Apple's repair service is in the red

Apple's own
Apple says its been losing money on its repair programs
Apple says it doesn't make any profit from repair services
Since July 2019, Apple has been conducting research related to antitrust law (antitrust law) by the US House Judiciary Committee, just like giant IT companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Apple's (PDF) written response to the survey has been published, in which Apple claims that the “repair program is deficit”.
The House Judiciary Committee asked Apple to submit data such as `` the number of repair technicians employed '' and `` total revenue earned from repair programs since 2009 '', Apple is a regular service If you include the provider, the number of Apple-certified repair technicians is tens of thousands. In addition to this, there are third-party repair companies, so the number of technicians involved in repair services seems to be quite large.
In addition, the total revenue earned from the repair program since 2009 was replied, “The cost of providing repair services exceeds the revenue,” claiming that Apple's repair program is in the red. The
Apple had a big problem at the end of 2017 that it was ' decreasing the performance of the old iPhone due to the iOS update .' After that, Apple has officially apologized and announced that it will reduce battery replacement costs by over 60%. It has also become clear that 11 million iPhones have been replaced by a reduction in battery replacement costs, which is likely to be a significant part of the deficit in the repair program.
Apple officially apologizes for the performance degradation problem of the old iPhone and announces that it will cut the battery replacement cost by 60% or more-GIGAZINE

The House Judiciary Committee is also asking Apple to explain Apple-certified service providers, Apple said, `` Apple-certified service providers can do exactly the same repairs (repair types and product Are allowed to do both) '. In addition, Apple said, “For complex cases that cannot be repaired at the store (Genius Bars, Apple's official repair service, and Apple-certified service providers), both Apple Retail Store and Apple-certified service provider technicians will repair units. Can be sent to the Apple Repair Center, ”stressing that the services offered by Apple-certified service providers are equivalent to Apple's official repair program.
For other cases, Apple refuses repairs: “Apple will not refuse customer service in the future. For example, devices that have been repaired by a third party will be automatically excluded. Similarly, non-genuine parts that are designed to work the same way as genuine Apple parts, even if they violate Apple's intellectual property rights, It will not be exempt from repair program service. '
However, regarding the case of refusing repair service, “Devices with specific components replaced, such as the main logic board or enclosure, will need to be reassembled to replace the components. Once disassembled, reassembly requires special tools and processes, so if you try to reassemble disassembled devices without using the appropriate tools and processes from Apple If a genuine Apple component is replaced with a “counterfeit component that looks like a genuine Apple component but does not work that way (for example, a fake speaker or camera module),” the device is economical. Beyond the scope of repair , It may take a greater cost than replacing the device itself to repair 'also it explains.
In addition, although the conditions for purchasing Apple's authorized repair parts are listed as `` a company that has at least one Apple-certified repair technician '', Apple is through a program called `` Apple Genuine Parts Repair '' It has become clear that third-party repairers are also providing regular repair parts and tools, and it was reported that `` Apple seems to recognize the user's right to repair '' .
Apple found out from internal documents that the user is admitting `` right to repair '' Apple products-GIGAZINE

by Ryan Ozawa
Since then, Apple has officially announced an “Independent Repair Provider Program” that provides authorized parts and repair tools to authorized service providers as well as third-party repairers.
Apple supplies regular parts & repair tools to third-party repairers-gigazine

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