Headline news on September 14, 2018

Nintendo announced the NES controller " Family Computer Controller " for "Nintendo Switch".
Subscribers Only Benefits Family Computer Controller | Nintendo Switch Online | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo
"Family computer controller" is a naming intact controller, the shape and size are the same as those of NES controller. "L / R button" and "synchro button" etc. are evolving for Switch.

"Family computer controller" is a service limited to subscribers of the service " Nintendo Switch Online " starting from Wednesday, 19 September, 2018. From September 19, 2018, my order receipt begins with a price of 6458 yen in my Nintendo store, and it is scheduled to ship in order from the end of 2018.

By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.
"A11 Bionic" of iPhone 8 / X has performance superior to MacBook Pro's Intel Core i 5 - GIGAZINE
Reason why smartphone should not be unlocked with iPhone X's face ID "Face ID" - GIGAZINE
There are surprisingly many people who do not know "hidden heart attack" - GIGAZINE
A 360 degree 4K / 30 fps movie can be taken, "RICOH THETA V" compatible with spatial audio recording Review, how has evolved from the previous model? - GIGAZINE
Continue to research artificial intelligence for 100 years What is the image of 2030 living with artificial intelligence that the university predicted? - GIGAZINE
"Adblock Plus" to block ads began selling advertisements - GIGAZINE
Discovered that World Anti-Doping Organization had been hacked from Russia - GIGAZINE
Shoelaces do not unravel "Ian · knot" 18 ties of shoelaces tying - GIGAZINE
The way and viewing tendency when gamers look at porn sites are revealed naked - GIGAZINE
Google argues in court that reading the contents of Gmail is an obvious act as a business - GIGAZINE
Fifteen locations in the world that will be a great view when looking down from the sky with a looking bird - GIGAZINE
"Believe tens of millions of people's data than individuals' sense", this is how to make GREE - GIGAZINE
Up to multiple personality in depression and paranoia, "stuffed" stuffed animals who have a blinding eye - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (Memo · Others)
As a result of the citizens' request for mobile batteries with Mercari ... a gentle world (with images ※): VIP wide guide
I finally made it pic.twitter.com/nsvIcGFmKF
- Yutaro Kawamura (@ sovissimo 124) September 13, 2018
# Dog's Photo Weakly Championship pic.twitter.com/YleeYSdIoM
- Shiba Inu Steve & Mikaseko Dish (@ Steve Fugudis) September 12, 2018
San Franca also surprised the back cover pic.twitter.com/XL98xuEUhT
- Shou (@ shioshio_ nzm) September 13, 2018
It seems my heart was dirty (sweat pic.twitter.com/pbJPCIUk4q
- Melt Wah ~ ~ (@ jisaker_skyrim) September 11, 2018
Now let's compare the 2018 model iPhoneXs with the 2003 model phones. pic.twitter.com/1 LvrVWfBzc
- Matsume (@ chiya 62) September 12, 2018
I hate bearish people I do not despise the blue sky pic.twitter.com/Gepk4vqDTR
- Have (@ dd 175 i 507) September 13, 2018
Hey, if the open button is pressed it's over. What are the designers thinking? Is it a pervert? pic.twitter.com/aUUuYOhiol
- Jun Miyazawa @ Real childcare center (@ mjun 610) September 13, 2018
Because Honda's artificial intelligence can not distinguish between the sign of "Tenka" and the sign of "no entry", depending on the type of car, the warning of prohibiting entering to humans by just approaching the crowd, thinking it is a lie It really banned entry and smiled pic.twitter.com/3Qk1UVIxox
- Yukie (@ yuk 381) September 12, 2018
Ikatsuki Mobile wins over 2018 pic.twitter.com/pR7NZqWnC3
- @ (BoNo 0526) September 13, 2018
One anxiety pic.twitter.com/A18VYpmYpe
- Dan nippers 9/23 Sunfes 5 (@ ahiru 353) September 13, 2018
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
"Tanabara discrimination" rampant at entrance examinations · private college medical school entrance examination (Kobayashi Kimio) | Contemporary business | Kodansha (1/4)
Eyeball model for glaucoma surgery, reproduced the fine three-dimensional structure!
A snowflake elephant in the desert of South Africa, a giraffe ... Wild animals stay in the snow | World | latest articles | Newsweek Japan Official Site
"Science and technology power country" China's breakthrough and harsh reality in Japan | NHK NEWS WEB
Now, the science and technology of China is rapidly growing. With the construction of a "Science and Technology powerful country", it is trying to push the research into the superpowers and the United States by investing a tremendous amount of money on research. In contrast to this, Japan's science and technology, which has been pointed out as a declining international position. What brought about this difference while praying "science and technology nation"? Do not turn your eyes away from the reality of China that continues to advance.
Does "No chemical seasoning additive" really think of customers? | FOOCOM.NET
First confirmation of "fish in self in the mirror", Osaka City Univ. | National Geographic Japan version site
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Inoki "Abduction problem fixed, consistent way of saying" (Yomiuri Shimbun)
"Abe, a terrible diplomatic defeat" Putin's proposal "Japan that I got on my face" - 47 NEWS
Republic of U.S. parliamentary congressman requested a response from Google on the presence or absence of Chinese market re-entry (Reuters)
Prime Minister Abe also laughs bitterly ... Awesome true intention of Putin 'proposal for peace treaty' (Hasegawa Sachihiro) | Modern business | Kodansha (1/3)
Mizuho FG strengthens the equity capital market division, adopts "star class" and uses analysts (Bloomberg)
【Uncut】 Mr. Abe and Mr. Ishihi, resuming debate Liberal Democratic Party presidential election · candidate debate - YouTube
President of the Liberal Democratic Party Japan Reporters Club-sponsored debate - YouTube
Captain Tanker "Wind speed is over 60 m, can not be predicted": Society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)
Japan Restoration Association: Founder / Mr. Hashigashi's new work "Ishin, it was a failure" - Mainichi Newspaper
Criticism from the ruling and opposition parties: Prime Minister "Pride of motivation" without protesting to Russia: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday that President Putin of Russia proposed to conclude a peace treaty with Japan within the year and suggested an idea to postpone the Northern Territories negotiations, said Mr. Putin as an indicator of Mr. Putin's willingness to conclude a peace treaty It is aware of that. Japan has aimed to conclude a peace treaty after resolving the territorial issue, but does not protest against Russia, it is a policy to be quiet.
A large group of stray chickens, "Do not throw it away" next to the national highway: Asahi Shimbun Digital
"Yomi people's night" in the Kyoto prefecture nationwide for suspected violation of revised ryokan business law Kyoto newspaper
Sending documents to illegal people on charges of suspected suspicion of injuries for the first time after inversion of the ryokan business law | NHK News
Osaka representative in Taiwan suffered criticism of countermeasures at the time of blockade of Kansai Airways: current affairs dot com
Hokkaido Earthquake: Power saving target, lowered to 10% final adjustment - Mainichi Newspaper
Reuters business survey: 70% opposite Summertime, no merit visible | Reuters
Gifu: From wild boar to 'hog cholera' positive response precision test - Mainichi Newspaper
Liberal Democratic Party Chairperson: Mr. Abe and Mr. Ishiaki debate at Avenomics Discussion - Mainichi Newspaper
Nishinippon Shimbun: "Ohori Fireworks Competition" End Safety Measures Reason - Mainichi Newspaper
"Underwear is not reflected due to camera shake" Reason why a man was innocent judged by a camouflage case - lawyer dot com
Number of deaths of earthquake, correction Corrective succession of officials of government agency "Why": Asahi Shimbun Digital
There is no single battery! Demand sharp increase in power failure area, shortage: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Liquefaction restoration work underway "minimum 3 months" Sapporo city explained to residents | NHK News
Standing offensive with proposal to conclude peace treaty of Russian government | NHK News
Terra of the deficit biotechnology venture, "Survey report by the Third Party Committee" struggling to finish cash throughout the whole story Yuichiro Yazaki President: Market situation Kabu full strength two stories
Food poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, men are unconscious Unknown: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mayori Yoshinari Mayor of Hitaka Shiken Line "Congress also Works with Hito" Hita City Council [Oita Prefecture] | [Nishinihon Shimbun]
Managing Uighurs with "QR Codes" China | World | Latest Articles | Newsweek Japan Official Site
Want to increase the number of young people who do not want to waste life with military service escaping military service becoming obese Korea | World | latest articles | Newsweek Japan Official site
Chinese economy, the momentum slows further in August - fixed asset investment continues to slow down - Bloomberg
Otsuka furniture stock temporarily stops Why is high management slump? | Tele Drama news
Why is Velfire & Alphard one of the high-end minivan markets? | Automobile information magazine "Best car"
Impatriation opponent who got his former Princess Diana died | World | Latest Articles | Newsweek Japan Official Site
German VW, "Beetle" production ended in 2019 Symbolic presence of compact car | Reuters
CNN.co.jp: British nerve agent case, Russian suspects insisted that they visited on TV appearance sightseeing
Two people the British government wanted to be suspected of " Novi Chok " incident.
Have you been admitted to the band members of criticism of the Putin regime, poisoned? TBS NEWS
Hog cholera, positive reaction from wild boar Gifu: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Pachinko and police bureaucracy - Prepaid card concept and North Korea ~: Namiya Usami's blog
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
There is a country where it is better to learn even if brand-name items are impossible | Money Post WEB
It is not difficult for a salaried man to make assets of 100 million yen | Others | Financial Field
Potatoes were born in chicks pic.twitter.com/OWACyceLdi
- Shigeo Seguchi (Boslenoma - Prisoner Rikidengyo ~) (@ ShinobuSeguchi) September 12, 2018
A hurricane "Florence" that is causing fear of devastating damage to the east coast of the United States. A weather forecast that seems to know that terrible thing! ! I absolutely criticize this way than to convey it in the letters "dangerous state of disaster class". pic.twitter.com/OhMTB6lKs8
- Sangmin Ahn (@ gijigae) September 13, 2018
We have created various emergency cards for medical institutions for various occasions.
- Laura @ Professional Student Blacksmither (Hiring Happened (@ BodewigLOVE) September 13, 2018
Since we abandon all copyrights, "unauthorized use, distribution, modification and distribution" is also acceptable.
We are making it for the purpose of preventing such as not knowing the name of the opponent when it collapses at an off party etc etc. Completed after putting this paper, insurance card, copy of medicine notebook etc. in one envelope etc. pic.twitter.com/mz5HBYjnOM
# 007 Bond with aluminum foil core pic.twitter.com/eWgjLlOkB 0
- Emutan Dumborian Aomori 12/16 Guest participation (^ - ^ ゞ (@ mtan 78) September 13, 2018
Desperate when I gave a snack Give pic.twitter.com/appzT21TTP
- eoheoh @ MSSP (@ eoheoh_out) September 14, 2018
Day 148.
- I picked up a kitten (@ yukifuri 0 biyori) September 13, 2018
Apparently, it seems that human hands have had a magical power to be "black cat magnet" unnoticed. If you casually hold your hand, black cats will appear from nowhere and rub against the human hand so that the head of the black cat will be drawn in. Even if you do not move your hands, black cats will activate "self nikoiko." It looks fun. pic.twitter.com/9 COmuz 8 rqh
Making kaleidoscope images with automobile lights produces images like CG. https://t.co/0Jb02RjrTz
- KEISUI ART STUDIO (@ keisuiart) September 13, 2018
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
PIXELA, an Android TV equipped tuner "PIX - SMB 400" compatible with the new 4K satellite broadcasting. 29,800 yen - PHILE WEB
New Apple Watch, Swiss watch threats | Reuters
The identity of the Chinese IT giant "Huawei", the company the US wants to collapse (Diamond Online)
【Inoue Shigeki's latest communication equipment circumstances】 Try 10 Gigabit Ethernet card "LR-LINK LREC6860BT" finally cut 10,000 yen - PC Watch
Founder of Amazon founded homeless support ¥ 220 billion yen fund foundation | NHK News
Amazon: Founder Mr. Bezos supports charity homeless - Mainichi Newspaper
Web front end performance improvement handbook released - dwango on GitHub
Apple's big news in 108 seconds - Apple - YouTube
Deck with the new iPhone. There's about 8 meters pic.twitter.com/bdbjzke 6wz
- So-so (@ soo_mei) September 12, 2018
A story that "managed" the child's summer vacation homework in the burndown chart | Backlog blog
Cookpad app is submitted while everyone is sleeping - Cookpad developer blog
Actually, what happens to "until the browser is launched and the page is displayed"
A story about making a wifi embossing system | RakSul Tech Blog
Important information from Nikoniko Books
Nikoniko Books will announce the integration of BOOK ☆ WALKER and Sumaho App on September 25, 2018
Cashlessization, expansion of not only good things expand? : Asahi Shimbun Digital
ESET and Canon IT Solutions Establish E-Set Japan Co., Ltd. | Canon IT Solutions
Does Google's "AMP" technology dominate the Internet? Slad IT
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
【Smavla SP】 Happy New Year 's dream - YouTube
Splatoon 2 Ver.4 Summer is not over 2018.9.14 - YouTube
Pocket Monsters Let's Go! Pikachu · Let's Go! Eve You [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
"+ Ultra" 30 seconds PV video - YouTube
TV anime "Nakano Human Genome 【live in progress"] 1st bullet PV - YouTube
"Natsume Yujincho Book - Tie to Utsumi ~" Long Trailer - YouTube
Fujio Akatsuka's birthday memorial "Mr. Osomatsu" × "Late night! Genius Bakabon" Collaboration movie - YouTube
The new key visual has been lifted!
- Movie "Godzilla People Who Eat Star" (@ GODZILLA_ANIME) September 14, 2018
Haruo and Metfiies, and behind them are the greatest Godzilla [Godzilla Earth] and this is also the strongest summit battle where the greatest successive [Gidra] is entangled!
Please pay attention to the visual of the powerful which is suitable for the last chapter! # Angorge pic.twitter.com/VqAFdNtACS
News Up I can not stay human without entertainment | NHK News
After the earthquake, the road inside was blackout. When he visited a shelter to charge a cell phone, a man who happened to take out a game such as "Monopoly" happened to be popular enough to make a crowd.
A clip of a newspaper that Fujiko threw into his room when Lupine which failed to recapture Clarisis healed his wound at masterpiece "Lupine the Third Cagliostro's Castle". An article that tells the wedding ceremony at Cagliostro Castle the next day, the date is September 12, 1968.
- Kiku Military (@ kikuyabomb) September 13, 2018
So September 13th was the day Lupine rushed into the wedding ceremony and saved Claris from Earl.
Today is 50 years! ! pic.twitter.com/Bbs6AYw4as
Woody pic.twitter.com/JJIRqLaFeG which my boss got angered too much and I do not know what kind of face I should do
- Ehma (@ kissshot 51) September 13, 2018
Want to see all the skies the strongest mommy - ー players admission !!! # Grubble pic.twitter.com/HgON4dLtsf
- Paparis (@ paparis_gbf) September 14, 2018
I wonder what I am doing at night alone ... pic.twitter.com/EUp4GIJmYH
- Ye Pon-kun (@ yopon_ 622) September 13, 2018
I thought it was okay to join Mr. Shizuya, but I think that I decided to see my unknown Pachimono pic.twitter.com/ye6P88rnUa
- Madora (@ Waddle DX) September 13, 2018
If you are a Tohoku person or a person who has run in the Tohoku area I would like you to see this Dragon Quest Tohoku map enlarged and see it. The terrain looks very intuitive and there are things that come in contact with grinding feeling the intention of the landmark * 'Ω `) pic.twitter.com/WfzIbutihm
- Blue younger brother (@ R125_BLUE) September 12, 2018
"Kyouboku way" 14 episodes have been updated at the jellyfish bunch ~. Dragons and Miku came to see the car on holiday. We will test drive ... Please have a look.
- Osan Kousuke @ "Extreme Sponbobudity" Volume 1 on sale (@ kousuke _ anno) September 14, 2018
→ https://t.co/0Br39164zS pic.twitter.com/O7DM132NTu
I wrote a job-hunting student who went to an interview for a fucking company! pic.twitter.com/pJZ6OtQxij
- Suzuki Senpai (@ suzuki_paisen) September 13, 2018
This list and Shizuya - san 's okay, okay pic.twitter.com/KrVabmFqvR
- Shiki / @ Shiki (@ Shiki Gekkouga) September 13, 2018
How to play the BGM of a Pokemon bicycle without barrel pic.twitter.com/KE0Ky4LC7P
- Ryota Kikuchi (Anoatari) / Fumetori (@ komuro_metal) September 12, 2018
Aho videos that used my sister for about 3 days just to make it laugh. There was a mistake in the movie of the first one raised, so I made it back.
- Lv 1 Warrior (@ Lv 1 Na) September 12, 2018
The knowledge of Gundam has become somewhat somewhat. pic.twitter.com/UXX0lsiNVY
Everyone "I bought a pops"
- Akanei @ FS Sendai J 08 (@ ruakane) September 13, 2018
I "I have almost CS"
Everyone's "enclosure"
I "Va ... um !!!" pic.twitter.com/gQorpfd1O7
It was announced!
- Compile Heart (@CompileHeartWeb) September 13, 2018
"Azure lane cross wave"
Release decision on PS4!
Please look forward to future news! pic.twitter.com/oRhR1A4LhI
It is fan art pic.twitter.com/6Bc85sAfgY
- Okawa Bubu / bkub (@ bkub_comic) September 13, 2018
I made a Tom which became fluent with a squirrel machine pic.twitter.com/NUyX1jimvc
- TakuInoue (@ inouetable) September 13, 2018
Congratulation! "Capcom Belt Action Collection"! ! Belt scroll action such as final fight etc can play again! ! pic.twitter.com/P5X8lP3HcX
- Oshkiri Rosuke (@ rereibara) September 14, 2018
I collected people who were former office workers (ω) # Overload # Overlord # The thing that was slime when I # # girl war pic.twitter.com/65 gI 1 n 3 qu
- Acetic acid @ Haniwa Waiting waiting queue Last tail (@ suakusannobl) September 12, 2018
A very long nosed tengu and kenoppio trapped in a room that can not come out unless kissed. pic.twitter.com/y5fuTeP9mr
- Ichiwa Satoshi Versus Earth sequel update (@ burning blossom) September 13, 2018
First anniversary of celebration! # Azur Lane pic.twitter.com/R2uUOCZnxT
- Futon (@ oishii_unaju) September 14, 2018
Super mario party introduction video - YouTube
Diablo III: Eternal Collection [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
New Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Luigi Mansion [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
TOWN (tentative name) [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Mario Tennis Ace [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Persona Q2 New Cinema Labyrinth [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Katamari Soul Angel [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Kirby plus of yarn [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Yoshi craft world [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Luigi Mansion 3 (tentative name) [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Super Mario Party [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Super Mario Party [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
DAEMON X MACHINA [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Virion Road [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Rockman 11 Fate of Fate! [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Smash Brothers SPECIAL Set [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Cities: Skyline Nintendo Switch Edition [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Mario & Luigi RPG 3 DX [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - CLOUD VERSION [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Mobile ball [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
CAPCOM BELT ACTION COLLECTION [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
GO VACATION [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
Animal Crossing (tentative name) [Nintendo Direct 2018.9.14] - YouTube
"DAEMON X MACHINA (Demon Examakina)" Advanced Gameplay Demo - YouTube
"Tales of Vesperia Remaster 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION" Introduction Trailer - YouTube
"Super Bomberman R" cumulative sales exceeding 1 million lines Memorial 100 m bombs! - YouTube
PS 4 "Azure Lane Cross Wave" Promotion Movie - YouTube
Among those who are talking about "zoning on the lanabe cover", do some of you actually go to a bookstore and watch the scene and state your opinion? - One million more prayers until this day is over
Interview with Tobey, Developer of "Hello! Indie" 10th "UNDERTALE" (Part 2) | Topics | Nintendo
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
"Do not throw Shohei next year" Commander expects 20 years of dual-sword revival / Major League / Daily Sports online
Completely agreeing with " Uncle Salding Owner ".
Momota Kenji, Legend · Lin Tan destroyed by four strongs "absolutely must overcome" / sports / daily sports online
Barça and Real, 3rd uniform similar field paper compares photos "coincidence? Or ..." | Football ZONE WEB / Football Zone Web
What J PRIDE: Osaka Naomi forge a strange question of reporters of the series media, forge the interaction
Will the day Maeda Hiroaki and Takada Nobuo encounter in the ring come ...? Friday 8 o'clock wrestling column: sports warning
【Namie Amuro 26 years trajectory (1)】 "TRY ME" to Stardom! Amrler phenomenon (1/2 page) - entertainment society - SANSPO.COM (Sansupo)
Hitomi Yoshizawa Doreco picture of runaway You can broadcast this?
- Yachi (@ YACHI 0000318) September 13, 2018
Higashi Nakano Ekimae Intersection pic.twitter.com/iPZcu78g5w
Hitomi Yoshizawa encouraging witnesses to get off the car Will it run away | NHK News
Hitomi Yoshizawa, former member of "Morning Musume." Who was arrested on suspicion of hit-and-run, was urged to witness the witness of the accident after leaving the car, but ignored and ran away I got it in the interview with investigators.
Vocational chairman of IOC appeared. Everyone can not apply for Olympic volunteers. pic.twitter.com/XgQ9bPSQTr
- ꧁꧂ (@ shigeo_t) September 12, 2018
Tokyo Newspaper: Volunteer nickname, Tokyo Olympics · Paralympic Games by applicant voting: Sports (TOKYO Web)
Johnny's 'joy group' circle fans compete against each other
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
(PDF file) Marugame noodle "Udon Mayumi Festival" held! ~ 3 days from September 24 (Monday) to 26 (Wednesday) during the period are sold at 150 yen discount from 6 pm ~
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in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log