Web application 'PSX Party' that allows multiplayer of the original PlayStation on the browser

Although modern home video game consoles are capable of multiplayer such as battles and cooperation via the Internet, most of the titles of the original PlayStation released in 1994 do not support online. ' PSX Party ' is a web application that allows you to play multiplayer games on PlayStation that are not online.

PSX Party


To access the PSX Party, click 'Click here to create a room and start playing!' At the bottom of the official website .

Click 'Click here to launch' to launch the PSX Party.

PSX Party loads the game in two ways: 'Click here to choose a game', which selects a game from the public list, and 'Browse (.chd)', which plays a

CHD format game ROM.

'Click here to choose a game' allows you to select titles

published on the Internet Archive.

Also, if you click 'Invite friends' at the top right of the home screen ...

The multiplayer host will be automatically hosted and the invitation URL will be displayed.

Participants access the sent URL and click 'Click here to launch'.

Then I was connected to the common lobby.

PSX Party is a kind of game function implemented in the chat application ' Kosmi ' for browsers, and is also provided as an independent application.



At the time of writing the article, the PSX Party that was released was an alpha version.

in Web Service,   Web Application,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log