What are the requirements for 'good homework'?

Even if you know that studying is important every day, many people think that they are tired of the homework they are assigned every day. Katina Zammit, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education at Western Sydney University in Australia, explains the significance of such homework.

What's the point of homework?


Homework is a long-standing practice around the world, and a 2012 survey provided homework in all 65 countries and regions that participated in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It has been confirmed that it was done. The study also found that 15-year-old students spend an average of 5 hours a week doing homework, and students in Shanghai, China spend an average of 14 hours a week doing homework.

In addition to Shanghai, Singapore, which spends an average of 7 hours a week on homework, is also ranked high in the PISA every year, while Finland, which averages less than 3 hours a week, is also a regular in the ranking. From this, Mr. Zammit reiterated 'the significance of homework' while prefaced that 'homework may be only one of the factors that lead to improvement of academic ability'.

Australian schools follow the 'homework policy' set by the state and municipalities based on the curriculum guidelines. However, in New South Wales, for example, 'homework should be set by teachers with a specific and clear learning objective' and 'homework should be based on the knowledge, skills and understanding acquired in class'. As stated, although the policy itself is set, there are many cases where instructions regarding the amount and frequency of homework are not set. According to the results of interviews with teachers, when assigning homework, 'improve parent-child communication,' 'cultivate children's sense of responsibility, self-confidence, and disciplined attitude,' 'practice and review of what was done in class,' and 'children's I found out that I am giving homework for reasons such as 'Survey of understanding'.

The question raised by Zammit here is, 'Does your homework achieve the effect your teacher envisioned?' For example, according to a treatise published in the 2009 Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Bulletin, homework that solves the addition problem 120 times does not give the child an answer, but 'simply applies the formula learned at school.' It teaches only, and it may make children think that 'math is boring'. On the other hand, homework that fosters children's self-confidence and self-control over learning, as the result of the homework 'practicing a presentation about what you are interested in' improves your ability to speak in front of the class. Is useful.

For this reason, Mr. Zammit commented on 'good homework' derived from the findings of various studies, 'not giving the same homework to everyone in the class, but changing the content according to the progress of each student.' He explained that three conditions are important: the content is achievable and can be accomplished independently by the child, and the skills of time management and behavior management can be cultivated, and the content is in line with the content of the lesson. 'Homework shouldn't be a burden to your child,' he said, saying that if your child is having trouble with homework, you should talk to your teacher.

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