'What 3 Words', which represents world coordinates in 3 words, is not suitable for public use


What3Words ' divides the surface of the earth into 57 trillion grids of 3 meters square, and allocates unique 'three word addresses' consisting of three English words to each grid. It is a system that can specify a place. Although the system of What3Words is actually used in Mongolia etc., it is pointed out that there are some problems in using What3Words in the public.

Why bother with What Three Words? – Terence Eden's Blog

◆ System is not open
In What3Words, various points in the world are represented by three English words, but the algorithm 'How is a word selected?' Is concealed. In other words, if you want to know how a point is represented by What3Words, you need to agree to the Terms of Use of What3Words, the Privacy Policy, and the API Terms of Use, and do not check whether the patent is violated or not. should not do.

Also, you can not save the place, but you will pass information to What3Words which point you have examined. In addition, the system of What3Words is closed, such as when it checks more than 10,000 points, it becomes chargeable.

◆ Cost is unknown
The price list for What3Words is not publicized, and you will need to contact the sales team to hear the price. These points in What3Words are not suitable for widespread public use.

◆ Point name changes daily
The earth is covered by a plate, and the position changes slightly every day. These changes will not change the street address or address, but the What3Words grid is static and will change from day to day.

In addition to daily movement of the ground, it is known to move several meters at once in the event of a large earthquake, and when using What3Words, it is necessary to always focus on new data.

◆ International use is difficult
Latitudes and longitudes are represented using numbers commonly used around the world, so you can use the same thing in different countries. If you use What3Words, there is nothing like asking What3Words if you want to know how it is expressed in another language. Furthermore, when the point represented by 'onsen, dawaii, chimaki' in Japanese is expressed in English, it will be expressed in a completely different language for each language so that it becomes 'drill.explores.clashes'. there is. In addition, users can not know what word list What3Words uses, nor can they suggest changes.

◆ Combination of unintended words
The combination of numbers is unlikely to cause problems, but it is not possible in words, and there is a possibility that unintended combinations may become a source of fire.

It is Terence Eden, a technical adviser in the UK Ministry of Health, who has made these criticisms, but Eden said in the comments section of the criticized blog , 'I agree with the idea that What3Words should be profitable. However, we should be aware that What3Words is proprietary to our business, and we should not aim to become a global standard generally used around the world. ' Summarize the claim.

in Note, Posted by log1d_ts