I have eaten 'avocado raw ham mozzarella burger' & 'avocado chili crisp burger' with rich avocado as the center in Wendy's First Kitchen

" Avocado Raw Ham Mozzarella Burger " and " Avocado Chili Cheese Burger " newly appeared in Wendy's First Kitchen from Thursday 21st February 2019. As for fresh fruit but rich in rich flavor like rich butterfly avocado plus the new work, it is said that it is finished in a volume full burgers that you can enjoy the taste of the meat and the taste of avocado ingredients, so at once to eat I went.

A lot of choices Avocado is the best match with thick wall beef patty! NEWS - Wendy's x First Kitchen

Arrived at Wendy's First Kitchen shop.

There was a signboard at the storefront informing of the appearance of the new menu.

"Avocado Raw Ham Mozzarella Burger" (left) and "Avocado Chili Cheese Burger" (right) have been brought from about 5 minutes after ordering.

I will try to eat "avocado raw ham mozzarella burger" (650 yen including tax). I can see the spicy avocado from a hamburger.

When I open the buns, the ingredients are tomatoes, avocados, raw hams ......

Mozzarella cheese is crammed between raw ham and beef patty.

When eating it, the scented umami of the raw ham that has been aged for more than 7 months, and the beef patty's meat juice spreads in the mouth. There, the smooth texture of avocado and the richness of mozzarella cheese were combined, and each material complemented each other. Especially avocado is said to be called "butter fruit" is convincing creaminess, but since a unique odor produces a fruity taste with tomato, it matches the taste of raw salted ham and it is thick It has become a flavor.

Next, I will eat "Avocado Chili Cheese Burger" (580 yen including tax).

Below the thick beef patties you can see the melted cheddar cheese.

The ingredients are tomato, lettuce, avocado, beef patty, cheddar cheese.

Lettuce is rich in red chili sauce.

After eating a bite, I thought that the spicyness of the chili sauce was as much as I thought ... ... When swallowed, the spicy finish passed quickly past the tongue. On the other hand, if it is said that it is difficult to catch the aftertaste, it is not so, but a momentary spicy makes the creamy avocado and beef taste stand out spicy.

"Avocado Chili Cheese Burger" and "Avocado Ham Mozzarella Burger" can be ordered from Wendy's First Kitchen shop nationwide from 21st February 2019. Please note that it is not handled at the first kitchen which does not collaborate with Wendy's.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1l_ks