Headline News on October 5, 2020

The first PV of the new animation ' SSSS.DYNAZENON ' based on the special effects ' Denkou Chojin Gridman' has been released. The broadcast time of this work has not been announced yet, but the original 'Denkou Chojin Gridman' will be distributed on YouTube every Friday from October 30, 2020 at 18:30, and in January 2021. Has decided to rebroadcast ' SSSS.GRIDMAN '.
©円谷プロ ©2020 TRIGGER・雨宮哲/「DYNAZENON」製作委員会
[PV release]
— SSSS.DYNAZENON Official Account (@SSSS_PROJECT) October 5, 2020
'SSSS.DYNAZENON' PV1 has been released! Stay tuned for future information! PC Kitabayashi https://t.co/p9hmIE8PP7 #SSSS_DYNAZENON pic.twitter.com/zkm1n5WcVR
It has been decided that 'SSSS.GRIDMAN' will be rebroadcast from January 2021! 'Denkou Chojin Gridman' will be distributed on the official YouTube channel of Tsuburaya Productions from 10/30 (Friday) every Friday at 18:30! looking forward to! !! PC Kitabayashi https://t.co/Fg5DRQlNYI #SSSS_GRIDMAN pic.twitter.com/JhvFneRxdT
— SSSS.DYNAZENON Official Account (@SSSS_PROJECT) October 5, 2020
By the way, I posted this article on the same day of the same month in the past.
A movie in which boys and girls in 1966 talk about their future expectations of '2000 AD' is amazing --GIGAZINE
What is the man who protected humanity from the extinction of nuclear war more than 30 years ago? --GIGAZINE
What is a 'Berlin lock' that locks a 'key without a handle' that is rare in the world through the door? --GIGAZINE
Why do 'self-study' such as online lectures that do not require attendance often go wrong? --GIGAZINE
A sword sleeping at the bottom of the lake for 1500 years is pulled up by an 8-year-old girl --GIGAZINE
D-Wave Starts 'Leap' to Lend 2000 qubit Quantum Computers in the Cloud for Free --GIGAZINE
Font 'Sans Forgetica' that promotes 'memory retention' that can be used for free --GIGAZINE
Wikipedia rejected a female researcher who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the first time in 55 years --GIGAZINE
What is a 'learning strategy' that can improve your grades in just 15 minutes at zero cost? --GIGAZINE
◆ Neta (memo, etc.)
360 ℃ camera, too hot and dangerous pic.twitter.com/rVZ1qUrce4
— Kuwfuc (@kwfuc) October 4, 2020
It's no good. The helmet I bought today jumps out of my bag, and by all means, I become a 'person who has defeated the enemy's general head.' pic.twitter.com/uaTGdLjo2u
— Sergeant Crocodile (@WANIGUNNSOU) October 4, 2020
— Cleaning Devil (@ nikai45) October 4, 2020
I thought that the old man was sticking his head in the hole, but I tried to prevent the drainage water from splashing pic.twitter.com/JEYs3madkH
I knew the truth of the universe pic.twitter.com/JkRa01rPFq
— Posted almost every day Oni Pein (@ pagne275) October 3, 2020
It seems that his father did DIY by imitating the popular 'squirt lamp' (using real squirt skin) on Instagram, but rather than being fashionable, it feels like an egg of a dangerous creature that grows secretly in the depths of a damp cave. It was floating pic.twitter.com/HhnGgx7TH4
— Bigchi (@yokoline) October 4, 2020
In the morning when one extra trivia has increased pic.twitter.com/p9f5y8RyvP
— Mr. Orange (@ A_Clockwork33) October 3, 2020
I feel like I can't help thinking that human beings are the ultimate pic.twitter.com/mYVYw7f7mM
— Hamia (@wtamber) October 3, 2020
The poses of the cats in the foreground do not come in at all because of the cat with the feeling of 'master watching over the disciple's training' pic.twitter.com/hgHrP3hy9R
— Hiroyuki Kukata 'Nora Nekoken' (@ sakata_77) October 4, 2020
Cluster amaryllis was blooming in the coin parking pic.twitter.com/OvCPMDt82v
— Susumu_okada (@susumuokada) October 4, 2020
You can do it with a skirt or heels, you can aim at the opponent's face, if you hit clean, you will be killed with a single blow, it is not so difficult and it will be powerful, so shrimp kicking is highly recommended for girls as self-defense pic.twitter .com / txsEAoGdLC
— RIPAN85 (@ ripan85) October 4, 2020
Tsukiji Hongwanji 'Words of the Month' #Temple Bulletin Board Award 2020 pic.twitter.com/9tHJnofdvG
— Aco @ SDGs × Buddhism [SDGs Otera Network Representative] (@ acoaco06) October 3, 2020
◆ Science (Science / Academic / Technology)
The number of doctoral students at graduate schools that support science and technology nations is halved during peak hours | Education | NHK News
Most recently, a study was published showing that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine reduced cervical cancer.
— Department of Pediatrics, Niigata University [Official] (@Niigata_u_ped) October 4, 2020
In conclusion, in this study, people who started vaccination by the age of 17 had about one-eighth the incidence of cervical cancer compared to those who did not.
I will briefly explain the contents. #HPV vaccine pic.twitter.com/gRaEdrcpHC
How to improve learning efficiency that can be seen from the latest research-Division Misunderstanding Kimi Theater by Furumuda
◆ Society / Politics / Economy (Case / World News / Business)
Orgy at home, arrested 8 people 'sponsored for many years' | Kyodo News
Suspicion of prostitution, arrest of man 'Organized by orgy' admits: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mr. Takafumi Horie of mask refusal riot requests wearing mask at his lecture | News about Tokyo Sports news posted
Academic conference personnel, Abe administration is also reluctant to vacant without showing the reason: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Consideration of refusal of appointment in 2018 Cabinet Office, Legislation Bureau inquired about legal interpretation 'Can I refuse?' --Mainichi Shimbun
Yusaku Matsuzawa --Research Blog --researchmap
I would like to write about the Prime Minister's refusal to appoint six of the next members recommended by the Science Council of Japan.
This issue should first be asked as a legal issue, a formal issue. Some lawyers have already said that it is not possible in principle for the Prime Minister to refuse a recommendation in the form of a law that 'the Prime Minister appoints based on the recommendation'. Suspicion has been raised. Prime Minister Suga should be asked if he has taken steps that violate the law.
Next, the Prime Minister's measures are considered to be unreasonable if he does not appoint 'without recommendation' in the form of the law 'appoint by the Prime Minister based on recommendation'. The responsibility for a fairly heavy explanation will arise on the side that did not appoint. I think it would be extremely difficult to give a rational explanation to only six people regarding this non-appointment. In other words, this measure is 'arbitrary'.
The administration always has room for discretion. But with infinite discretion, it is an arbitrary exercise of power. Do we want to live under such an administrative authority, where some measures are taken suddenly for no particular reason or explanation? Far before the academic and research issues, this measure raises the suspicion that the current cabinet is the power of that character. I'm afraid that it's a violation of the law, or even if it's not, it's really arbitrary to decide something, it can be directed to anyone because it's arbitrary. I feel
That's all the reasons I'm protesting this move.
The following is a supplement to my concerns about other things.
Skewers for snacks Rats are a valuable source of protein Corona worsens food shortage Malawi 1 photo International News: AFPBB News
Mr. Trump's body is 'big concern' and related sources Difference from official announcement 5 photos International News: AFPBB News
The reason why two military aircraft used for 'the last day of the earth' took off after President Trump's infection was discovered | WIRED.jp
[Video] President Trump's video message full-length | New coronavirus | NHK News
Multiple infected people in US administration and lawmakers spread in White House (Photo = Reuters): Nihon Keizai Shimbun
What can be said from this article.
— Yudai Mochizuki (@ hirokim21) October 3, 2020
・ The official residence is intentionally doing pancake branding. ・ Attendance at the “discussion” with the prime minister is an important choice for media companies. ・ HuffPost is pancake branding including thumbnails without mentioning the context. I got on the article ・ I even put a store promotion at the end of the article https://t.co/tJO40pgdgO
'Dosu black loneliness' and Suga personnel and the reporter became an aide: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Remodeling assistance for working from home up to 1 million yen, examined by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
'Mr. Trump, the cause is my father's education policy' Contents of the exposed book: Asahi Shimbun GLOBE +
Mr. Trump, who has a temporary high fever, is expected to be discharged on the 5th Doctors' report [US presidential election 2020]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mr. Nikai 'Sold fights, receive and stand' Get into Yamaguchi: Asahi Shimbun Digital
CF for 'Silk mask production and provision', the one that arrived was a synthetic fiber importer 'I don't recognize it' --Mainichi Shimbun
◆ Lifestyle (life / life / health)
[Tropical Cyclone Information]
— Weathernews (@wni_jp) October 4, 2020
Regarding the tropical cyclone that is developing in the south of Japan, the Japan Meteorological Agency has announced that it is expected to develop into a typhoon within 24 hours.
There is still a great deal of uncertainty about the future course. Please be aware of future information.
The next typhoon will be 'Typhoon No. 14'. https://t.co/ykdjfmFVyz pic.twitter.com/u0La3OvP8J
[Typhoon Occurrence] Typhoon No. 14 (Chan-hom) occurred in the south of Japan at 9:00 on October 5 (Monday). There is still a high degree of uncertainty in the course. Please be aware of future information as it may approach Okinawa and western Japan. https://t.co/PgECcForU8 pic.twitter.com/xkJL0oVyb2
— Weathernews (@wni_jp) October 5, 2020
I heard a lie for a man that a woman is healthy for only one week in a month, so I will hurry up and leave it as PowerPoint. pic.twitter.com/vbmBKOMPkF
— Yuichiro Kojima (@ you1026) October 4, 2020
The only thing you have to go to fat is that you don't drink 500ml of Pilkul at once. That's one week's worth. pic.twitter.com/p8JRnY313Q
— Toshi @ Entap Co., Ltd. Representative (@ toshity1980) October 3, 2020
What? When I was fishing, I passed in front of the whale shark, but pic.twitter.com/WKXqhAMSzg
— Masaya fishing (@ Masaya02150430) October 4, 2020
Do you want to go that way pic.twitter.com/OMDedyOz0H
— Merochi (@merokoooooo) October 4, 2020
The top is the conventional KitKat. The bottom is a renewed KitKat. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't shrink KitKat anymore yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah pic.twitter.com/aMrBBLfBWC
— Keiya Narumi (@narumikeiya) October 4, 2020
Toyama's seriousness was punched out with a telephoto lens. (Tap it) pic.twitter.com/OVGmnMd9O8
— Inagakiyasuto (@inagakiyasuto) October 4, 2020
A rainbow was seen in the sunrise sky in the Kanto region such as Tokyo and Kanagawa prefecture in the early morning of the 5th (Monday) of the beginning of the week. In some places, the rainbow looked double.
— Weathernews (@wni_jp) October 4, 2020
There are places where it has already begun to rain, but in the daytime the sun will reach once. I'm worried about showers again at night. https://t.co/l24Iz49X96 pic.twitter.com/M4XsXvNhnH
— General Incorporated Association Alligator Snapping Turtle Ecological Research Institute (@kanameogino) October 4, 2020
Despite being laughed at, it is predicted that the number of alligator snapping turtles will increase sharply from the revision of the law in 2000, so I went to the police station in the prefecture with a business card to greet me If you capture it, I will protect it here, so please do not kill it. ' pic.twitter.com/K03xb0JX8G
The JR Yokohama Line is still not driving due to a personal injury. Machida Station is in this situation pic.twitter.com/z9faz3r0kC
— Alex (@ alex8774b) October 4, 2020
'Jumbo garlic' is not a garlic but a member of onions and green onions. https://t.co/rmj701Y2DE
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) October 2, 2020
The reason why I can't sympathize with the liberal non-motivated theory-the conflict between absolute impossibility of love and endless open love-I want to talk with you
It's been 30 years ago that it's been about 20 years since this brewed soy sauce became commonplace. --Soy sauce notebook
I was infected with the new coronavirus. I will write about my experience, from isolated life to symptoms. (Koji Uehara) --Individual--Yahoo! News
◆ IT / Gadgets (Net / Soft / Hard / Mobile)
Facts that all human beings using SNS should know pic.twitter.com/bPgQVC9hoG
— Tsuda Shingo (@ shin_5_9) October 4, 2020
The review of the casket sold on Amazon for 21,000 yen was very helpful. In this way, the shape of the funeral will change steadily from now on. pic.twitter.com/mldOsHf3Eu
— Ukima Sequins (@ukimacloset) October 3, 2020
I made an average face of each Johnny's group with interest. Pic.twitter.com/EicXs2jLZU
— S (@Nyamodeco) October 4, 2020
Return to Windows
[Slow commentary] Wi-Fi hacking! Basic method and preparation [WEP / WPA / WPA2] --Nico Nico Douga
Until Facebook gets out of the crisis of sluggish user numbers and gains 1 billion users, behind-the-scenes stories by former people (English) Translated tweet summary --Togetter
◆ Anime / Game / Manga (subculture)
'Love rice that my childhood friend never loses' Teaser PV
TV anime 'Maesetsu!' PV 3rd
TV anime 'Adachi and Shimamura' character PV ~ Yashiro ~
TV Anime 'Adachi and Shimamura' Bansen CM ~ Adachi Edition ~
'My Hero Academia' 'Hiroaka' TV anime 5th season PV 1st / 2021 spring broadcast start decision!
TV anime 'Jujutsu Kaisen' non-credit OP movie / OP theme: Eve 'Jujutsu Kaisen'
[Theatrical version release commemoration! Mr. Gotouge's special one-shot is being posted !!]
— Kimetsu no Yaiba Official (@kimetsu_off) October 5, 2020
At WJ44 released today
The past edition, 'Kimetsu no Yaiba Special One-shot,' which depicts the first mission of the flame pillar, Purgatory Anjuro, is posted! !!
Please take a look at the brave figure of Purgatory fighting the evil spirits.
* This work will be included in 'Purgatory Zero Volume', which is a bonus for theater visitors. pic.twitter.com/Em6IzKFy1p
Congratulations 'Theatrical version #Violet Evergarden ' box office revenue exceeded 1.1 billion yen Screen average recorded No. 1 for 3 consecutive weeks, and was No. 3 in the weekend mobilization ranking. It is being viewed by a large number of people. Thank you everyone!
— 'Violet Evergarden' Official (@Violet_Letter) October 5, 2020
Please continue to feel their 'feelings' in the theater pic.twitter.com/58CuGLGsD0
#To everyone from Hideaki Anno for the 25th anniversary of Eva .
— Khara Co., Ltd. (@khara_inc) October 4, 2020
The image is the cover of the first (oldest) project of 'Neon Genesis Evangelion', September 20, 1993. When,
The latest rush screen of 'Shin Evangelion Theatrical Version' D part (final block) October 2, 2020 version. # Evangelion # Eva pic.twitter.com/92zgiRcWlk
Things to think about in the trailer of a romance movie (repost) pic.twitter.com/Xp4dZAdJVt
— Takanonno @ Volume 2 on sale (@takanonnotakano) October 4, 2020
Also, Sumijiro ... You ... That's it ... pic.twitter.com/jbEnWNhyTr
— Trautosamon (@Harpuia_tomo) October 4, 2020
4-panel cartoon 'chef' pic.twitter.com/4lomaw9jVU
— Kaoru Inai @ Sonohen Actor Volume 1 on sale (@Kaoru_Inai) October 4, 2020
Kirby after washing laughed at Poyonpoyon wwwwww pic.twitter.com/OiBm7buXOr
— A (@maisaryp) October 4, 2020
Happy Birthday FBK !! # FBKbirthday2020 #Picture Fubuki pic.twitter.com/1QPQQXzpmA
— Hitsu (@hitsukuya) October 5, 2020
Drawing course pic.twitter.com/DBFm9RuigX
— DiZ (@dizsonyasuna) October 4, 2020
I-shaped balance pic.twitter.com/Y5zUR6PNgX
— Exciting (@wkwkmikeco) October 4, 2020
I wanted to ride Ranma 1/2! For this big wave!
— Fan 43 (@ougiyoshi) October 4, 2020
#I-shaped balance part pic.twitter.com/THDciNiDJz
I'll die (iPad image posting test) pic.twitter.com/cihQKjh2rk
— Izumo Ito (@izumo_ito) October 4, 2020
Be yourself 1/2 pic.twitter.com/vEPYzj0w9H
— Two volumes of snow waiko (@ waiko084) October 4, 2020
[Rabbit] I was surprised and real, and after yelling 'Seriously!', I saved the email.
— Mimi Usagi 'I have a low sense of self-affirmation' is now on sale (@usagitoseino) October 4, 2020
(This is because the requester never professes because there are other creators who are working there) pic.twitter.com/S95YaAjOmq
Breather to Harakami chan model first step #MMD # original God pic.twitter.com/7ild6Iy4FG
— Rabi (@ oniniri0) October 3, 2020
If you don't give me some sweets, you'll be mischievous. My wife's magic has turned Pikachu into macaroons. Pic.twitter.com/l5Do61vS03
— WHIP SUGAR Icing Cookies / Pokemon Art (@YuicihiroG) October 4, 2020
I added the goods that came in the lip pic.twitter.com/AU06mOnDzL
— Trautosamon (@Harpuia_tomo) October 4, 2020
Yuko Fuyu, who tries to balance the I-shape with the aim of making it look good on SNS, but feels awkward. pic.twitter.com/p4UDj9jpwy
— You P (@o_m_a_e_p) October 5, 2020
Star Platinum The World pic.twitter.com/wW47wuObHN
— Raiko (@raikoart) October 4, 2020
1/12 I made a diorama for figures 'a small arcade in the neighborhood' pic.twitter.com/uBdeuJv4nv
— Hoppa (@AXLLOWS) October 4, 2020
My 6th grade daughter showed me the picture I had drawn on my iPad from the morning. It's better than me ... pic.twitter.com/9DPAw8YlgN
— Masakazu Suzuki (@suzukimasakazu) October 4, 2020
Sushi (on the way) pic.twitter.com/LMLWJYSI7T
— Koyorii (@yeagtyttf) October 4, 2020
It was a life I wanted to be a classmate of Enka Higuchi and become a hidden fan pic.twitter.com/jVwPfrHVWk
— Macaroni (@ lylyly7777) October 4, 2020
Paimon Kawae ne pic.twitter.com/ONIY7zcajy
— Abaraheiki (@abara) October 4, 2020
White glint, finally full power assault armor pic.twitter.com/uJdHzrD5gd
— Boiled Fairy (@ autobahn256) October 4, 2020
You can now go back in time ① (Re-up) pic.twitter.com/ZsgszWXKUT
— Kouhei Kimura (@kimurakyouhei) October 4, 2020
My favorite shark has increased pic.twitter.com/skmQx5nlQ5
— Liz (@rizuNM) October 5, 2020
'Why didn't you tell me it's getting cold ~' pic.twitter.com/CN9dwNkxhu
— Ichito Kagawa (@ plus15) October 4, 2020
#I-shaped balance section
— Please excuse me, I'll do my best (@ 0721gomen1919) October 4, 2020
I drew it because it seems to be popular. pic.twitter.com/955EUnvsbZ
Movie version 'Galaxy Express 999'
— @ Director (@PPPppppppQQQ) October 4, 2020
Original picture of the scene where Crown died I was not satisfied with the picture of the animator and it was drawn by Dr. Leiji Matsumoto pic.twitter.com/sCQCbS3DU9
Sound dispenser pic.twitter.com/ugc9OuTeCW
— TAO (@ tao15102) October 4, 2020
Colleague of the Colleague pic.twitter.com/a4NVGwKKHc
— Kid (@ kidocch1) October 4, 2020
Anime Ayumi's favorite clothes (1/2) pic.twitter.com/BeF4Qnktxo
— Zarutsu (@ zarutu007) October 4, 2020
There's a bus that makes me feel uneasy.
— Key (@ prikey1223) October 3, 2020
I wonder if it's okay ... pic.twitter.com/YZ8nY8Z8ef
— Sorotu (@sorotu) October 5, 2020
I miss you only #White Saint and Black Rev. pic.twitter.com/iOQrqJKr6S
— Watake Hazano @ White Saint Woman Volume ⑥ & Voice Comic (@ TEIGI_3) October 4, 2020
'God's in his Heaven All's right with the world'
— Humanmgn (@humanmgn) October 4, 2020
Eva fan art series I did a couple of years ago. #Eva 25th Anniversary pic.twitter.com/V8bel1pmdG
Typhoon No. 14 prediction line wants to see Itano Circus again pic.twitter.com/2FB29axDv8
— Jean Shiba (@wasp_house) October 5, 2020
Hatsune Miku disappears MASTER
— HPS (@ nkqsh_hxpos1210) October 4, 2020
ALL PERFECT hand pic.twitter.com/h3ysMhxIEj
Geek (self) tends to be like this 29
— Ren Aikawa @ One-shot (@aikwarendbiryut) October 4, 2020
~ Selection ~ #Geeks tend to be like this pic.twitter.com/27s04A4NvR
The shower at the hotel was nice pic.twitter.com/fjeHqnOQ3W
— Changer 10/4 Karamasu-2 (@daichanja) October 4, 2020
People who stopped thinking pic.twitter.com/rI11nhsjL4
— Negikatsu Seven (@ Negikatsu7) October 4, 2020
[Besiege] Akane-chan's Guntank Development Report Fallen on the British Side-Nico Nico Douga
Special Weapon Crawlerd Development Report-Nico Nico Douga
[MAD] Legend of the Savior at the end of the century in the Valley of the Wind-Nico Nico Douga
Beamman Effect Catalog 2020 + Babiniku Man Model Distribution --Nico Nico Douga
Tsukino Mito notices her own 'change' 'I'm shaking Oppa 〇 !?' --Nico Nico Douga
Mini 4WD size hovercraft --Nico Nico Douga
Game Analysis Club 04th Goemon Goemon Gaiden Golden Kisel Staff Roll Bug --Nico Nico Douga
[NEW GAME! Collaboration] Eguchi Game Teacher-Nico Nico Douga
Miho Senki (OP) --Nico Nico Douga
[Sad news] The TSUTAYA Sapporo Inter store run by Kazuhiko Shimamoto, a sacred place for Shogakukan cartoonists, will close on November 8th --Togetter
My memorable 'Patlabor Movie 2' | Yoshiko Sakakibara Official Blog Powered by Ameba
#Eva 25th Anniversary
— Khara Co., Ltd. (@khara_inc) October 4, 2020
A copy of the manuscript paper for the casting audition of Mr. Sadamoto Kurade from 'New Century'. There is a graffiti that Mr. Sadamoto drew in the manuscript while listening to the voices of the participants in the studio during the audition. There was no audition for the role of Asuka due to various reasons, and it was a flow to choose from three female characters, especially Rei Ayanami's participants pic.twitter.com/0HIfCOeiFu
#Eva 25th Anniversary
— Khara Co., Ltd. (@khara_inc) October 4, 2020
Collection of 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'.
A copy of the character design proposal by Mr. Sadamoto in the early stages of production. pic.twitter.com/iMQol8MLDA
#Eva 25th Anniversary
— Khara Co., Ltd. (@khara_inc) October 4, 2020
The original version of the storyboard cover for the first episode of 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' collection. There is a correction mark. pic.twitter.com/8LUekpaTSM
It seems that he also proposed an idea to lay Eva in the Nerv facility and horizontally transport the space above the roadway.
— Ikuto Yamashita @ Evangelion ANIMA 5 volumes (@ikuto_yamashita) October 4, 2020
#Eva 25th Anniversary pic.twitter.com/1DMgJYkZWM
Nervmark was born when I was thinking about what to do with the entry plug
— Ikuto Yamashita @ Evangelion ANIMA 5 volumes (@ikuto_yamashita) October 4, 2020
#Eva 25th Anniversary pic.twitter.com/esX4ABeuWV
Appropriately written entry plug and the word mental pollution are used as Eva terms
— Ikuto Yamashita @ Evangelion ANIMA 5 volumes (@ikuto_yamashita) October 4, 2020
#Eva 25th Anniversary pic.twitter.com/2MyzCAw76Y
It is a new heretical work. Dystopian whore idol content 'Color Street Maiden' --Golden Retriever Stroke
[Random Tracking by Sochika Nishida] PlayStation 5 Play experience on the actual machine! High-speed reading and game experience changed by 'Dual Sense' --AV Watch
The commercial building that contained Sega in Akihabara is looking for tenants, and various reactions are gathered for the monthly rent. 'It's quite expensive' 'It's still cheap' --Togetter
Addendum about Nobita's new dinosaur, and people who talk without watching the movie are more difficult than the movie. --Miscellaneous notes on orangestar
[I tried to sing] Arranged the devilish blade OP 'Gurenge' like Susumu Hirasawa --Nico Nico Douga
Accumulated song-Nico Nico Douga
If you have 1 million-Nico Nico Douga
Yamagata Blue Comparison-Nico Nico Douga
◆ Sports / Entertainment / Music / Movies (Entertainment)
Amazing pic.twitter.com/hk3WJh15iI
— Hei (@ death7or6glory) October 4, 2020
◆ New products (clothing, food, housing)
'NISSIN THE NOODLE TOKYO AFURI Winter Limited Yuzu Salt Ramen Maromi' (released October 19) | NISSIN FOODS Group
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt