We have eaten a freshness burger 'avocado fresh hamburger' that the compatibility between raw ham & avocado and sour cream is outstanding

Freshness burger with

prosciutto (raw ham) and avocado with plenty of sour cream, and beef patties, and ' Avocado raw hamburger ' has been on sale for a limited time from March 6, 2019. If you order a burger that you can eat good ingredients such as avocado with plenty of vitamin E or sour cream with calcium at the same time, you can also get a collaboration limited clear file with the lifestyle proposal brand ' niko and ... (Nicoand) ' As it is, I went to the shop and got it.

niko and ... × FRESHNESS BURGER collaboration limited clear file 'Avocado raw hamburger' released | Freshness Inc.

Arrive at the freshness burger shop.

At the storefront, a signboard stood to show the appearance of the new burger in collaboration with 'niko and ...'.

'Avocado raw hamburger' (tax-included 529 yen) has been carried in about 5 minutes after ordering.

It looks like this compared to the size of the traffic IC card.

When I remove the buns, the ingredients are sour cream, avocado, prosciutto ham, lettuce with plenty of Genova sauce with basil ...

It was sliced onion and beef patties.

When you try to eat it, it combines a mild sour cream like a yogurt and a mild texture of avocado to create a thick body, which matches well with the salty prosciutto and beef patties. After the finish, the distinctive and refreshing smell of basil and some bitterness remain, so I was able to enjoy the sour cream and avocado double body until the end without getting tired.

This is a collaboration limited clear file that modeled on the first freshness burger Tomigaya store like this.

A warm hamburger shop is drawn with a tasteful illustration.

'Avocado fresh hamburger' has been sold at freshness burger nationwide from March 6, 2019 excluding some stores, and the price is 529 yen including tax. You can get 'Niko and ... × FRESHNESS BURGER collaboration limited clear file' by ordering 'Avocado raw hamburger', but it is recommended to check early if there are any concerns as the quantity is limited on a first-come, first-served basis.

in Tasting, Posted by log1l_ks