NBC Universal to conduct online distribution of new movies immediately after release to the theater and before release

One of the industries that has been hit hard by the global outbreak of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is movies.

The box office performance has fallen to its lowest level in the last two decades, with a series of postponed titles being released . Meanwhile, NBC Universal, a subsidiary of media conglomerate comcast and affiliated with a major movie distributor, Universal Studios (Universal Pictures), has decided to distribute some new movies online. Was.

'Trolls World Tour', 'Invisible Man' & More To Be Available At Home – Deadline

NBCUniversal Breaks Theatrical Window, Will Make Movies Available On Demand Immediately | Hollywood Reporter

Universal to Release 'Trolls World Tour' On Demand Due to Coronavirus – Variety

The policy, announced by NBC Universal CEO Jeff Shell, is set at $ 19.99 in the U.S. and is expected to be similar in international markets. It is a rental distribution that can be watched for 48 hours after purchase, and it can be used with multiple on-demand services.

First of all, from March 20, 2020 (Friday), three works, '

Emma. ' (Published in February), ' The Invisible Man ' (published in February), and ' The Hunt ' (published in March) will be distributed. In addition, ' Trolls Music ☆ Power (Trolls World Tour)' will start on-demand distribution at the same time as the US theater release from April 10 (Fri). However, it is not said that works to be released in the future will be delivered on demand in the same way.

In some countries, movie theaters have already been completely or partially closed, and even if the movie theater itself is open, it will not sell adjacent seats, and the maximum capacity will be limited to 50 people. Various measures have been taken.

By the way, one of the target works `` The Hunt '' was originally scheduled to be released in September 2019, but the release was postponed due to the effects of two shooting incidents occurred in August 2019 It was a work.

The release of the movie `` The Hunt '', which had been forgotten due to the shooting incident, was decided, the latest trailer appeared on YouTube-GIGAZINE

in Movie, Posted by logc_nt