6 points to establish a productive “homework routine”


Annie Spratt

There is no “fun homework” for both elementary and university students, and students are struggling with homework in any country. Janine L. Nieroda-Madden, a professor at Syracuse University and a former high school English teacher, summarizes the six points on how homework can be easy to handle and valuable.

6 ways to establish a productive homework routine

◆ 1: Setting priority
First, prioritize your homework and make a list. Creating a list can help you maintain your goals, and 'clearing what you have accomplished' gives you a sense of accomplishment.

◆ 2: tackle difficult tasks first
Start with the most difficult tasks in order to concentrate and work with the power remaining. Simple tasks and tasks that do not take much time should be in the second half of the schedule.

◆ 3: Divide large tasks into smaller steps
If you stumbling over how to start a big task, you will postpone it and you will feel frustrated. The method that doesn't do that is 'divide into 3-4 small steps'. By completing small steps one by one, you can experience a greater sense of accomplishment.

◆ 4: Show evidence of what you have learned
If you perform steps 1 to 3, you can use your learning time more effectively. For example, creating word cards, charts, and bulleted notes can help you become an active learner from a passive learner. If you organize your homework by day and topic, you can use it to review for the test.

◆ 5: Build a support system
If you are unable to solve your homework or find it interesting to study, record your thoughts to find out what is causing the problem. Keeping records as specific as possible will help you get answers from your teachers and tutors.

◆ 6: Review of goals and setting of new goals
When working on homework, set a goal completion time for each task and check the time when it is actually done. This process can build confidence over time. Also, making a plan makes it harder to feel stress.

by Artem Riasnianskyi

in Note, Posted by logc_nt