers, 'Character Cards' with characters and their attack power, and 'Monster Cards'. ”, 7 types of “Cleric Cards”.

Preparing the game is insanely easy. First, shuffle all 125 labyrinth cards and put them on the table. Next to it, shuffle the 25 treasure cards and place them.

Distribute 5 cards each from the outward/return panel, the game progress card, and the labyrinth card to each player. However, if a trap card is included in the initial five cards, it is necessary to return the trap card to the deck and redraw it.

Now you are ready. This time I will play with four editorial staff.

The purpose of the monster maker is to 'get the treasure deep in the labyrinth and survive safely'. The player goes through the labyrinth while turning the turn, and the person with the highest value of the treasure finally wins. Players take their turn to move the labyrinth, place monsters, fight monsters, or discard their hand, and replenish their hand to 5 cards.
' Moving the Labyrinth ' selects 1 labyrinth card from the 5 adventure cards in your hand and reveals it in front of you. If the total number of the labyrinth cards exceeds 100, you will be able to reach the deepest treasure by traversing the outward route.

Since I used one for moving the labyrinth, I draw one from the deck of adventure cards and end my turn.

When moving through the labyrinth, you can use not only the labyrinth card but also the treasure room card. By playing this card, you can draw one treasure card.

Players can have up to two treasure cards per person. If you draw a third card or more, you must discard one of them. On the treasure card, the value of the treasure is written in the form of '○○G' as shown in the image below. The key to victory is getting the total value of the two treasure cards as high as possible. important to.

In ' Monster placement ', if you have a monster card in your hand, you can place it in a labyrinth other than your own.

A player who has a monster placed in the labyrinth cannot continue to traverse the labyrinth without defeating the monster in ' Battle with Monsters'. When fighting a monster, you need to put out a character card in your hand. Attack power is set for each monster card and character card, and if the attack power of the character card is greater than or equal to the attack power of the monster card, the attack is successful.
For example, in the following case, a warrior Diane with an attack power of '6D + 2' was sent out against a Dullahan with an attack power of '21'. 6D + 2 means that the value obtained by adding 2 to the sum of the results obtained by rolling 6 dice will be the attack power.

So when I rolled 6 dice, the total result was 5 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 5 = 25. As a result, Diane's attack power becomes '27', and she successfully defeats Dullahan. The destroyed Dullahan and Diane's cards that participated in the battle are discarded.

However, there are times when you don't have a character card at hand, or even if you do, you can't expect high attack power. In such a case, select ' Discard Hand ' to discard as many cards as you like from your hand. In the scene below, although Miku with an attack power of ``2D + 1'' was at hand, I could not expect the attack power, so I chose to discard my hand. There were also monster cards and labyrinth cards, and it was a painful choice to discard, but by discarding a lot of cards, the probability of drawing a stronger character was increased.

Since I discarded 4 cards, I will replenish 4 adventure cards at the end of my turn.

However, if there is a 'trap card' in the hand that has been replenished here, you must leave only one card other than the trap card and discard the rest.

That's why I replenished 4 cards, but I had to throw away 4 cards again. Since the replenishment of the hand is only once per turn, the hand will be only one until the next turn is over.

However, if you have a character card with the 'thief' job in your hand, you can avoid it even if you draw a trap card. Thieves don't have high attack power, but you can avoid situations where your hand is greatly restricted by trap cards, so you want to keep it in your hand as much as possible.

In such a way, we continued to traverse the labyrinth, and finally a player whose total number of labyrinth cards exceeded 100 appeared. The total number of labyrinth cards is 30 + 40 + 40 = 110.

Finally, I reached the deepest treasure, so I draw one treasure card.

A player who successfully completes the outward route flips the outward/return tiles to make it a 'return'. And this is a very important point, but the total value of the labyrinth cards that must be placed on the return trip must be 'greater than or equal to the total value of the outward trip'. A player who had a total value of 110 labyrinth cards on the outward trip must make the total value of the return trip 110 or more. If the total value of the return trip is not enough for the outward trip at the end of the game, the missing value x 10G will be deducted. Conversely, if the total value of the return trip exceeds the total value of the outbound trip, points will be deducted by the exceeded value x 2G. In short, it is advantageous if the total value of the outbound and return trips is exactly the same.

However, the fact that you were the first to clear the labyrinth puts a lot of pressure on other players. A dragon with an attack power of 25 was placed in the labyrinth because 'I won't return it alive so easily'.

However, there were powerful characters in the hand, Arle with an attack power of '3D' and Lacuna with an attack power of '4D + 2'. I aim to subjugate the dragon by putting out two cards at the same time. If you put out multiple character cards, the attack power will be the total value.

Arle's attack power was 1 + 5 + 1 = 7.

And Lacuna's attack power is 4 + 6 + 2 + 5 + 2 = 19. The combined attack power of the two is 7 + 19 = 26, so we successfully defeated the dragon.

However, immediately after that, another player placed a Jack Lantern with an attack power of '14' in the labyrinth. Jack lantern is a monster with the attribute 'undead'.

I didn't have any character cards in my hand anymore, so I thought I would have to redraw my hand, but in reality, the treasure cards I've drawn so far have an 'ancient amulet' that has the effect of 'can discard undead'. was. By revealing this 'Ancient Amulet' when processing 'Battle with Monsters' on your own turn, you succeeded in defeating Jack Lantern without a character.

The undead can also be eliminated without fighting by using the 'cleric card'.

While avoiding interference from other players like this, the total value of the outbound route reached 110, so I declared ``Successfully crossed the labyrinth!''.

The first player to clear the labyrinth will get a bonus panel.

However, the game is not over and the rest of the players continue. However, since it is not possible to replenish the hand, it ends when the hand runs out. The game ends when everyone has used or discarded their hand.

The victory point of the player who first cleared the labyrinth was 100G for the bonus panel and 200G and 150G for the treasure card, for a total of 450G.

Below are the players who managed to survive. The total value of the outward trip is 110, and the total value of the return trip is 120, so 10 × 2G = 20G deduction.

Among the treasure cards, the value of the 'brave statue' was 250G. The value of the other 'Elephant of the Goddess (as in the original)' is determined by the result of the dice, '300 G if 1, 2, 3, 4 if 1, 2, 3, 4, 100 G if 5, 6'. It was something. When I rolled the dice, the result was 4, so the value of 'Goddess Elephant' is 300G. Even considering the demerit points, the final victory point was 530G, surpassing the player who first cleared the labyrinth and came in first place.

With four players, the time it took to play one game was about an hour. However, there was time to understand and confirm the rules at first, so once you get used to the rules, you can play in about 30 to 40 minutes. The new version of Monster Maker is ``remade so that you can play densely in a short time while keeping the fun of the original.'' The rules are very simple, and even people with little board game experience can understand it immediately . The goal is to 'walk through the labyrinth and get the treasure in the innermost part', but it is not only about recklessly capturing the labyrinth, but it is also important to collect valuable treasure cards along the way. increase. For that reason, I felt that the game had a high level of playability, as there was a bargaining of ``Aiming to clear the labyrinth faster than other players, or collect treasures properly.''
Monster Maker is handled by Amazon.co.jp and can be purchased for 2627 yen including tax at the time of article creation.
Amazon | Arklight MONSTER MAKER Monster Maker (for 2-6 people 30 minutes for 8 years old and over) board game | toy | toy

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