The developer of 'Cyberpunk 2077' is attacked by a cyber attack and the source code of the game and internal documents are stolen.

The role-playing game '
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According to a message from an attacker published by CD Projekt RED on Twitter's official account, the attacker was 'Cyberpunk 2077' 'The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt' ' Gwent Witcher Card Game ' 'Unreleased Version' from the server of CD Projekt RED. He said he got a complete copy of the source code for The Witcher 3. In addition, the attackers claim to have obtained in-house documents such as accounting, administration, legal, human resources, and investor information.
The attacker also said, 'If we do not negotiate with us, we will publish and sell the stolen data. We know that CD Projekt RED can restore these data from backup, but the data is public. If so, the image of CD Projekt RED will go down, 'he said, requesting CD Projekt RED to contact him within 48 hours.
In response to this attack, CD Projekt RED posted a statement to their Twitter account at 16:54 local time on February 9, 2020. 'The CD Projekt RED system has been partially disabled by ransomware, but we can restore the data from a backup. We know that if we don't respond, we will publish the data, I have no intention of negotiating with the attackers. '

According to CD Projekt RED, the stolen data does not include the user's personal information.
It has been clarified that the development of 'Cyberpunk 2077' was delayed due to factors such as conflicts at the development site and the spread of infection with the new coronavirus. Technology News Media
'Cyberpunk 2077 was released in a bad state?' Was revealed in an interview with the staff at the development site --GIGAZINE

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