Rakuten acquired "Viber" and anti-virus software "ESET" develop a battle on Twitter

BySam Azgor

"Free voice calls and messages can be sent and received"ViberIs5th in the world in the messenger application marketIt is a popular messenger application. That Viber is "anti-virus software"ESETWe should tweet it, "ESET said that" Viber should give top priority to user privacy ", and a battle broke out between the two companies.

ViberさんはTwitterを使っています: "We suggest you uninstall @eset - get a better antivirus.Buggy software keeps reporting a "threat" in Viber #esetsucks http://t.co/ndpE0HYV4Y"

ESETさんはTwitterを使っています: "@ESET Sorry @Viber,but the privacy of our customers comes first.Silent download,sending statistics... #esetDOESNTsuck http://t.co/nmhdz0iZ18"

Viber calls out ESET for flagging them, ESET responds with a digital uppercut [Update] - Neowin

The cause of the battle isESET NOD 32 AntivirusWhen launching the PC version of Viber on a PC that is installing, a pop-up saying "a potential threat was detected" is launched from NOD 32. NOD 32 warned the user that "Viber is trying to install the toolbar in Internet Explorer" in a popup, which has made Viber angry.

Viber, who was dissatisfied with the popup being launched from NOD 32 when Viber started up, said at 11:15 on December 15, 2014, "Users should uninstall ESET and use anti-virus software with higher performance Tweeted. I posted an image describing ESET as "bug-prone software" and writing "#EsetSucks" on top of the popup.

ESET who received the tweet of Viber immediately responded and "I'm sorry, Viber. But we are thinking the privacy of the user as a top priority," tweeted, and posted the source code of the Viber installer as an image I pointed out that Viber silently downloads and sends data to users.

Neowin who posted the details of the event released the message sent directly from Viber. In the message "ESET points out that Viber has a toolbar function, but Viber does not have a toolbar function, nor has it loaded, so we support our remarks and add ESB to Viber's block It is written that "ESET is requesting to stop," and ESET claims that it is unnecessary to warn pop-ups when Viber starts up.

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log