What is the proper way for parents to help their child with homework?



Many parents have children who do not do their homework, but if the parents do their homework, they will not help the children. Melissa Barnes and Katrina Tour , teachers of education at Monash University in Australia, explain how parents can help with homework without sacrificing children's learning opportunities.

How to help your kids with homework (without doing it for them)

'Parents are the most important teacher in a child's first encounter in life,' Barnes and colleagues point out. Of 2019, which were analyzed also of the survey results or more items 400 research in, regardless of the child's age and socio-economic situation, or to improve the academic performance of children by parents involved in the learning of the children, motivation to study The benefits of strengthening the attachment have been confirmed. However, the analysis suggests that attention should be paid to 'how parents participate in children's learning.'

Parents can be involved in their children's learning by having them meet with their teachers, discuss the child with school, and provide opportunities and encouragement for learning. Parents helping children with their homework is also involved in the child's learning, but if the parents help the child's homework too much, the child's academic performance may have deteriorated.

Few children like homework, but a comprehensive analysis of homework and school performance suggests that homework, especially among children aged 7-12, improves school performance. Barnes and his colleagues said that in order to help their homework without removing their responsibility for the homework, rather than aiming for the child to complete the homework, Barnes said, `` I can finish my homework myself. 'I want to give my child confidence.'



Barnes et al. Advocate 'four appropriate ways for parents to help their children with their homework.'

◆ 1 : Praise and encourage children
In order to motivate children for homework, it is effective for parents to praise their children first. Barnes and colleagues point out that sitting up next to the child and asking questions and discussing the homework will increase the child's aggressiveness, even if the parent does not understand the child's homework.

◆ 2: Model learning content
Many teachers not only provide children with knowledge, but also a 'model' for solving problems. When a child is stumbling on a homework, the parent presents a `` model for solving problems (solution method) '', actually solves only one problem with the child, and asks the child how to solve the problem according to the model It seems that teaching is effective.



◆ 3: Create a homework plan
If your child is over-stressed with homework, forcing them to do their homework is counterproductive. Barnes and his colleagues recommend that parents instead work together to create a “plan to work on their homework” instead of forcing the child. The flow when creating a homework plan for children is as follows.

・ Read homework and understand the content of the task.
・ Split your homework into smaller tasks.
• Think about the time required to complete each task.
・ Create a schedule table by calculating backward from the deadline.
・ Keep the schedule in a place where children can see.
Check the completed tasks and encourage the child to check the progress of the homework.

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◆ 4: Reserve time for homework
Having time for your child to do homework is important to creating positive learning habits. Barnes and his colleagues recommend that parents refrain from noisy entertainment, such as television and games, when they do their homework, and work with them on reading and other activities. By giving the family time to study together, children can comfortably work on their homework.

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