Headline news on September 11, 2018

To celebrate that theatrical version animation "The Familiar Masters Passage Participant ~ Tokyo Big Romant of Flowers ~ " will be released to theaters from October 19, 2018 (Fri) in 2018, "The first part ~ Flower's 17 years old ~ "will be telecasted. Broadcasting is from the Tokyo Family Theater on October 7, 2018 (Sunday) at 18 o'clock, from TOKYO MX and BS 11 on October 14, 2018 (Sunday) from 19 o'clock.

By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.
Behind the scenes of farmers supporting "curry and rice vending machines" - GIGAZINE
A businessperson in India is building a cheap high-speed wireless communication network by investing personal property, the premonition of the arrival of the IT revolution in India - GIGAZINE
From the photograph of the master key of the TSA lock used by the airport staff, it is discovered that it can really unlock by outputting the matching key with the 3D printer - GIGAZINE
A large number of fossils of a new species of human genus "Homo Naredi" is discovered - GIGAZINE
What is the biggest merit that road bike rides were born by shaving snake hair? - GIGAZINE
That "Yoshida document" can be finally downloaded, Government official website rushing access and sinking - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (Memo · Others)
Spain's Extreme Restoration Fourth Kingdom pic.twitter.com/mGDhZnZP7G
- Ikukome (@ dilettante_k) September 10, 2018
What is this branch name ...
- Nurpon (@ nullpon 018) September 10, 2018
I wanted to be born in January .... # Lawson Bank pic.twitter.com/ytWLfNXPx1
Although it is a table manners small fish crowd I was brought to the Michelin three-star shop already I do not know how to use a man like a ninja scroll in front of me pic.twitter.com/VJWYj2pP65
- Aki :) あ ん あ ん (@akialien) 10th September 2018
"Takaneko no Sato" wins and ends the battle of 38 years https://t.co/lPUvUQT5dX
- Nico Nico news (@ nico_nico_news) September 11, 2018
The result of the vote "Mushroom Mt. Mountain · Takeomeko no Sato National General Election 2018" held this year was announced on 11th.
As a result, the bamboo shoots batted 6,932,202 victories and won the mushroom party more than 6,761,773 votes. "Both parties" made 2,238,020 votes. pic.twitter.com/TJSJVNH 7 Dm
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
A story where a fisherman specifies a place when uploading an image of an unusual type of organism, such as SNS, which is a problem in various neighborhoods - Togetter
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Toyosu market Open to the 11th of next month Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry approves | NHK News
Regarding relocation from the Tsukiji market to the Toyosu market in Tokyo, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said on Monday that the application for transfer relocated from the Tokyo metropolitan government, as a result of additional measures to counter soil contamination, Approved. This will open the Toyosu Market on the 11th of next month.
Ueda Health Center in Nagano Prefecture announced on 10th that food poisoning caused by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O121 occurred at "Mos Burger Ario Ueda store" (Ueda city). Judging that the meal at the store was the cause of food poisoning, the store was suspended for 3 days from the 10th.
Kansai also continues blackout Currently it still takes days to reach 9,500 units | NHK News
Wakayama Prefecture has the largest number of blackouts in 2 prefectures in the prefecture, with about 4,400 power outages mainly in mountainous areas such as Aridagawa Town and Kino Mino Town.
On the ranch where about 140 dairy cattle were raised in Shibecha Town, we could not move the milking machine for 3 days due to the power cut due to the earthquake this time.
Currently, blackouts have been resolved, but with this influence, about half of the dairy cows become diseases of "mastitis", 7 are dead, and there are more than one dairy cows that have been obliged to dispose.
Regenerating solar light to half price Regeneration energy, suppressing household burden: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Zama 9 murder case incident with Shiroishi "Speaking when paying" | NHK News
Takahiro Shiraishi, accused of murdering the robbery on Tuesday, for example, killed 9 men and 9 men in an apartment in Zama City, Kanagawa prefecture, first contacted NHK on 11th in the media. The defendant did not answer the incidents of the incident and said, "I would like to talk to the person who paid the money, I want to talk with generosity so long as it will be such a long time," he ended the interview.
"Dema" of the net, criminal complaint with defamation Suikaga Successor - Mr. Tamaki Denny | Okinawa Times + Plus News | Okinawa Times + Plus
Kansai International Tourism Authority Relationship Complicated Disaster Prevention, Restoration Neck (1/2 Page) - Sankei WEST
Dolphin show criticized at the sailing competition Receiving the Japan Federation apology | NHK News
On September 9 at the Sailing's World Cup Enoshima Games, which was the first test tournament for the Tokyo Olympic Games, some of the overseas players were informed that a dolphin show was held at the opening ceremony held at the aquarium "I was shocked" and so on. Under the blame of the International Sailing Federation, the Japan Sailing Federation apologized "I'm sorry for those who feel uncomfortable"
Scoop pioneer, September crisis Avoidance for the moment: Nikkei Business Online
A collateral subsidiary stock is considered to be a wholly owned subsidiary's increment pea (IPC). It is a good subsidiary with digital map data indispensable for car navigation and automatic driving, and if you release this stock as a pioneer, you will lose the child of Tora as a pioneer, and the way of reconstruction will become increasingly uncertain.
Typhoon No. 21: Nankai Ozaki Station Restarts Operation of the Station Building Full Bloom - Mainichi Newspaper
Nagoya city sued Hitachi against cancer treatment facility: Asahi Newspaper Digital
About Nagoya City's cancer treatment facility "Nagoya Yokozuna treatment center" (Kita Ward), the city receives payment of contracts (totaling approximately 10.1 billion yen) for maintenance and management against the constructed Hitachi Ltd. Announced a policy to cause the Nagoya District Court to file a lawsuit seeking to reduce approximately 443 million yen. Submit relevant bills to the regular city council of September.
JR Tokai in a safe express even abandoned trolleys inside the train Following the Shinkansen: Asahi Shimbun Digital
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Tips for eating delicious "Takoyaki ookoshi". https://t.co/tjqszoeJfu
- KEISUI ART STUDIO (@ keisuiart) September 11, 2018
It was beautiful enough to feel a miracle that was the blue-tailed yellow cormorant I met on Takiya coast yesterday ...
- Here my older sister (@umiushi_party) September 9, 2018
I thought that the body was blue and white all the time, but it was brilliant with a very beautiful silver color.
(The back side was white.)
It may look big on the picture but it is the third one in the lid of a plastic bottle ... It is small ... cute ... pic.twitter.com/9Wv8Nkpnk1
I love everyone! Nostalgic "soft thread" What's going on now? | NHK NEWS WEB
When I was a child, have you eaten "soft temple" at school lunch? It is that noodle like spaghetti like white udon in a bag. I think that some people do not know it depending on the region, but it has been widely offered mainly for eating meals mainly in eastern Japan. However, in Tokyo schools, etc., opportunities to go to school lunch have decreased recently and it is said that some areas are no longer provided. Under these circumstances, efforts are underway to change the image of this "soften" meal service to uncover new demand.
CNN.co.jp: Population of 'Ultra-HNWIs', Hong Kong 3rd in the world, surpassing NY
I made a cot using a pipe chair. Arrange the pipe chairs in the gymnasium or the like that will be evacuation places, and lay cardboard over them. Although it was utilized in west Japan heavy rain, it can reduce cold air and dust from the floor, and the burden on the body will also decrease. I tried it when I took a nap. There is a sense of stability, sound sleep! It was a little dangerous. pic.twitter.com/hWFdCVvwoN
- Metropolitan Police Department Security Department Disaster Countermeasures Division (@MPD_bousai) September 11, 2018
I was busy recently and I have not tried new cuisine, so easily tried trying fried rice with corned beef made with Ryuji san @ ore 825 rice cooker!
- Sardine @ deviant (@ miwashi 64) September 9, 2018
Before making
"What about fried rice without fire? What about cooked rice or not?"
After making
"It will be paradoxical and tastier than ordinary making and will not fail" ww
Delicious is justice! pic.twitter.com/n9YAjBoG1t
Horizontal sidewalk in Toyama prefecture. It opened as a research road for making dams in 1979, continuing for about 13 km to cliffs. It was a historical road that you can feel the possibility of human beings whether you understand that people are a small existence and that such people can confront such things at the same time if the magnificent nature of Kurobe is in front of us. pic.twitter.com/bYTADZOj9c
- Gentle (Inside) Life (@ HatoWalden) September 9, 2018
If you buy 4 cats sand together at Cains home now, the house of the cat comes with cardboard!
- Chika (@ un203 kanong 0131) September 9, 2018
Because it is the size which this nail sharpening is exactly 3 sizes so it is spread in it and I think that it is good to put a blanket Cat seems to like it so cute and it is cute and it gets attacked from inside w pic.twitter.com/d80MO7Vf6m
Free study of a man who wants to tow a maritime container with Japanese freight train: supersonic memorandum
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Shinodos, deleting past articles written by Emikoyama without permission - Togetter
Koyama Emi, Tomomi Yamaguchi About deletion of articles of both | / SYNODOS - Synodos -
On the other hand, now Shinodos became one-person system, and while maintaining the system is quite painful, it is the end of this matter that I reacted sensitively to Shinodos with a negative remark.
Book referring to note design service | Fukatsu Takayuki (fladdict) | note
Implementation of portrait display in Kakuyom and towards the future of vertical writing Web (builderscon tokyo 2018) - Hatena Developer Blog
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Mizushima Tsutomu Yokote Michiko Completely new original animation countdown site
Director · Mizushima Tsutomu × Series composition · Michiko Yokote is a countdown site of completely new original animation presented by Michiko Yokote.
"JUDGE EYES: Will of the Dead God" Story Short Trailer - YouTube
"JUDGE EYES: Will Shinigami's Will" Game Short Trailer - YouTube
10.6 (Saturday) ~ Start! New program "SSSS.GRIDMAN" just before broadcasting PV! - YouTube
SAMURAI SPIRITS - Teaser Trailer - YouTube
Studio Istria New RPG video - YouTube
"GOD EATER 3" 3rd Trailer - YouTube
"DEAD OR ALIVE 6" promotion video - YouTube
"GUNGRAVE GORE" teaser movie - YouTube
"LoveR" promotion video - YouTube
"Space channel 5 VR あ あ ★ Dancing Show" PS VR promotion video 1st stage - YouTube
"KINGDOM HEARTS: VR Experience" debut trailer - YouTube
"Days Gone" TGS2018 Trailer - YouTube
"MONKEY KING: HERO IS BACK (tentative name)" TGS trailer - YouTube
"ASTRO BOT" TGS2018 trailer - YouTube
"Ryan Marks Revenge Mission" Japanese version announcement trailer - YouTube
"ACE COMBAT (TM) 7: SKIES UNKNOWN" PlayStation (R) LineUp Tour VR mode TRAILER - YouTube
Shadow of the Tomb Raider "Launch" Trailer Japanese Dubbed version - YouTube
LEFT ALIVE Release date announcement trailer - YouTube
【KINGDOM HEARTS III】 TGS 2018 Trailer Short Ver. - YouTube
"Phantom in the Twilight" Highlights comprehensive compilation - Towulu and Treasures - - YouTube
About a new sample "Action RPG" of UE 4 that is also known for cats
I would like to see anime and super from the ranking of the king. pic.twitter.com/fqYKGhr7b2
- Fukuni (@ fuku_ ni) September 10, 2018
DBD 3000 hour player grasping the perfect camera angle pic.twitter.com/us8eMP6s1d
- ね ね (@Nemous_boy) 9th September, 2018
The usual feeling girls are cool for a moment when they become a serious face for a moment with battle etc. pic.twitter.com/lxKKHJ1Szv
- Arattaro (@ara_taro) September 10, 2018
This year's Tommy Hilfiger, Tatsuhiko Tatsuya Large Jersey ...... pic.twitter.com/t2ZyiQpHr 4
- Marinos' fight Looking from fun (@ice_rosa) September 10, 2018
SS3A Rin-chan was the best memorial. pic.twitter.com/flqN5P6D4k
- Vibes _in _ the _ 6 th Nagodo day 2 (@ stailight_ 02) September 10, 2018
I summoned Mr. Muro to my house. # Dereste # Dereste AR pic.twitter.com/vzP6MSBRVj
- Vibes _in _ the _ 6 th Nagodo day 2 (@ stailight_ 02) September 10, 2018
100 days left until you die pic.twitter.com/7KlsTBrVsL
- Right belly (@ sgin 001) September 10, 2018
Old images I came out nostalgic when the service came out Early in the beginning there was a bug which the graphics such as infinite swordmaking and golden theater keeps remaining after invocation Honest talk, leave this bug more than fix it Ok, I wanted you to adjust in a direction to make use of it pic.twitter.com/YBFErlQXt8
- Ken (@ kenny_FGO) September 10, 2018
It is a black president and a sweet newcomer manga pic.twitter.com/yAPUslZXTG
- Benigashira (@ poppoyakiya) September 10, 2018
A collection of video works which collected only the chopstick breakage corner "Bobumemi Mimi" of the animation "Poppetpickpick" is preliminary selling at the "Poppy Pepi Pick Festival" to be held at 9 / 15.16 Makuhari Messe Event Hall! 【22 episodes + new paintings 2 stories + high-speed picture show Hell shake Yano recorded】 Original sticker included pic.twitter.com/6 uItGqnnQd
- AC Department 【Official】 (@ ACbu_official) September 10, 2018
Downtown Hamada and Matsumoto came along! pic.twitter.com/gqCxvp4IG 9
- Ehma (@ kissshot 51) September 10, 2018
Wai also think so. Pic.twitter.com/OD9G8bOgpW
- Aoi Ikuya @ 385, Sogo 606 (@ ikuya 22) September 10, 2018
Sister Krone in the popular vote of devil blades due to these kora images, good promise to popularity vote of promised neverland is growing grass growing pic.twitter.com/t5eAsApKba
- Careful (@ garai_JLS) September 10, 2018
A thankful word from the suit actor in the special effects creation period All human beings wearing a face in any form and entering the costumes should all insist on this word pic.twitter.com/Y4jpr2aFIG
- Cross (@ shoot_drive) September 10, 2018
Old memories were certain
- Maeda farming (Background beauty school MAEDAX faction) (@ maedax_x) September 9, 2018
Kriva is turning his hand behind,
Criba has hands! ! ! pic.twitter.com/oMc09kdd97
By the way this is a pretty thing about 30 years ago.
- Maeda farming (Background beauty school MAEDAX faction) (@ maedax_x) September 9, 2018
Just Penny Alai who just fell to sewage pic.twitter.com/7GOCCijllM
- Shizuraku (@ szysraku) September 10, 2018
Kiyo will tell you the series pic.twitter.com/67 tFDrBxTw
- 篝 三 (@ kagari_sankaku) September 10, 2018
Splatoon's story pic.twitter.com/UclGglUq7g
- Mumumu (@ mu 2 imu 2 i) September 9, 2018
Voice actor of longevity animation, aging problem 2018. - PreCure Numbers Blog
"THE LAST REMNANT Remastered" Tizor trailer - YouTube
"Tales of Vesperia Remaster" 2nd Trailer - YouTube
"Destiny 2" Solitude and shadow launch trailer - YouTube
"Marvel's Spider-Man" Production Secret Trailer: Swing Hen - YouTube
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Establishment of "Study Group" on Olympic Summertime Review To the LDP: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Pachi Uchida is the highest pic.twitter.com/2p9S3rwytZ ( pictured below), which is showing a female face in front of an athlete who does not absolutely show off to the inferior kind otaku you
- dirty okama (@ringoce_zwei) September 10, 2018
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
"Akira Mikasa supervised source sauce soba" (released on October 8)
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt