The details of the personal information that the Google app collects on iOS have been revealed, and there are too many voices saying 'It is no wonder that I wanted to hide it'

With the update delivered to the Google app and Chrome published by Google on Apple's App Store, a 'privacy label' that clearly shows the information collected by the app has also been posted on the App Store. Since this privacy label clearly stated that Google's app collects a wide range of personal information, 'It is impossible for Google to postpone the posting of the privacy label by leaving the update of the iOS version app for a while. There is no such thing. '

Apple's app transparency rules: Google's privacy labels for Chrome and Search on iOS highlighted by DuckDuckGo • The Register

In November 2020, Apple introduced a 'privacy label' on the app distribution page of the App Store that requires the data collected by the app and its purpose of use to be clearly stated.

Apple obliges developers to specify 'information such as data collected by apps and purpose of use' in a new form --GIGAZINE

Since the introduction of the privacy label, some Google apps published on the App Store are no longer updated. When you update the app, you have to display the privacy label, so there is a small rumor that 'The reason why the update is delayed in the Google app for iOS is because it corresponds to the privacy label?' It was.

Meanwhile, updates were distributed to the Google app and Chrome published on the App Store, and the 'privacy label' of both apps was released. When you access the iOS version of the Google app and scroll, you will see 'Financial information', 'Location information', 'Contact information', 'Contacts', 'User content', 'Search history', and 'Browsing history' as 'Data associated with the user'. 'ID', 'Usage data', 'Diagnostics', and 'Other data' are displayed. However, this is a part, so if you click 'Show Details' to see the whole thing ...

A ridiculously long pop-up popped up, popping up the data that Google was collecting.

Chrome looks like this.

In response to this, search engine DuckDuckGo, which has a policy of not saving usage history etc., said on Twitter, 'After several months of stagnation, Google finally revealed the amount of personal information collected by Google app and Chrome. It's no wonder they wanted to hide it. It's nothing to do with spying on users and developing good search engines and browsers. ' Please note that DuckDuckGo's browser app ' DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser ' does not collect any data associated with the user.

According to the British IT news site The Register, Chrome collects 19 categories of data, while Apple's Safari has 13 categories, of which only 6 are 'data associated with users.' That is. In the case of Firefox , there were 7 categories, of which 4 were 'data associated with the user'.

In addition, Apple has published a list of privacy labels of its own apps, which can be viewed from the following.

Privacy --Labels --Apple

in Software, Posted by log1l_ks