I tried freshness "Wagyu Beef Truffle Salt Burger" as soon as possible
McDonald'sYaLotteriaAlthough I used to sell hamburgers that used truffle in the past, even freshness burgers also used salt of truffle and Kuroge Wagyu beef from April 18 (Fri)Wagyu Beef Truffle Salt BurgerWe will release. I had the opportunity to eat ahead of this time, so I went to a shop and ate it.
Freshness Burger ☓ EXILE TRIBE 4th EXILE ATSUSHI Collaboration "Wagyu Beef Truffle Burger" Release Launched Freshness first! Elegant adult burger emerging of truffle at beef patty of "100% black wagyu beef"
Arrived at Freshness Burgers.
There are many furniture using wood in the store, making it calmer.
This Wagyu Beef Truffle Burger started from JanuaryEXILE TRIBEIt was a product of the campaign, and the shop had a notice poster on events related to EXILE.
When sitting in the seat and waiting, Wagyu Beef Truffle Burger (with dried tomatoes) arrived. A good fragrance of truffle has drifted on the table already.
Buns used Sesamibans.
Take the top buns, you can see the semi-dry tomato onion.
Semi-dry tomatoes are out of moisture than ordinary tomatoes.
I also found black grains of truffles.
The green curl is impregnated with grease, and beef patty using Kuroge Wagyu bee has moderate browned marks.
I will bring it in my hand and eat it.
Including in the mouth spreads the scent of truffle, excellent compatibility with the taste of fine wagyu beef. We also insist on the sweetness and sourness of semi-dry tomatoes, the sweetness of fried onions, and it is well suited to the taste of truffles and the taste of Wagyu beef. Saltiness is finished as unexpectedly thin as a hamburger shop, but it is making it possible to taste the goodness of the material to its fullness.
Semi-dry tomatoes can not be put in hamburgers, but the sweetness and sourness of tomatoes match well with beef, so it is recommended to put tomatoes if you do not dislike it. It will be a pretty rich hamburger so you may not like to eat with sweet drinks etc.
Wagyu Beef Truffle Salt Burger with dried tomato is 690 yen without tax, excluding dried tomato is 630 yen without tax. It is expensive compared to ordinary hamburgers, but it is cheaper compared to a hamburger using McDonald's or Trotu of Lotteria which was a price of about 1000 yen, and it is recommended because it is high quality.
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