Valve starts operation of 'Deck Verified', a function that displays the compatibility status of its own game machine 'Steam Deck'

It was announced that Steam's official game machine '
Steam Deck :: Deck Verified
Steam Deck: Introducing Deck Verified --YouTube
'Steam Deck', which Valve is developing with the aim of shipping in December 2021, has a screen size of 7 inches, Zen 2 CPU & RDNA 2 GPU & 16GB RAM, and can connect external devices such as monitors and keyboards, Nintendo It is a game machine with a size of 298 mm x 117 mm x 49 mm, which is one size larger than the Switch.
Handheld game machine 'Steam Deck' announced, price starts from 40,000 yen level and will start shipping in December 2021 --GIGAZINE

Steam Deck is said to be driven by Arch Linux-based original OS 'Steam OS 3.0', 'Games sold on Steam are basically supposed to run on Windows, so there may be many titles that can not be played. There were concerns that 'even if you can play it, it may not be optimized.' Therefore, Valve announced that it has developed a new system 'Deck Verified' that displays in an easy-to-understand manner how much the game is compatible with Steam Deck when displaying Steam from Steam Deck.
Below is an example of a screen displaying the Steam store from Steam Deck. You can see that the icon indicating the correspondence status is displayed at the bottom of the game name.
There are four types of this icon: 'VERIFIED (fully supported)', 'PLAYABLE (playable but manual adjustment of some functions is required)', 'UNSUPPORTED (not supported at this time)', and 'UNKNOWN (support status unknown)'. ..

Regarding how the correspondence status is classified, 'whether it is a game that can be run on SteamOS', 'whether or not all contents can be accessed by the initial setting of the controller installed in Steam Deck', 'Steam' There are five items: 'whether or not an icon compatible with the Deck-equipped controller is implemented', 'whether or not it works well with Steam Deck's default graphic settings', and 'whether or not the characters are easy to read on the Steam Deck's display'. It will be judged. For example, '

' Team Fortress 2 ' says, 'Some features are inaccessible with the default settings of the dedicated controller and may require a touch screen or virtual keyboard.' 'Some of the dedicated controller icons are not implemented or The reason 'may be inaccurate' is displayed, and the 'PLAYABLE' icon is set to indicate that it is not fully supported.
In the case of the VR-only game '

'Deck Verified' will be implemented not only in the Steam store, but also in the 'Library' of your game management screen.

Developers selling games on Steam can apply for a Deck Verified review through the Steam Deck Compatibility Review Process , but Valve says that some titles are considered important to Steam Deck's customers. The examination will be conducted based on the automatic heuristic. ' The review process for each title is expected to take about a week, giving the game developer a chance to fix the issue and request a re-examination before the results are announced.
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in Web Service, Video, Game, Posted by darkhorse_log