Headline News on March 19, 2021

Anime 'from 2021 July graduated by the time rather than the name of the Higurashi ' was determined to be broadcast. This work, a new series that follows was broadcast in March 2020 October to 2021 'work around rather than the name of Higurashi.' It may be that the story ends in the season without higurashi.
Higurashi When They Cry
— TV anime 'Higurashi When They Cry' Completely New ⛩ Miserable Broadcast ⛩ (@higu_anime) March 18, 2021
???? Episode 24 ????
'Seventh of the Hometown Destruction'
Thank you for visiting TOKYO MX and BS11.
Once again, 'Higurashi When They Cry' will start broadcasting in July.
We look forward to seeing you again in the season without higurashi. #Higurashi industry #Higurashi graduate pic.twitter.com/bCssjJKKdc
'Higurashi When They Cry' PV --YouTube
By the way, I posted this article on the same day of the same month in the past.
It turns out that the U.S. government had predicted the possibility that 'the pandemic has continued for more than 18 months and there are many waves' --GIGAZINE
What is 'No way' software that has successfully restored corrupted data that could not be retrieved by trial and error? --GIGAZINE
Will 'Drive-in Theater' be reinstated amid the spread of the new coronavirus infection? --GIGAZINE
NVIDIA announces amazing drawing technology 'GauGAN' that can convert graffiti into realistic landscape photos in real time --GIGAZINE
It is not 'orthodontics' that is important for good dentition-GIGAZINE
In VR, a fierce man who said 'I tried to make a system that can be erotic with girls' appeared, a two-stage stance of hardware & software --GIGAZINE
The number of butterflies 'monarch butterflies' that move on a large scale like migratory birds is rapidly decreasing --GIGAZINE
Will the lonely countryside 'mini independent country' be revived? Animation 'Sakura Quest' pre-screening + cast talk show report --GIGAZINE
Screaming 'Hello' and throwing the smartphone case with all your might 'Throwing smartphone!' I threw the smartphone case at the world championships --GIGAZINE
A love hotel 'Hotel Fuki' where you can stay in the Japanese-style 'Shinden-zukuri', which is also ideal for cosplay photography.
'Petit ★ Asobi Vol.4' report with the first landing in Linear Shikoku and the screening of Fate / Zero Cafe --GIGAZINE
Economists explain why premarital sex has changed from 'shame' to 'game' in the last 100 years-GIGAZINE
[Bad news] Living National Treasure Rakugoka Katsura Beichou dies --GIGAZINE
◆ Neta (memo, etc.)
I'm laughing endlessly while watching this comment pic.twitter.com/ve4VqfCINw
— Neige ciel 9105 (@ sneg_nebo_9105) March 17, 2021
Look at the bear muffin vomiting blood pic.twitter.com/1TyJ8DvhY1
— Mis (@ 411booooom) March 17, 2021
This is absolutely interesting ... pic.twitter.com/yLbvtJMPoq
— Yuno Yasakura @ Choreographer Volume 3 & Yin Cavocal on sale! (@yozakurayuno) March 18, 2021
◆ Science (Science / Academic / Technology)
CNN.co.jp: 'Mask is not a fake' Fauci has a fierce exchange with US Republicans
COVID-19 AI / Simulation Project
◆ Society / Politics / Economy (Case / World News / Business)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications asks local government to stop using LINE --SankeiBiz: Economic information site to hone yourself
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications asks local government to stop using LINE --Sankei News
Suspension of administrative services on LINE Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications | IT / Net | NHK News
Governor Yoshimura of Osaka Prefecture has announced that JR Shinkansen will run from March 22 to April 9 next month in order to prevent the spread of the new corona virus due to traffic to and from the Tokyo metropolitan area, where the state of emergency will be lifted on the 21st. At Osaka Station, we announced that we will carry out temperature measurement for Shinkansen passengers from the Tokyo metropolitan area. https://t.co/qyU6BmtRSQ #nhk_video pic.twitter.com/X46VbIJJbS
— NHK News (@nhk_news) March 19, 2021
Myanmar, all private newspapers suspended, internet blocked, making it difficult to obtain information | Reuters
'Wishing for his health' in the remarks of President Putin and President Biden | NHK News
North Korea Announces Breaking Diplomatic Relations with Malaysia 1 Photo of 'Innocent Citizens' Handing Over Rice International News: AFPBB News
'Ask a question soon' Mr. Abe's heckler 112 times and his aides: Asahi Shimbun Digital
New Corona: AstraZeneca Vaccine 'Safety Confirmed' EU Authorities: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Relockdown in France, Paris, etc. 1 month on Corona 3rd wave | Reuters
French Senator plans to visit Taiwan 'Wolf Warrior' China's opposition Despite one photo International News: AFPBB News
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Targets Some Businesses Due to 'Sending' Business Restriction Order Just Before Cancellation Medical System Almost Stage 2 Level (Hitofumi Yangi) --Individual --Yahoo! News
TEPCO Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant 'Unannounced inspection on holiday nights' Nuclear Regulatory Agency | Nuclear power plants in various regions | NHK News
JASRAC criticizes 'disappointed' high court decision, considers appeal: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Former director of accusation, invalid dismissal The Association of Shinto Shrine loses the case-Tokyo District Court: Jiji.com
New coronavirus vaccine started in Antarctica at Chilean military base 2 photos International News: AFPBB News
《Original》 Katsuyuki Kawai intends to resign as a member of the Diet
Suggested retaliation for EU side sanctions on human rights issues in Uygur Autonomous Region, China | NHK News
[Details] To cancel the state of emergency in the Tokyo metropolitan area What are your future measures and lifestyles? | New Coronavirus | NHK News
Major banks to reduce transfer fees From October, 'between banks' will be halved-affecting regional bank profits: Jiji.com
202 priests and 314 victims of sexual violence in the Archdiocese of Germany Report 9 photos International News: AFPBB News
CNN.co.jp: A series of shootings that killed six Asian women shocked Asian residents across the United States-(1/2)
Participants embarrassed at the worst ending Abduction of junior high school girls, corpse at campsite Shizuoka | Mainichi Shimbun
Who said 'I don't remember'? Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takeda 'Maybe I ...': Asahi Shimbun Digital
Industrial district on the battlefield, Yangon, Myanmar under martial law 16 photos International News: AFPBB News
Pacific optical cable, Chinese company bid invalidity Japan-US-Australia concerns: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Music Class vs. JASRAC Appeals Judgment (Additional) (Kiyoshi Kurihara) --Individual --Yahoo! News
The major difference from the district court decision is the interpretation of the student's performance. The IP High Court has determined that the student's performance is intended to be heard by the instructor, not to other students (I personally disagree). Also, because the students (unlike the instructor) are not under the control of the music classroom, the so-called karaoke doctrine does not apply, and the student's performance is the student himself (not the music classroom). As a result, the student's performance was not covered by the performance right because it was not 'a performance intended to be heard directly by the public.'
Judgment of 5 years imprisonment for Okiishi's father Shizuoka | Mainichi Shimbun
'Henoko, unlikely to be completed' US leading think tank report [Okinawa is now]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
'Sakura wo Miru Kai' Unjustified due to dinner membership fee issue | Kyodo News
'National stock price manipulation' bubble How long will the Bank of Japan look for excuses: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takeda said, 'I have no memory,' and apologized for the possibility | Mainichi Shimbun
Acquittal for stimulant use 'Suspected police officers mixed in drinks': Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
U.S. Forces Japan, non-payment of license fee NHK, do not enter the base | Kyodo News
Finance Minister Aso 'How long will you do the mask?' Complaining about the prolongation of corona | Mainichi Shimbun
'Sterilization just by hanging from the neck' No basis Ordered measures to the seller [New coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
First meeting of top US-China diplomatic authorities Both claims are in direct conflict | US-China conflict | NHK News
I bought 'Weekly Bunshun', but the one who erased the soul most was the image of President Sawada of NTT. 'The book on the right is' Self-help theory '' 'The owner of conservative thought, everyday wear is camouflage uniform' (Yabe) 'I put a model of Zero Fighter on the desk in the president's office' 'Actually, IT related by the Ministry of Defense NTT is the main company, but when the Ministry of Defense related schedule comes in, that is the highest priority. ' pic.twitter.com/G5AuDPwXlC
— Ikumi Kato (@katoikumi) March 18, 2021
JR East driver smoking while on board 'From 2018, to prevent drowsiness' | Kyodo News
'Spatial sterilization' supplies, a problem for 10 years 'Make because they sell' spiral
19 people died after eating turtles Madagascar 1 photo International News: AFPBB News
Global Dining, Governor Koike blatantly shoots at a request for a shorter time: Market conditions Kabu full power two-story
Inner ties are established even between same-sex couples Judiciary decision confirmed by Supreme Court | Mainichi Shimbun
◆ Lifestyle (life / life / health)
I was thrilled until I prepared the shark's heart 'Mouka no Hoshi' and ate it raw. https://t.co/F3E2USHff3
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) March 18, 2021
COVID-19 | Hachimitsu Jiro | note
News Up Will Bellmark Analog Work Change | NHK News
A cushion that sticks to people who like succulents. https://t.co/NhXtRCpaBn pic.twitter.com/N6Bk89tJ8r
— Green Pepper (@ r2d2c3poacco) March 18, 2021
◆ IT / Gadgets (Net / Soft / Hard / Mobile)
Improving the performance of large-scale monolipo on GitHub-GitHub blog
I summarized the problem of LINE reported as poor management --piyolog
'Earthquake Archives' that convey lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake are closed one after another | Great East Japan Earthquake | NHK News
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, IDs for about 2000 people are stolen by unauthorized access | IT / Net | NHK News
A flood of criticisms of the 'sex consent app' introduction plan Australian police-BBC News
COCOA 'restarts' from undetectable bug, makes full use of related GitHub | Nikkei Cross Tech (xTECH)
Etymology of 'Etaru' --WINDBIRD :: Light novel blog
'Umizaru' Hidemine Sato's request rejected Amazon e-book trial --Entertainment society --SANSPO.COM
100 million yen in 2 days ── Is the fashion of throwing money 'Super Chat' peculiar to Japan? Interview with YouTube executives --ITmedia NEWS
[Sad news] JASRAC-san, I couldn't get even one song for each YouTube usage of my own song. .. .. pic.twitter.com/CiXuVgXYYE
— Hiroya Nakatani (@hiroya_nakatani) March 15, 2021
Graph drawing posture information in real time by linking with Excel via Bluetooth SPP (wireless serial communication) --Qiita
Will the identity verification system spread with My Number Card and JPKI? [Junya Suzuki's Pay Attention]-Impress Watch
STUDIO site can no longer be viewed in Internet Explorer | STUDIO Blog
◆ Anime / Game / Manga (subculture)
Forspoken | Official Title Announcement | PS5 & PC
Square Enix Presents | The trailer for the title announcement of 'FORSPOKEN' announced at Spring 2021 has been released! Https://T.Co/G04ehXBTB2 #Forspoken # Four Spoken
— ForspokenJP (@ForspokenJP) March 18, 2021
The new TV anime ' #Yamano Susume Next Summit' has finally started. The official website for the teaser visual release has also opened. And the original Shiro-sensei, Director Yamamoto, Aoi role #Yuka Iguchi (@yukachiofficial), Hinata role #Kana Asumi ( @) Comments also arrived from 0812asumikana ) https://t.co/dbhnxUI8Tc pic.twitter.com/q5RUNIsRYi
— TV Anime 'Yamano Susume Next Summit' Official (@yamanosusume) March 19, 2021
TV anime 'Yamano Susume Next Summit' official website
Higurashi When They Cry Episode 24 'Government Destruction Part 7'
— TV anime 'Higurashi When They Cry' Completely New Miserable Broadcast (@higu_anime) March 18, 2021
Thank you for visiting TOKYO MX and BS11.
Once again, 'Higurashi When They Cry' will start broadcasting in July.
We look forward to seeing you again in the season without higurashi. #Higurashi industry #Higurashi graduate pic.twitter.com/bCssjJKKdc
When I went to the theater, there was a new poster of Eva. pic.twitter.com/NSt7UQMQPN
— NAO10 (@ nao10_0407) March 19, 2021
Studio Ghibli has helped us with the screen of 'My Neighbor Totoro'!
— Khara Co., Ltd. (@khara_inc) March 18, 2021
Did you find it? ?? Please look for the scene of the 3rd village #Shineva #Shin Evangelion Movie version #Shin Evangelion Movie version pic.twitter.com/3a172NGQ1G
Some people have misunderstood in some net news and replies, but we only cooperated with the provision of [images used for small items], not the scenery or cuts of the scene itself. #Shin Eva #Shin Evangelion Movie version https://t.co/k9Xg94kmc4
— Khara Co., Ltd. (@khara_inc) March 18, 2021
Rinshi Publish pic.twitter.com/mvueWSp9Ja
— 憝 (@sbgpand) March 7, 2021
[Creation] A manga of a gal who likes otaku-friendly gals pic.twitter.com/JVj5W9zfDc
— Mizuhira (@ nonno0588) March 6, 2021
— Matcha (@matchach) March 7, 2021
— TrNyteal (@CiloRanko) March 8, 2021
Discipline pic.twitter.com/KNvTb7Drhx
— Waka Sakauchi (@ sakauchi0) March 7, 2021
hopeless image pic.twitter.com/lv3tXFjgyy
— AGOTO (@_AGOTO) March 7, 2021
'I'm the wife of a writer who can't sell' ①
— Shohei Kawasaki 'Reprint undecided 1' 'Reprint undecided 2' 'Reprint undecided 3' (Chuokoron-Shinsha) is now on sale! (@shouheikawasaki) March 8, 2021
I think I'll upload essay comics that observe the ecology and thoughts of writers who can't sell from my wife's point of view. Scheduled to be updated every Monday. pic.twitter.com/URBP87A3qs
— Neg @ Looking for Jobs (@ 101Neg) March 8, 2021
Miku drawn at work # Miku's day pic.twitter.com/0KpEvpAqMf
— DS Mile @ 3 / 19-3 / 28 Nagoya Solo Exhibition (@ DSmile9) March 8, 2021
Flowing movement pic.twitter.com/egLPjnZmva
— Mo ~ (@ mori2ta) March 18, 2021
Yesterday, after making it for about two hours, look back and see the image that was not pasted as 'What's this' pic.twitter.com/1fSFRM08ZF
— Horidei Ono (@onoholiday) March 18, 2021
Gura (long hair ver.) #Gawrt pic.twitter.com/Rya4niWW4E
— Silver Silver (@ seaocean01251) March 19, 2021
A chronological table for confirming the generational experience of first-year students of the new university, 2021 edition.
— Kaichiro Morikawa (@kai_morikawa) March 18, 2021
I made it this year as well because I'm talking about manga and anime. pic.twitter.com/Xmm7Qjv46b
Big high place https://t.co/CGSHHIWj1o pic.twitter.com/2GP4Uyrts6
— Kyuru Z (@kyuryuZ) March 19, 2021
Among Us, 'Amon Guas'. pic.twitter.com/7gHoPc0zlE
— Biru / Gatsu (@ po_oq30) March 18, 2021
Gojo Shuttle pic.twitter.com/DPL1wPiXxF
— Haruharu (@haruharu_ff) March 17, 2021
The story of an older brother who couldn't go to school.
— Natsujikei Miyazaki Information (@natsujikeinfo) March 18, 2021
(Part 1) pic.twitter.com/n0QbuRF8OI
Return blood that grew when placed on pgp pic.twitter.com/wjYVBqDM66
— Zuda (@ zd_610) March 18, 2021
In my brain when asked 'Do you have a recommended anime?' Pic.twitter.com/tSzJwPkYkw
— Nekota @ 3/28 Zessho 28 Absence (@ nekotaro21) March 18, 2021
It seems that it will not be completed, so a memorial service pic.twitter.com/PnnZO0hyfe
— Miso (@kanimisonoh) March 18, 2021
㊗ 10th Anniversary project started!
— Date A Live [Official] (@date_a_info) March 19, 2021
here we go---
Celebrate our special war (date)
Illustrations for the 10th anniversary of the large set of characters drawn by Tsunako have been released!
Congratulatory comments from the original team
https://t.co/fvckhAaPEa #date_a_live # 10th Anniversary of Date pic.twitter.com/r0qderysZO
I like chan pic.twitter.com/sgaCqwvHfo
— Only (@akemitan_) March 18, 2021
Assorted horse girls pic.twitter.com/W1QuJ061xA
— Fuusuke (@ fusuke208) March 18, 2021
Pic.twitter.com/sNTtJwqRdx that summarizes everyone in FF9
— Monaka (@azukimomonaka) March 18, 2021
SQUARE ENIX to release magic action RPG 'FORSPOKEN' on PS5 and PC in 2022, where modern women get lost in a different world https://t.co/zjF40YZ0sR
— Denfaminicogamer (@denfaminicogame) March 18, 2021
A work by Luminous Productions where the development team of 'FF15' gathered. While making full use of magic, run around the open world field at high speed and adventure in a different world pic.twitter.com/3lk1RwWy5U
Etch Apostle, Invasion pic.twitter.com/QLt18JSulY
— Tamai Evening (@syuwatto) March 18, 2021
I went to Super Nintendo World at the pre-opening, but this was the warmest ... It's full of 'love' ... pic.twitter.com/1mqEt2YwoB
— TAMAKO (@ mol_tamako0130) March 18, 2021
Gold Ship approaching the center by catching up with angry waves pic.twitter.com/IKt8exioek
— H2 (@ h209851219) March 18, 2021
[Breaking news] pic.twitter.com/lTmyS94lUZ exhibited at the goal of Gachihoko, the golden shachi of Nagoya Castle
— Come on Nagoya @ Oinagoya (@oinagoya) March 19, 2021
Coronation of the White King pic.twitter.com/j8QjZTv3o2
— LINNE Ꙭ (@hld_doreko) March 18, 2021
Drop key-look! !! !! !! !! pic.twitter.com/XbWOKE6WpM
— Kizuna AI @ Ponkotsu AI (@aichan_nel) March 18, 2021
Introducing the contents of 'TYPE-MOON Ace VOL.13' released on March 26 1
— Comptiq & Comp Ace (@comptiq) March 19, 2021
TYPE-MOON's latest work 'Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-', the 'origin' that reborn the essence of experience and technology, is featured on the first 20 pages! We will deliver a lot of information for the first time, including a long interview with Kinoko Nasu & Takashi Takeuchi. # TMA13 pic.twitter.com/GNZha5kWUa
Every time I look at Twitter, this is pic.twitter.com/5l1SSfjJT1
— RIZZY @ Freedom (@ rizzyyyy02) March 18, 2021
Dasca-chan visual favorite pic.twitter.com/Fa888wMJvg
— Scrap Ko (@kuzu_kow) March 18, 2021
Good morning, I have a hamburger picture diary. pic.twitter.com/eZOsq9ZzPD
— Hamburger (@HundredBurger) March 18, 2021
Silence Suzuka is a beautiful woman's # Umamusume pic.twitter.com/PggCgI1DJT
— Nanami Inuyama (@ zo3mie) March 18, 2021
Suddenly stroking my head is totally my brother ~ pic.twitter.com/NIIhDWEgpk
— Makaroni (@ lylyly7777) March 18, 2021
So, I made a prototype of the whole body shape of 30MS ~ ~. The ban has finally been lifted. Thank you! !! # 30MS pic.twitter.com/QNaw8yjNny
— Fuyushi Tanaka (@ temjin747j) March 19, 2021
Record of VTuber's real live event --izumino's note
A story about knowing the thickness of your parents' house after becoming an adult 1/3 pic.twitter.com/qTjOQftIX5
— Kaoru Karēzawa (@ rosia29) March 18, 2021
◆ Sports / Entertainment / Music / Movies (Entertainment)
Iwate Horse Racing Prohibited Drug, Derived from Mold on Bed Straw To Document Sending Without Incident | Mainichi Shimbun
This season's professional baseball will be discontinued in nine times | Kyodo News
'Sexual harassment from producer' Rina Aiuchi sues former affiliated company | Mainichi Shimbun
Causal retribution for Disney? Tragedy of 'Raya and the Last Dragon' | Real Sound | Real Sound Movie Club
'Meinel Corps' Shigeyuki Okada died on his 71st birthday | Gokuuma Premium
Shigeyuki Okada, the “General” of the Meinel Corps, dies on his 71st birthday-Sponichi Annex Gambling
Lotte Toritani joins the army: Summary Lotte!
◆ New products (clothing, food, housing)
'Morinaga Matcha Milk Pudding' will be on sale nationwide from March 30th (Tuesday)! | News Release | Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt