"SEOTOOLS" to check the search engine optimization state all at once

Just by entering the address of the site you want to check, you can simply enter the Google page rank, Yahoo! WEB rank, traffic world rank, number of site visitors, average visitor page views, most importantly set keywords, You can see the number of searches, the ranking of sites with the most important keywords of Google / Yahoo! / MSN, the number of competitors and target values, the number of linked in Google / Yahoo! / MSN, the date of domain acquisition, and so on.

It has become quite easy to have used the same kind of sites here and there. Because it is a domestic service, the display is all in Japanese, it is very easy to understand.

SEO access analysis tool

SEO TOOLS - Rank check tool

When hiring an SEO countermeasure contractor, it is a rough indication of whether or not that contractor is in trust if it is made frequently with feeling like before checking the check results on these check sites, after the countermeasure, one month after the countermeasure I will. In other words, was it effective and permanent SEO countermeasures, or was it a measure that only got a temporary effect?

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log