Nintendo filed a patent related to Pokemon, a system that uses cards collected in reality in a game

Do game development for Nintendo and Pocket Monsters seriesGame freakJointly filed a patent on a new type of Pokemon card game as a pop culture related mediaComic BookIt reports.

Nintendo Files Patent for Apparent New Pokemon Game

Comic Book reported by Nintendo in the United States in October 2017, a patent called "game related device". A patent filed in the United States quotes a patent filed in Japan in October 2016.

The details of the patent seems to be "difficult to understand because it touches quite a technical part", but Comic Book says that it will be a new type of card game where players scan the cards collected by the program and play . The program seems to be able to display scanned cards, fight against enemy characters and get Pokemon that appeared. Also, it seems that it is supposed that smartphones are used for scanning, not dedicated terminals and the like.

An image diagram when Pokemon is displayed on the screen, which is listed in the patent application

The patent states that "It is possible to capture the wild Pokemon by manipulating the player character and make it a friend", "It is possible to train the captured Pokemon, to raise the level and evolve". In addition, it seems that you can change the color based on the health condition and mood of Pokemon, this is like Comic Book says, "It seems to imitate a hologram card whose background changes when you tilt the card."

Comic Book is speculating that it is "a patent for a new Pokemon related mobile game that crosses the world of reality and Pokemon." Although it seems that Comic Book seems to be "a patent for a new kind of hardware device at first", the "device used for scanning a card" appearing in a patent is not necessarily a game machine, but a smartphone But he seems to find it substitutable. Also, since most of the contents described in the patent is "how the game analyzes the card information and displays it in the game", the patent is not about hardware but information processing method I know that you know what is written about.

Although not all of the patent-applied technology is adopted for actual games,New Pokemon that will appear on Nintendo SwitchAnd the game for smartphones released in the future, there is a good possibility that the technology of the patent application is adopted.

in Game, Posted by logu_ii