Amazon evades its detection tools and sues two influencers and vendors who sell counterfeit products on Instagram and TikTok

Amazon filed a proceeding on November 12, 2020 against two influencers and 11 vendors for promoting the sale of counterfeit goods. Influencers and vendors were evading Amazon's anti-counterfeiting tools by promoting the sale of counterfeit products through Instagram and TikTok accounts.

Amazon sues influencers for allegedly marketing counterfeits

In a lawsuit filed in a federal district court in the West District of Washington, Amazon accused 'two influencers of using Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and personal sites to advertise counterfeit products.' At the same time, he said to 11 individuals and companies based in the United States and China that he 'posted counterfeit products on Amazon.'

The sales page of the imitation product that was actually published on is as follows. The product name only says 'black leather bag for women', and at first glance it is a page that sells cheap bags. However, in reality, if you order from this page, you will receive fake brand products.

And the following is an advertisement for a counterfeit product that the influencer actually posted on Instagram. Here, it is clearly appealing that luxury brands such as Gucci and Dior can be obtained cheaply, and it was linked to Amazon's sales page. Amazon claims that influencers and vendors have been promoting counterfeit products since around November 2019, demanding damages from the two influencers and discontinuing sales of the counterfeit products from the vendors.

The two influencers refused to comment on the proceedings and kept their Instagram account private at the time of writing.

Launched in 2000, the Amazon Marketplace allows non-Amazon vendors to sell products using the Amazon platform, and is growing year by year with the spread of e-commerce. In the third quarter of 2020, sales of 'third-party service', which includes sales of Amazon Marketplace, increased 55% year-on-year to $ 20,436 million (¥ 2,135 billion). It is a source of income that supports Amazon's sales.

Amazon announces third quarter 2020 financial results such as 'net income triples year-on-year without the influence of Prime Day' --GIGAZINE

However, in the Amazon marketplace, which has become a lawless area with minimal quality control, vendors selling malicious fake brand products and prohibited products continue to be squeezed, and the Amazon marketplace makes huge profits. There are also criticisms that it is thanks to the vendors who sell these counterfeit products.

It is pointed out that Amazon is making huge profits from prohibited products, recalled products, counterfeit products sold by third party vendors --GIGAZINE

In response to this situation, Amazon announced in June 2020 that it had set up a new 'counterfeit crime countermeasure team' to eradicate counterfeit goods sellers on the Amazon marketplace.

Amazon, which is criticized for the rampant counterfeit products, has set up a 'counterfeit crime countermeasure team' and aims to eradicate counterfeit product sales in cooperation with law enforcement agencies --GIGAZINE

However, the influencer and vendor's trick was to use other social media platforms instead of the Amazon marketplace to escape the scrutiny of Amazon's counterfeit crime prevention team. 'Looking at Amazon, all the data we have may have seemed okay, but this time around,' said Darmesh Mehta, Vice President of Customer Trust and Partner Support at Amazon. Definitive evidence of the crime was found on social media sites. '

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk