It turns out that both men and women are looking at the same place when evaluating the beauty of breasts



A study that used eye-tracking technology to analyze the line of sight when looking at breasts found that there was little difference between men and women in their views when evaluating breasts.

Analysis of the Visual Perception of Female Breast Aesthetic ...: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

In a paper published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery , Pyotr Pietrski, an orthopedic surgeon at the Polish Graduate School of Education and Medical Center , said, 'The main purpose of breast surgery is to satisfy patients with breasts. However, due to its subjective nature, the concept of 'attractive breasts' is not well defined and there is no reliable standardized metric. ' Therefore, the research group of Pietrski et al. Analyzes 'visual recognition of breast beauty and symmetry' by experiments using eye tracking technology, and objectively investigates what kind of breast is attractive. I made it.

The research group first created a total of eight types of 3D models of breasts, modeling four sizes of breasts from A to D cups and four stages of drooping breasts.

Next, we asked 50 male and 50 female participants, a total of 100 participants, to observe each 3D model from the 'front, diagonal 45 degrees, right beside' for 30 seconds, and use eye tracking technology to observe the movement of the line of sight at that time. I observed it. The experiment was performed twice using the same model, and participants were asked to be aware of 'breast beauty' the first time and 'breast symmetry' the second time.

In the experiment, when we looked at the same place for 100 milliseconds or more, we defined it as 'consciously staring' and analyzed where the eyes were focused on the breast. The result is the following

heat map , the left of each 3D model is the evaluation result by female, and the right is the evaluation result by male.

From these results, the research group found that 'the most important sites in assessing breast beauty and symmetry are the areola complex (the areola with the nipple) and the lower part of the breast.' In the figure below, of the blue-colored areas, 'NAC' is the 'nipple areola complex' and 'IMF' is the 'lower part of the breast'. On the other hand, some parts have been found that are rarely evaluated. The research group said, 'Surprisingly, the upper part of the breast did not attract the attention of the observer, and the areas of the neck, sides, and clavicle were also found to have little effect on the visual assessment of the breast. This part may be omitted in future experiments. '

The research group concluded that 'although there were gender differences in interest in several parts, the gaze patterns of females and males were essentially the same,' and men and women evaluated attractive breasts. He said that there is no difference between.

in Science,   Art,   Posted by log1l_ks