The topic that Microsoft has begun to fuel, 'Do you still use Firefox?'

Microsoft's browser 'Internet Explorer' once

boasted an overwhelming share, but in 2016, not only Chrome but also Firefox had been defeated by fighting for share . Microsoft aims to rewind, released Chromium version `` Microsoft Edge '' from January 2020, but also Firefox users on Windows 10 Fuel ( Blue ) It has become a hot topic when it has begun.

This must be the most cringing suggestion text I have ever seen in win10 .: Windows10

Microsoft Begins Showing an Anti-Firefox Ad in the Windows 10 Start Menu

The following image posted by u / S_IV , a user of the online bulletin board Reddit, wrote, 'I have to say that it is the most persistent display of Windows 10 I have ever seen.' At the top of the start menu, 'Do you still use Firefox? Microsoft Edge is here' is displayed. Clicking on this display will lead to a site to download Microsoft Edge.

It seems that the display that fuels Firefox users appears when the default browser is set to Firefox in Windows 10, but it is also possible to set not to display the wording. To set, first open the start menu, then click on the red framed icon ...

Click 'Personal settings'.

Click 'Start' and uncheck 'Sometimes show recommended apps in Start menu' to stop seeing them in the future.

Although Microsoft is showing Edge pushing without pretending, Reddit users who actually used it said, 'The new Edge is very convenient. It is exactly like Microsoft Chrome. I thought I would return to Firefox, it has been a work in Chrome, to turn back the other was too accustomed to Chrome ' favorable evaluation was out.

Another Reddit user says, 'It's a daunting thing to say, but recently I tried Edge and it was surprisingly responsive and overwhelming. The user interface was beautiful and the scrolling was smooth. There are addictive. best thing is given, that the extensions of all of Chrome has operated without any problems. in short, Shinsei Edge is Chromium and its what did was '

comments have been.

How to actually install such Chromium version 'Microsoft Edge' can be understood in one shot by reading the following article.

Chromium version `` Microsoft Edge '' is officially released, and when you actually use it like this-gigazine

Microsoft has previously urged Firefox and Chrome users to say 'there's an Edge,' which shows how hard Microsoft has struggled to spread the Edge.

When detecting the installation of Firefox and Chrome in the latest version of Windows 10, a dialog is displayed saying `` There is an Edge ''-gigazine

in Software, Posted by log1l_ks