What is a method to learn efficiently by establishing memories?

Anyone who wants to study efficiently if they spend the same effort and time. Australian Catholic University Amina Youssef is doing psychological research on learning while taught at - Shalala san, sensory memory, working memory (working memory), to take advantage of the three kinds of storage mechanism called long-term memory, 'efficiency To learn how to learn .
Studying for exams? Here's how to make your memory work for you
◆ 1: Learn the same content in multiple ways
When you remember things, “sensory memory” is activated first. Since sensory memory is a memory held by sensory organs , in order to activate sensory memory, stimulating various sensory organs enables efficient memory. For example, it seems that memory is strengthened not only by opening textbooks and reading characters, but also by stimulating hearing with podcasts and stimulating vision by looking at illustrations.

According to Amina, understanding is promoted by combining new memories with the knowledge they have. Therefore, when you start something that you do not know at all, learning will be made more efficient if you ask your friends and family to share their knowledge. Also, if you don't understand well, your concentration may be reduced, so Amina recommends that you take a break and think about how much you can concentrate.
◆ 2: Learn difficult things after mastering simple things
In sensory memory, information that has been given attention is stored as “working memory”. Working memory is a process of holding and processing temporarily stored information. The problem with working memory is that it can only hold a limited amount of information at one time.
Why can you keep so little memory while working? -GIGAZINE

However, working memory can be made more efficient. The method is to “master the contents”. For example, when learning the alphabet, initially 26 letters of the alphabet are recognized as separate memories. However, as you learn the alphabet, a series of alphabets will be recognized as one word. This process seems to be called automation, and if you reduce the working memory load by doing automation, you will be able to tackle difficult problems.
Because working memory is temporary, it will be forgotten. In order to transfer the contents remembered as working memory to long-term memory, Mr. Amina recommends creating `` summary of contents to remember '' and `` Pomodoro technique '' that repeats 25 minutes of study and break alternately .

◆ 3: Check what has been learned
According to Amina, it is often the case that even if you think that you have learned well, you cannot explain it well to others. Long-term memory is merely a “remember” content, and is different from understanding. If you can't explain to others well, you can remember but you don't understand correctly, so you need to review your memory.

Amina recommends 'linking with what you know' to deepen your understanding. If you learn by associating new information with old information, understanding will be facilitated.
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