Headline news on 27th September 2018

" Pompompuri's sweet park " which was set up with a huge Pompomu puppy stuffed toy at 4 meters will be held in two places in Tokyo. From Thursday, October 4th to the 11th (Thursday) in the Shibuya Stream , from October 13th (Saturday) until the 14th (Wednesday) from 14th (Wednesday) October 4th, it is possible to lie with the huge Pompompuri at Nakano Central Park .
Pompompurine's sweet park | Sanrio

You can also take a picture of how you are sleeping together using a crane camera.

By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.
A documentary "Chronic fatigue syndrome" documentary "Unrest" that is difficult to walk and talk suddenly but is easily misunderstood as "idleness" - GIGAZINE
A breakthrough system that uses mirrors to create a two-dimensional skirt such as photographs, animated cartoons, and cartoons was born, and a storm of praise gets rolled up for developers - GIGAZINE
Cats and dumplings 'Noraya' autumn menu 'Kani seasoning udon' 'Mushroom noodles' 'Chestnut Dorayaki' as well as cats and jigs - GIGAZINE
The legendary Xerox machine "Alto" that Jobs made under the Macintosh GUI design finally succeeded - GIGAZINE
What kind of world is the first class of airplane that costs 2 million yen? - GIGAZINE
Girls High School Student Tweeted School Water Color on Twitter and Suspended - GIGAZINE
Project to send the "Kaibo" Concorde again to the sky by 2020 - GIGAZINE
The local movie just after the Ontakeyama erupted was uploaded to YouTube and released - GIGAZINE
From young girls to security guards Passerby suddenly appears in town "Conduct Us" - GIGAZINE
"CERN" appears on Google Street View, that cutting edge of elementary particle physics will be released - GIGAZINE
"It was a mistake to log in to Windows with Ctrl + Alt + Del", Bill Gates says - GIGAZINE
I tried taking various streets of Taiwan with the whole celestial camera "RICOH THETA" - GIGAZINE
Inexpensive 3D printer "FORM 1" that can reproduce accurately even complicated structures - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (Memo · Others)
This page of Belle Maison What ... pic.twitter.com/pB2AM4rSMm
- Tora Chin @ 1 volume is on sale (@ torpop) September 27, 2018
After returning Rilakkuma bought and I got angry at Mecha pic.twitter.com/NVqKaBwpEL
- Kajio (@ osakanakajio) September 26, 2018
I felt angry when I chin and make it funky ... pic.twitter.com/5HKuo7xTO5
- Kajio (@ osakanakajio) September 26, 2018
First de Neony embroidery
- yumugi (@ 8828yumugi) 25th September 2018
"I do not want this Mickey ????" pic.twitter.com/1 lPkWSzmW 7
"I am talking about the astronomical observation or core melting" the most "singing" time is "2 am" so I checked by lyrics search was overwhelmingly 2 am.
- Shirahama Kagami says something (@ kasumishirakaba) September 26, 2018
The most frequently appearing time in "lyrics" in Japan is 2:00 am, and the time which does not come out most is 11 am. pic.twitter.com/BL8lc5klq2
The live-action version of Resident Evil Bio Hazard (It is understood only by those who understand) pic.twitter.com/q1eLUaZ89I
- whezavy @ GBWC first pass (@ whheavy) 25th September 2018
Since the seal image was buzzing, I will put on a seal sealed image with a thermometer in the buttocks. pic.twitter.com/8rrSHyHmoB
- Uncle squid (7) (@ ikaojisan 7per) September 26, 2018
Farewell, my friend.
- Shinya Toyomura (@ 1 upcontinue) September 25, 2018
Let's go wrong again when we go to the mainland next year. pic.twitter.com/e6OUkEuK1p
It's not a collage. It is true. pic.twitter.com/BFl7RrKmwt
- Shinya Toyomura (@ 1 upcontinue) September 25, 2018
Why is the landing from this jumping cool ???? ✨✨✨ pic.twitter.com/vGwamdlUky
- Shunbu (@ shinbaba 10) September 25, 2018
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Current state of state - of - the - art research in Japan which is too severe. Why is Japan so cold against universities and research so much? Even though it makes no sense to be pleased only when he got the Nobel prize. We should manage it more conscientiously that research is investment rather than business. https://t.co/wpB2NOu4kf
- EN (square circle) (@ shikaku 2 maru) September 26, 2018
Discover new fossils of strange birds in the dinosaur period, deepening mystery | National Geographic Japan version site
The earth of 4 billion years ago was a "hotbed" of the birth of life | National Geographic Japan version site
CNN.co.jp: Detecting fossils at rice construction sites, inhabiting new species of whales or millions of years ago
Suppression of HIV for several months with treatment 1 latest antibody therapy US research photograph 1 international news: AFPBB News
Ranked 42nd in Tokyo University and 65th in Kyoto, ranking ranking ranking: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Two pictures of researches on smart screens and TV overlooking, children's cognitive decline deterioration International News: AFPBB News
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
It came down on the timeline, but it was hard to retweet as it was accompanied by a bit of extreme comments. .
- Tsuyoshi Coffee (Kurashiki) (@ WtmFc) September 22, 2018
But please post only the article as it is important. pic.twitter.com/gs6j7ATFJa
CNN.co.jp: 7-year-old girl raped at a family stamina, sexual crime subsequently got angry voice South Africa
Student with charge of rebuilding explosive explosive on suspicion of ownership, own stimulant drugs: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Please check the preparation for the typhoon. A large and very strong typhoon No. 24 Charmy, it is a predictive track that will traverse the Japanese archipelago. Okinawa · Amami strictly vigilant against storm winds and high waves from 28th tomorrow. Thereafter, it is likely that the weather will be extremely stormy from the west to the northern Japan in order from around 30th. Please check the latest typhoon information and preparation. pic.twitter.com/akGfO6dPJi
- Kentaro Araki (@ arakencloud) September 26, 2018
Suspected that he hit a resident, arrested group home staff Sendai: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Overtime 5 times ... overwork Suicide can not prevent reoccurrence Mitsubishi Electric: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mitsubishi Electric, discretionary labor system 3 people Labor accident overwork Suicide: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Cancellation of free trial court, claim by Korean school side Rejected: society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)
Korean school side lost reversal Osaka high court, not accepting grant free: Asahi Shimbun Digital
"I do not like the claims of the weak" Shizuoku 45 Air Extreme Support Air: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Featured Wide: 1 year from the dissolution of the House of Representatives GDP, household income ... Was it possible to break through "nearly national" almost the same - Mainichi Newspaper
CNN.co.jp: "Potechi empty bags, do not put in posts" British expanding in plastic abolition campaign - (1/2)
Three men arrested on suspicion of smuggling gold basket, tax evasion Chiba prefectural police: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Government, investigate private land in nearby remote islands Aim to prevent illegal occupation: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mr. Trump, also pressure to Japan "Negotiations, if I do not satisfy ...": Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mr. Trump: denuclearization, withdrawal instruction to the Secretary of State without time limit - Mainichi Newspaper
Umeboshi of Minami Takuma, suspected stolen 14400 yen for each barrel Wakayama: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Kansai Branch Bridge, several billion yen for restoration "3-4 times on land": Economy: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)
"Bilateral trade negotiations should proceed with a bad multi" Tachibana representative | NHK News
Major electric companies to raise electricity prices in November | NHK News
It is too difficult! Volunteer Application Form for Olympic Games (Kanda Toshiki) - Individual - Yahoo! News
"Futenma relocate if necessary, Tokyo" · Koganei City Council urges citizens to adopt petitions | Okinawa Times + Plus News | Okinawa Times + Plus
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
I feel like being a good playing partner, but Toyo's heart is too wide w # 2018feb_baby pic.twitter.com/ZpgAygAu5Q
- Ya-zu (@ FakeYashu) September 26, 2018
Guangzhou · Shenzhen · Hong Kong connecting high-speed rail "Dynamics" full-line opening photo 7 international news: AFPBB News
Video: small town group diet plan, a total of 100,000 kilometers declared by 2020 Spain 1 picture International news: AFPBB News
Both Monet and Rousseau "Shoot OK" museum, expectation for SNS spread: Asahi Shimbun Digital
More than 60% of "idle" in idiomatic phrases are used in different meanings | NHK News
"Overwhelming persuasive power of the theory that" university is useless because it is useless "theory. - Everything you've ever Dreamed
News Up I can not hear, I can not catch you | NHK News
【Research of the 17th century otaku】 English literature × feminism! Visiting Professor Aki Kitamura researcher from the University of Tokyo | UmeeT
Katsuki Katsumi "There is no freedom to discriminate and hurt people" Shincho 45: Asahi Shimbun Digital
A story of a person who got into a cargo ship (3,800 yen each way) to save the cost of a passenger ship going to Yakushima "Stowaways feeling can be tasted" - Togetter
Suddenly a similar shop of steak, "Steamed so steak" "Kaminaari steak" followed by "Yappa steak!" And appeared: market situation Kabu full force 2 stories
Waseda University 17 Yu-Gi-Oh, three years passed: 38,000 fewer successful: Society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)
I think this is true. #kyash_meetup pic.twitter.com/iQYlgRISIo
- GO (@ go0517go) September 25, 2018
This is stupid instead of story but if you drink hot milk in a baby bottle your mind settles down so much that your mind settles down "You gotta get drunk and get asleep" - Togetter
Since when was sex education for children? Beginning at the age of 4, "BOOK FROM GIRLS AND BOOKS" parents have become extremely important. - For Mom - a message to all moms -
CNN.co.jp: The average life expectancy in the UK has ceased, the first time after the start of statistics
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
AMD, "Athlon 200GE" cut off 7,000 yen from tomorrow on domestic sales - PC Watch
Adapter that can add timer function to USB device released, actual sales 1,280 yen - AKIBA PC Hotline!
Instagram: Successful app with no need to use
☀ ️ Dynamic desktop wallpaper - Mizuhiki diary
RIKEN and the University of Tokyo develop an electrocardiograph that can be attached to solar cell-operated skin: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Finished glowing hemp lap pain bag ...
- Suka * Painbow entertainer (@ suikagood) September 26, 2018
Just a bit too much # Hypumai Handcraft Department pic.twitter.com/RhT4UkXnAP
Seeing images after searching "zoo training" You can not stop being lucky for lunch break pic.twitter.com/aiEWH8YcV2
- T41 (@ _ Tea _ for_One _) September 26, 2018
A threatening email came - novtan's daily life
Hmm. Certainly, my ybb password is xxx. However, about three years ago ... so it is not possible to hack an account at this moment.
More importantly, my webcam is not on my PC ...
The combination of this address and password was used by some services, so there is a high possibility that it leaked out of those places (and there is a plaintext password storage site ... scary scary)
JVN # 37288228: SSL server certificate validation vulnerability in smartphone application "+ message (plus message)"
Image optimization collection with an example illustration with ImageFlux / ImageFlux meetup # 2 - Speaker Deck
Fixed a bug with the help of White Hacker! BugBounty's recommendation | Takayama
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
TV animation "Ingres" opening image + preview video - YouTube
Indeed I could not resist laughing w
- ⑨ (@ marukyuu_ 0703) September 26, 2018
It may be the first time you laughed so far with a video of Penny Wise w pic.twitter.com/3GaEJNUeEF
A man who thought she could go on momentum pic.twitter.com/2fR7aj6ofe
- Nekikatsu Seven (@ Negikatsu 7) September 26, 2018
I know this very well.
- Uta (@ joker_masiro) September 26, 2018
There are times when it makes me somewhat lonely. pic.twitter.com/kFo1X2VZMb
I thought that the world will end, but I thought that it is a signature movement where the difference between overseas and Japanese thinking often appears pic.twitter.com/em68DLACz7
- Mame (1 '• ω • `1) (@ _ rupiema _ 33242) September 26, 2018
Why is pic.twitter.com/EmGYVBjRwq
- Tecu ???? W viewing (@ syo_ chikubai) September 25, 2018
Momoko Sakura Mr. Momoko Sakura was at the tea house in Nara before his debut: Asahi Shimbun Digital
I was watching goggles for the material but I saw it really It's really fucking ... pic.twitter.com/6lq17kjAf5
- Sky grass (@ krks_taro) September 25, 2018
I'm doing Ostle with my son following the follower
- Taku @ Heavenly Thanksgiving Tired cheers! (@ decdec 4040) September 26, 2018
I'm so totally amusing pic.twitter.com/5xTDOSsOrC
Everyone who can draw illustrations, I'd like you to make illustration books directly at bookbinding.com, it's a lot of fun. Also, if the author only registers the manuscript, it can be delivered to reprint & orderer only with one print + postage. Margins can also be set. "I want to make illustrations books, but because there is no demand" ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 pic.twitter.com/ctl0kBXlRF
- zello (@ze_llo) September 25, 2018
A neglect picture Poipoi. Practice Poipoi. Graffiti Poipoi. Progress Poipui. Illustration Poipoi SNS "Poipiku" officially opened!
- pipa.jp (@ pipajp) September 26, 2018
Such a place is convenient and fun! I tried to summarize. (4 images) pic.twitter.com/EfsoSBqFHK
The first episode that was busy when I woke up in the morning pic.twitter.com/ZqbllzkN9k
- Meat tasty (@ 029 _ umai) September 18, 2018
The second episode that was busy when I woke up in the morning pic.twitter.com/GwInruQyGx
- Meat delicious (@ 029 _ umai) September 19, 2018
Ora Yamato is cowardly pic.twitter.com/vfTTzcK6yS
- Bait of the bait. (@ natsuo 0371) September 26, 2018
TGS Thank you very much. "Dream Drop Distance" recorded in the prologue "KH 2.8" of KH Ⅲ "The wonderful this world" appearing in Traverse Town is also released by Nintendo Switch on September 27 today with KH staff also involved. Those who want to enjoy KH 2.8 deeper, please try playing on this occasion @ Nomura # _ KH # Suvska pic.twitter.com/GIAcqiHwcG
- Kingdom Hearts (@ _ KINGDOMHEARTS) September 26, 2018
Shiba drill pic.twitter.com/gQhSBRCfnJ
- Avocado 6 (@ avogado 6) September 26, 2018
Hate speech princess pic.twitter.com/ dKEruW 3 QIg
- Kentaro Ideo [Official] (@ myututuu) September 26, 2018
Today we are introducing Chairoy Kogama - chan ????
- Rilakkuma relaxing site 【Official】 (@ rilakkuma_gyr) September 26, 2018
Bushy chest hair charm point ♪
Always look, please remember ✨ pic.twitter.com/4 QlG 8 PJRSo
It's cute but it's pretty to be talking but I prefer people who are shy # King theresa princess pic.twitter.com/xfCjYrOhiQ
- ???? PomU (POM) ???? (@ PomU_Me) September 26, 2018
- Mikoshoba (@ mikoshibasai) September 26, 2018
Words that will not be usable due to forbidden words on humans below Twitter pic.twitter.com/8 Kvd 2 Lpw D 5
- Yes (@ 33 kitta) September 26, 2018
Koppa Hime Time Lapse pic.twitter.com/gyVccDn8hT
- Shibuki (@ siba_29) September 26, 2018
King Theresa princess pic.twitter.com/7m6nMEUkAn
- Hello (@ HEIRO_MAN) September 26, 2018
????????? # King Theresa Princess # Koppa Hime pic.twitter.com/l3oeczmDSf
- @ Cosmania F 28 (@rosuuri) September 27, 2018
I summarized what I wanted to say from the previous pic.twitter.com/cjBPOadRyo
- ama (@ ama31o) 25th September 2018
Good morning!
- Japan Falcom (@ nihonfalcom) September 27, 2018
Today's release date! # Flash's trajectory 4 pic.twitter.com/OCavpgiddo
The story of the Queen of Elves and the Giant. Part 2 pic.twitter.com/qaHNhw3W9s
- Akira Sakamoto @ Shihachi Hachi (@ 48 AKIRA 69) September 27, 2018
# King Theresa Princess # Kupa Hime
- Masabiro @ Raccoon Cop (@ masa_ b _) September 25, 2018
The group leaders who came to see King Princess and Princess Kupa pic.twitter.com/V4IUBGRSOt
【 # Sunbreak tomorrow released today】
- SQEX 1-4 Business Division PR (@ 1st PD_PR) September 27, 2018
Nintendo switch " # Wowabaki this world - Final Remix-" released today!
The original version's atmosphere is intact, the graphics are HD compatible, the sound evolves to high quality! Added new songs and new scenarios, Joy - Con 's tobacco playing is also supported! https://t.co/hh6HJKRd6c pic.twitter.com/X6t0AdanSH
"DOUBLE DECKER! Doug & Cyrill" Blu-ray & DVD Volume 1 CM (15 sec / type A) - YouTube
"Movie favorite Pompo" 2 release release Animation image TVCM [MFC Gene Pictureship series] - YouTube
PS4 (R) / Xbox One / Nintendo Switch (TM) "Dragon Ball Fighters" Ronchi Trailer - YouTube
【Tales of Astalia】 Tokyo Game Show 2018 Released PV - YouTube
Nintendo Switch (TM) 'Masked Rider Climax Scramble Sio' 1st PV - YouTube
"Midnight! Genius Bakabon" Digest PV - YouTube
Nintendo SWitch "Crash · Bandicoot flying 3 steps! Bonus Edition "Trailer - YouTube
Made in Wario Gorgeous character PV "Mona" - YouTube
"Catherine · Full Body" Opening Movie - YouTube
Results of sleeping on "Good night Roger" https://t.co/mjb7ImpcRY pic.twitter.com/JtT7uEkNsu
- Kamataamiwa @ Newly released (@ kamatamiwa) September 26, 2018
It seems that words that treat other people under humans under Twitter were banned pic.twitter.com/9qNC0W5cGP
- Imamu (@ tomoyanandayo) September 26, 2018
9/8 World Championship of Gago Tag "Chase Tag" held in London. If you run away for 20 seconds with 1on1's showdown, you can win a team with 4 teams of victories. The winning prize money is $ 40,000, which is still small but it looks like parkour, is thrilling and cool.
- Seki Yasusha (@ Campaign_Otaku) September 25, 2018
I would like to do the development of new sports and promotion work. pic.twitter.com/gmgGX3p2mZ
Strong characters of the PreCure series General people Four people summarized it. pic.twitter.com/IlmENyel 0 f
- There cat (@ C7kD0 CCmLVIopEp) September 25, 2018
Beta test to extend cross play function is executed at PlayStation® 4 software title "Fort Knight" | PlayStation.Blog
Because of a malicious program problem manipulating the gacha probability, we will stop handling the game of Glee series
4-frame manga / vending machines' garbage box 'Two without a rim' https://t.co/pwa5cgnzvd
- KEISUI ART STUDIO (@ keisuiart) September 27, 2018
【Never recurring? 】 Shopping at Animate → If you look at a receipt, you got points even though you do not have a point card "Total of 3550 also accumulated" - Togetter
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Non-stop emo to JK Rowling who kept secret for 20 years hidden behind that the identity of Nagini is actually human being and its secret revealed by Fantabi pic.twitter.com/rwen9fYir 0
- Ⓜ️aho. (@ _ Shampoo_ne_ san) September 25, 2018
Wuhan OP daily waves Wozniakki, Kelber also disappears Photo 8 images International News: AFPBB News
Former 'Moh Daughter.' Hitomi Yoshizawa's bail decision | NHK News
"Drunk" Rugby Japanese national team on the underlay of the car ... take own shock photos immediately after accident - FNN.jp prime online
Takano flower side, submitting a petition Agent representative "The person himself quit": Asahi Shimbun Digital
Sumo Association: Twitter Most of the criticism of the fire critic, mostly questioning yourself - Mainichi Newspaper
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
News Release "Satsumarigo Potato Apple Pie Taste" | Calbee Inc.
News Release "Potato Chips Egg Mayo Flavor" | Calbee Inc.
Sweets suited for the production of Halloween appear one after another! Eight items from "Halloween sweets fair held", "Zakuzaku texture chocolate sauce", "tiramisu pancake dora" etc. Seven - Eleven nationwide from September 2 (Tue) Seven - Eleven - conveniently nearby ~
There were delicious seasons "New Calcone 3 types" and "Kinako soy milk latte ~ Domestic produce Tanba black bean kinako use ~" will be released on October 11 at the Doutor coffee shop
【Mr. Donut】 "Claim Brulee Donut" for limited time from Friday, September 28 | Duskin's press release
~ Eggs 'n Things Jazz Dream Nagashima OPEN 1st Anniversary Memorial ~ "Crepe Brulee Pancake of Troat Creme" for a limited time from October 5 (Fri) | Eggs' n Things
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in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log