Google releases 10 "misunderstandings about index and ranking of Google" on official blog

Google and Yahoo! Since there are pages or sites that do not come to the top of the search results of the search engine, even if they exist, they are treated as equivalent as they do not exist, so search engine optimization measures, that is, "SEOThere are countless suppliers who specialize in Search Engine Optimization, and various rumors and misunderstandings dedicated to urban legends have been promulgated.

Of course, these misunderstandings cause the greatest damage to both search engine users and those providing search engines. As a result, Google finally got a heavy back and began to explain on the official blog about "10 misconceptions about Google indexing and ranking".

Details are as below.
Webmaster Central Japan version official blog: 10 misunderstandings about Google's index and ranking

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Reflections on the "Tricks and Treats" webmaster event

Misunderstanding 1: within the siteDuplicate contentI get a penalty

Truth: Google is good at ignoring duplicate content so it does not need to be overly concerned.

Misunderstanding 2: Webmaster tool authentication fails when HTML and XHTML are mixed

truth:Meta tag for confirming Webmaster ToolsCan be used irrespective of web page encoding and document type.

Misunderstanding 3: In order to raise the site's evaluation in the search results, it is important to be registered in thousands of search engines and registration sites

Truth: There is not such a thing

Misunderstanding 4: If you use AdWords, AdSense, Analytics, the site's rating goes up or down

Truth: There is not such a thing

Misunderstanding 5: It is better for search engines to notice that important keywords are stuffed as much as possible in important places on important pages, that the page is more valuable than the other pages

truth:Keyword abuseBecomes a violation of our webmaster guidelines

Misunderstanding 6:XML Site MapUsing the site will lower the ranking of the site

Truth: There is not such a thing

Misunderstanding 7: PageRank no longer has any meaning / PageRank is everything!

Truth: Although it is true that Google uses PageRank for ranking, it is only one of the more than 200 technologies used for ranking web pages, and PageRank is updated a few times a year.

Misunderstanding 8: URL of the site periodicallyRegister with GoogleI need to re-do

Truth: There is not such a thing

Misunderstanding 9: Once ranking has gone up, you should better not take a hand on the site anymore

Truth: Ranking is constantly changing

Misunderstanding 10: Correct (X) HTML description raises site ranking

Truth: We recommend that you write as correctly as possible, as properly written sites are displayed properly in more browsers

According to the presentation materials of the original site, the following also seems to be a mistake.

Misunderstanding: Using "disallow" in robots.txt will cause sites and pages to disappear from the index

Truth: There is not such a thing

Misunderstanding: Better things happen when you link a lot

Truth: No such thing, no matter.

Misunderstanding: The most important purpose when creating a website is that the website comes at the very beginning of search results

Truth: No such thing, the contents are important

Misunderstanding: When an old URL returns a 404 error, even if it is left unattended, a new page can be discovered naturally

Truth: There is not such a thing

Misunderstanding: It is important to use 'Index, Follow' in the meta tag

Truth: There is not such a thing

Misunderstanding: When ranking a site with a shared IP address, the ranking drops due to it

Truth: There is not such a thing

On personal experience, after all, it seems that it will become the biggest SEO to keep updating frequently.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse