A map that shows how to call carbonated drinks by region in the USA

In the United States, the annual average intake of carbonated beverages is 43 gallons per person (about 163 liters), which is considered a very popular drink. However, when ordering carbonated beverages at a shop, the name commonly used by the region is different, so there are times when something different from what you thought might come out when actually ordering at a shop is.

So it seems that Dr. Luanne von Schneidemesser of the University of Wisconsin has created a map showing how carbonated drinks are called by region. Let's see what kind of result it is.

Details are from the following.308 - The Pop Vs Soda Map Strange Maps

This is a map showing how carbonated drinks are generally called.

A map of the southern part of the United States.

Looking at the map, in the southern part of the United States including New Mexico etc., carbonated drinks are said to be commonly called "coke". this is"coca colaIt is derived from the word "carbonated drinks" in the southern part of the United States now. If it is in Japan, only coke will definitely come out.

Map of northern USA.

It is said that it is commonly called "pop" in the northwest and the Midwest. According to a certain theory, the word "pop"PoetIsRobert SaudiIt seems to have been told that the expression of carbonate state as "pop" in the autobiography was pervaded.

Map of the West coast.

Map in the northeastern part.

It seems that it is common to call it "soda" in the northeastern part and around California. It is said that it is derived from soda water (carbonated water).

In addition, it seems that there are various calling methods such as "dope" in Carolina state and "tonic" in Boston. There are menus in the shop, so you do not need to get too nervous, but it may be information that gets a little better if you know it.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log